CWL Newsletter 2019 Jan-Feb
- Posted On 2nd Feb 2019
Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.
2019-2020 Executive
Kim Deans & Marla Tanuan
President Elect/ Organization & Membership
Katie W
Clare Gotera
Tine Tolpa
Spiritual Development
Patricia Hall
Christian Family Life
Nancy Jane Martineau
Community Life
Tania Mascarenhas
Ju-Ann Miranda
Education & Health
Cheryl Mascarenhas
Resolution & Legislation
Rosemer Enverga
Past President & Historian
Lucia Vacca
A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu
As we begin a New Year may the Holy Spirit guide and inspire you to serve Him with your many talents.
God Bless.
A Message from the Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan
Happy New Year, Sisters in the League! We are looking forward to our new term as Co-Presidents of the St. Joseph’s CWL and we’re very excited about working with this new
executive. We all had so much fun at the 65th Anniversary Celebration of our Council.
Let’s start on the next 65 years.
Marla is a 6 year member of the CWL and has been serving as its Treasurer for the past 4 years. She has been a parishioner of St. Joseph’s Church for almost 19 years and serves as a Lector and Sunday School teacher. Her other volunteer work involves teaching Catechism and the Rosary to children and she holds the Treasurer position for 3 other non-profit organizations. Although she is a cradle Catholic and was educated by the Dominicans while growing up in the Philippines, she did not fully understand her faith until she heard God’s call at mid-life and came to a fuller understanding of God’s purpose for her. Now, she fully serves with joy, embracing both blessings and sacrifices that God puts before her.
Kim converted to Catholicism here at St. Joseph’s in 2000 when her oldest son was a baby and she was pregnant with her youngest. She has been a lector and she ran the two Bowling events for the Parish. Her most recent position in the CWL was Christian Family Life Chair. She works in Product Management at TELUS and she hopes to bring some of that communications expertise to the CWL in her term as co-president.
We are both excited about the new mission statement from the National League: “The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to
witness to the love of God through ministry and service.“
As co-presidents, we are looking to bring our members on an exciting spiritual journey that would help us grow in our faith, meeting the Lord at every Mass, spending time with Him
in the Blessed Sacrament, talking with and listening to Him in our prayer time, saying sorry to Him in the sacrament of reconciliation and to even looking forward to the day when we
will dwell with Him in His everlasting kingdom.
We will bring a renewed emphasis on the spiritual goals of the CWL, to get to know the Church He built and be on fire in your faith; to know God, love God and serve God. It is in
first knowing Him and loving Him that we learn to serve with joy. As Saint Teresa of Calcutta said: “We are called to be faithful, not successful”. As a first step, we will be having a Day of Recollection on Saturday, January 19th right after the 9:00 morning Mass. We hope that you can all join us for this opportunity to renew us in our spiritual journey.
President Elect – Organization & Membership – Katie W.
We welcome our New Member: Laura Danielak
Membership Renewal Membership Renewal is now OVERDUE!
Please pick up and complete the Membership Renewal form and return it as soon as possible to any of the executive members or the Parish Office. You may also drop it in the collection baskets at any Mass. Forms are available at all exits in the CWL slots. Please be sure to clearly mark your envelope: “CWL MEMBERSHIP” and if you are writing a cheque, please make it payable to: St. Joseph’s CWL.
Saturday, January 26th – Scarborough Region Winter Event – will take place at Annunciation Parish (3 Combermere Dr.) 9:30 registration. Topic of Health – Spiritual and Mental – with two speakers, cost is $5.00 (will be covered by our Council) Bring your own lunch.
Development Day – Saturday February 23rd
This annual event will take place at Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church (739 Browns Line) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. The cost is $15.00 but FREE to our members as it is covered by our council. Remember to bring a lunch. This is a popular event and pre-registration is a MUST. Buses are being organized for pickup from St. Maria Goretti and Precious Blood Parishes for easy transportation for the ladies in Scarborough.
Please call me at 416-995-6724 to register before January 25th.
For schedule details and registration form:
A Message from Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall
My name is Patricia Hall and I am honored to be the new Spiritual Development Chair. I have been married for 36 years and have been blessed with 2 girls. I have been attending St. Joseph Parish for approximately 20 years. My first involvement with St. Joseph’s Parish began when I became a member of the Prayer Group. I then attended the Life in the Spirit Seminar and it was life changing. The following year I attended the Life in the Spirit 2 Seminar where I assisted others in their own personal faith journey. Soon after I began serving as Eucharistic Minister and a few years later I became a Lector.
As Spiritual Development Chair my prayer is that through the intersession of the Holy Spirit’ we will be filled with divine faith, wisdom and insight as we journey together for next 2 years.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – January 18 to 25, 2019 Come and join the ecumenical prayer service to pray for unity of all Christians. The theme for the week of prayer in 2019, “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue …” is inspired by Deuteronomy 16:18-20. More information to follow.
