January 14th 2018: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


New to the Parish? Welcome!

You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.

If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.

Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.

Masses for the Week

Sat. January 13

  • 9:00 am † Pascal Mascarenhas
  • 5:00 pm † Samuel & Dorothy Johns

Sun. January 14 World Day of Migrants & Refugees

  • 9:00 am † Cosy Rodrigues
  • 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
  • 7:00 pm CWL Members both living & deceased

Mon. January 15

  • 9:00 am Intention of Thu Vu

Tues. January 16

  • 9:00 am Antonio Bada

Wed. January 17

  • 9:00 am † Connie Fernandes

Thurs. January 18

  • 9:00 am † Antonio Figueira

Fri. January 19

  • 9:00 am
    • Intention of Giao William’s family
    • Intention of Lydia Lampers-Wallner
    • † Antonietta Mirabella

Sat. January 20

  • 9:00 am † Jim Malcolm
  • 5:00 pm † Alessio Falotico


What do I want? Why am I seeking the Lord? Is it by an accident of birth that I am called Christian, or do I, like John the Baptist’s two disciples, want to remain forever with the one who redeems the world? Today’s gospel shows the importance of human witnesses to lead us to Christ. But it is not enough to hear about him; we must also see him with the eyes of faith and learn to know him intimately. Then we too will confess Jesus to be the one anointed by God. The first reading tells about God’s calling of Samuel and the boy’s eager answer; he learns to treasure God’s word. The psalm teaches us to pray the prayer of God’s servants throughout history. Jesus made this prayer his own as he lived perfectly the vocation given him by the Father. To do God’s will is our vocation too; but what is its moral implication? St. Paul’s insight, that we as members of Christ’s body are spiritually united with him and are temples of the Holy Spirit, means that we must respect our bodies and live in purity. Otherwise we cannot authentically give God glory.

(Sunday Mass Book)

Prayer & Life Workshop

St. Timothy’s Parish, 21 Leith Hill Road, Toronto

The Prayer and Life Workshops are a series of sessions that help you learn and deepen your art of prayer. This learning has a very practical character, like a workshop: by praying we learn to pray. Session include prayer methods such as prayerful reading, prayer of surrendering, adoration, and contemplative prayer. In every session, we meditate on readings of the Word and listen to a message from Fr. Ignacio Larranaga, AFM Cap., our founder. The Workshop consists of 15 weekly sessions of 2 hours each and a final one day retreat. Instruction is free and all material have a total cost of $15.00.

For more information and to pre-register call Chandra at 647-980-6800, or Pablo at 416-346-7580. Or send an email to: Ontario@tovpil.ca.

Our website is http://tovpil.ca/Ontario

Good Shepherd – Provide A Meal Program 2018

Sacramental Ministry – Welcome to our 2017-18 season!

See the Reconciliation & First Holy Communion sacrament page for more details

See the Confirmation sacrament page for more details


Toronto Catholic District School Board – Kindergarten Registration

The Toronto Catholic District School Board welcomes families with Kindergarten-aged children to register for the September 2018 school year beginning on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. Your local Catholic school will offer one evening of extended registration hours during the month of January. Please contact your local school for this date.

Parents may also complete an application at: http://soar.tcdsb.org. The TCDSB is proud to provide a wide range of programs and services to students in 201 publicly-funded Catholic schools from kindergarten to Grade 12.

For registration information, please call 416-222-8282, ext. 5314 or visit: www.tcdsb.org.

An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Why Your Matter Matters

Saturday, February 3; 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

St. Augustine’s Seminary 2661 Kingston Road, Scarborough

Join us for a day to learn about “An Introduction to the Theology of the Body; Why Your Matter Matters”. From 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Ambrozic room. Mass will be celebrated in the seminary chapel followed by lunch.

For more information please call 416-261-7207

or email: ioft@sastoronto.org

St. Joseph’s YOUTH MINISTRY is expanding to High School students!

St. Joseph’s YOUTH MINISTRY is expanding to High School students! HS Foundations will start Sunday February 4th. This ministry will meet once a month for social opportunities, prayer, understanding the Faith, Theology of the Body, supper, praise, Mass and more.


  • Feb. 4
  • Mar. 4 (Lift Jesus Higher Rally)
  • Apr. 8 (Divine Mercy Sunday)
  • May 6
  • June 3
  • July 8 (after the Parish Picnic)
  • with more dates to come

Parishioners are invited to pray for our youth and become “Supper Saints” (to make one meal over the course of the year).

For more information contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429.

[Read More]


On Friday Jan. 12th, Spiderman helped us explore JOY and faithfulness, two of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Deep JOY comes from remaining faithful to God’s plan for each one of us and in knowing that we are God’s beloved sons and daughters. Registration is still open for youth in grade 6,7 or 8. Join us on Friday Jan. 26th to explore more about who you are and whose you are.

Go to https://www.stjosephstoronto.org/ministries/youth/youth-ministry/ for more information

Catholic Women's League

The CWL of St. Joseph Council invite the ladies of the parish and it’s members to the General Meeting on Monday January 15th in Room 2 at 7:10 p.m. We welcome ladies from 16 years and over to join us for any of the meetings or events in 2018. See the bulletin boards for upcoming events or for more information pick up one of our Newsletters in the Narthex.

Lucia Vacca, St. Joseph CWL President 2017-2018

The Faces of Christ in the Book of Revelation

Saturday, January 20 at 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

St. Augustine’s Seminary 2661 Kingston Road, Scarborough

Join us for a day to learn about “The Faces of Christ in the Book of Revelation”. From 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the seminary chapel followed by lunch.

Contact information is as follows:

KoC Fallsview Casino Charity Bus Trip

Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs

Join us in an ecumenical prayer service led by Cardinal Thomas Collins (homilist), Anglican Archbishop Colin Johnson, Coptic Orthodox Bishop Anba Mina, and other religious leaders on Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. This is taking place at the Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen Street East (at Queen and Bond St.) Parking is available.

Refreshments to follow.

For more information, please contact the Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs at (416) 934-3400, ext. 344 or ext. 527 or email vkwok@archtoronto.org

An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Why Your Matter Matters

Saturday, February 3; 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

St. Augustine’s Seminary

2661 Kingston Road, Scarborough

Join us for a day to learn about “An Introduction to the Theology of the Body; Why Your Matter Matters”. From 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Ambrozic room. Mass will be celebrated in the seminary chapel followed by lunch.

For more information please call 416-261-7207 or email: ioft@sastoronto.org