February 9, 2020 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

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Masses for the Week

Sat. Feb 8

  • 9:00 am † Aidan Redmond
  • 5:00 pm † Maria & Bruno Rizzuto

Sun. Feb 9

  • 9:00 pm † Horace Bruno Peters
  • 11:00 am People of the Parish
  • 7:00 pm † Daphne & Mark Footman

Mon. Feb 10

  • 9:00 am † Ivy Theresa Meharchand

Tues. Feb 11

  • 9:00 am Intention of Kim Huynh

Wed Feb 12

  • 9:00 am † Damasco Quiogue

Thurs. Feb 13

  • 9:00 am † Micheal & Margaret Mullane

Fri. Feb 14

  • 9:00 am
    • Intention of Jordan Santos
    • † Souls in Purgatory
    • † Theo Heyming
    • † Harry & Mary Tamkei
    • † Jacinto Vaz

Sat. Feb 15

  • 9:00 pm † David Raines
  • 5:00 pm † Joe Marcelli

New to the Parish? Welcome!

You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.

If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.

Catholic Faith on Demand

study . watch . listen . read . search

St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church

Wheelchair Accessible


In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his humble followers that they are to be like salt (which is essential to life) and like beacons to the world. But they must remain faithful to Christ’s message if they wish to be saved, their good works done for God’s glory, not their own. In the midst of the world their lifestyle must witness to the life-bringing cross. St. Paul reminds the Corinthians, those seekers after wisdom, how he had relied only on Christ crucified in his preaching. The power of God was shown in his weakness, not in the logic or eloquence of his arguments. The psalmist pictures the attitudes and deeds of the good person who is a sign to the world. Isaiah lists those good works; sharing our goods as a concrete sign of love for our brothers and sisters, and working to end their oppression, blesses us with God’s own presence. With such deeds Christians will be the salt and light of the world.

(Sunday Mass Book)


All are welcome at the weekly Matthew Bible Study for DVD teachings.

Please see our website or posters for info


The Document on Human Fraternity, signed one year ago, has written a new page in the dialogue between religions and people of good will. As brothers and sisters, we want to say “no” to violence, and together promote peace, life and religious freedom. (Feb. 4, 2020)


The re:gen mission of the Archdiocese of Toronto is currently hiring young adults to become chastity or campus missionaries for 15 months starting in June 2020 until August 2021. If you or someone you know would be interested in this great opportunity, please contact Genicia Dabu at regen@ocytoronto.org. You can count on our prayers as you discern joining our team! You can also find this employment opportunity online at www.archtoronto.org/contact-us/employment-opportunities.

To learn more about re:gen, visit their website at www.ocytoronto.org/regen.


To the families who will have a child scheduled to receive Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2020.

Details for the sacraments can be found here


We must not be stewards with gloomy and sour faces, but ones that shine with the peace and joy of knowing we are beloved children of God. Pope Francis says that “we need smiling Christians, not because they take things lightly, but because they are filled with the joy of God, because they believe in love and live to serve.” Let us ask ourselves today, does our demeanor as stewards showcase the reality of God’s transforming love to others and wel-come them into the parish in a spirit of true hospitality?


March 7th at 2:30 p.m.
St. Edward the Confessor Parish, 75 Churchill Avenue

The Office of Vocations invite male and female young disciples aged 12-17, especially those engaged in parish service, to attend a full day retreat themed “Love in Service”. This free retreat includes reflection talks, recreational activities, Mass and lunch. We ask those interested to register at their parish office.

Contact: Office of Vocations
Phone: 416-968-0997
Email: vocations@archtoronto.org


March 7th at 9:00 a.m.
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W.

The theme of this year’s rally is: “Jesus, light of the world.”

Featuring inspired talks by : Ralph Martin; Christy Dupuis; Monsignor Gregory N. Smith and keynote speaker Fr. James Mallon. An adult High Mass (with Sunday readings) will be celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins; a youth Mass (with Sunday readings) a separate youth even with great music, dynamic talks and inspirational skits (ages 13-18).

Cost: $25.00 for adults
$15.00 for youth

Contact:Catholic Renewal Ministries
Phone: 647-243-9441
Email: contact@ljhr.ca


Jesuit Spiritual renewal Centre in Pickering
2325 Liverpool Road, 905-839-2864

St. Ignatius spent after his conversion in the caves of Manresa, a town in Northern Spain. Here in prayer and fasting he experience what was to become known as the Thirty Day Retreat.

Manresa is a renewal centre which offers an extensive list of weekend retreats, where retreatants come to deepen their understanding of their Christian faith and/or seek spiritual healing. At each weekend retreat there is also an opportunity to have a sacred conversation with one of our spiritual directors, plus an opportunity, if desired, for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Manresa is located on a beautiful twenty-one acre property with access to several walking trails on conservation lands. They have serviced The Archdiocese of Toronto from this property since 1949.  In addition to Spiritual Retreats being offered, Manresa also offers programs for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-anon

Visit: http://www.manresa-canada.ca/index.shtml


Please support our Youth Ministry and help lower the costs of Catholic, Christ-centered youth activities like EDGE Camp and SteubenvilleToronto.org. Just pick up an envelope in the entrance display and place it in the collection basket the following week, or bring it to the office. Thank you for also supporting us with your prayers.

  • Next EDGE Night is February 14th: Abide!
  • HS Foundations and EDGE are going to the LIFT JESUS HIGHER RALLY on March 7th

More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429