World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, Mach 1, 2019. The theme is “Come – Everything is Ready” Luke 14:15-24 the service is written by the women from Slovenia. It is a worldwide gathering of Christians who observe a common day of prayer annually. It promotes the understanding of women of other countries, languages and cultures through and ecumenical service to enrich the Christian faith. This year the hosting parish is St. Margaret of the Pines. Additional information will be forthcoming. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Lift Jesus Higher Rally – Saturday March 2nd 2019
There will be many speakers at this annual event being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building – 255 Front Street West 9:00am to 5:30pm. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for youth (ages 13-18). For more information or to purchase tickets call 416 251-4255.
Travelling Kit of Our Lady of Good Counsel
We will be continuing the “Travelling Prayer Kit” for Our Lady of Good Counsel well into 2019 to our CWL members. The intent is that this “Kit” will go from house to house of members who are interested in praying to Our Lady. Our Lady of Good Counsel is our advocate, mentor, our guidance, the patroness of the CWL, let us continue to bring this special devotion to our homes. A sign out sheet is available at our General Meeting for those members wishing to participate in this initiative.
Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the faithful departed rest in peace.
We continue our prayers for the members who are ill at this time
A Message from Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas
Dear Sisters in the League, I am happy to once again serve on the CWL committee as your Community Life Chair. I have recently served as Communications Chair and some time back as Spiritual Chair. Me and my family (my husband, son and daughter) moved to Canada in 2009 and have since been parishioners at St. Joseph’s where we have both tried to be involved in the parish in whichever way we can.
Looking forward to serving with our new executive which is a great bunch of ladies for the next two years and keeping all of you informed about what’s happening in Community Life in our Parish and around the world.
Warmth and Comfort Project
Thank you to all of you and our community for your contributions to the much needed items of socks, peanut butter, crackers and other items towards this initiative. We will be counted as part of the Provincial counts.
Here are our submitted totals:
- Men’s socks 466
- Ladies socks 156
- Child socks 198
- total of socks: 820
- Peanut butter 43
- Crackers 42
- Gloves 33
- Scarves 7
- Underwear men 9
- Underwear girls 25
- Ear Muffs 6
- Hats 6
- Slippers 2
- Sports bra 1
These will be distributed to shelters in our community
Thank you to the team of sorters and counters: Danielle, Dianna Clare, Nancy Jane and Lucia
A Message from Education & Health – Cheryl Mascarenhas
Hi everyone, my name is Cheryl Mascarenhas and I’m happy to be a part of CWL as the Education and Health Chair. I am passionate about the education and have worked in the field for almost 30 years. Ever since I was in university, I have enjoyed being involved in church activities like Sunday School, being a lector, and being a part the parish council.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the CWL for the past two years and am sure that we will have an excellent year ahead. I am excited to be Chair of Education & Health and to play a part in the care of our common home; and hope that we as a community can grow even closer together. I know I can count on my CWL Sisters for any support, and am proud to be part of this beautiful community that works selflessly for the community we live in.
Youth Awards: Our neighbourhood schools will be receiving their information packages and registration forms for the Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest, the Mary Dobell Pro-Life Essay and Poetry Contests and the Jean McCann Service Award for Youth. Please encourage all young people in grades 7 and 8 to please ask their teachers about these contests and take part in them.
A Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda
My name is Ju-Ann Miranda and I have the pleasure to introduce myself as the newly elected Communication Chair. I feel greatly honoured to be elected again and serve on the Executive Team with my sisters. I have been the past Secretary of the CWL team from 2016-2018. It was an amazing learning experience for me. I know that I will always have the support of my seniors to guide me in my new role.
I have been a parishioner since 2010 with St. Joseph’s Parish. I studied back home at St. Joseph’s Convent , and I feel happy and proud to be associated with my patron saint . I have been an active member of our CWL for the past 6 years since I know we do a lot of charitable work for our church and community. I feel privileged to serve and work with my sisters.
My husband and myself are on the Social Committee and help during the coffee Sunday after the 11.00 am mass. My daughter is an Altar Server.
Toronto Diocesan Newsletter
The Toronto Diocesan Council Newsletters are available for purchase to all members. In it you will find reports, directives and many items of interest from our Toronto Diocese Council. If you are interested please take a look at the website for subscriptions: or call Lucia 416-283-3536 (TDC Newsletter Editor) if you wish to subscribe the cost is $12.00 for three issues per year deadline is January 31st for 2019 subscriptions
CWL Websites as resources:
- National
- Provincial
- Toronto
A Message from Christian Family Life – Nancy Jane Martineau
Greetings sisters in the league
It is a great honour and privilege to serve on the executive once again. God has called me to share my gifts in the position of Christian Family Life. Under the umbrella of Christian Family Life is Sanctity of Life which I hold near and dear to my heart as I am adopted as well as my children. It also focuses on the Ministry of the Youth and Disabled. Both Jean Vanier and Henri Nouwen had a tremendous influence on my husband and myself and were the driving force in our adoption of our 3 daughters. My employment history for the past 38 years has been working in the school board with individuals who have been diagnosed with special needs. This position has brought me enormous joy watching the student’s progress to their potential. Seniors, Widowed, Separated and Divorced are other areas included in the Christian Family Life Portfolio as well as Vocations.
As we reflect on the months of January & February let us remember the many individuals who struggle with loneliness they are more isolated in the snowy dark months. Take the time to call a friend or better yet go for a visit.
Monday, February 11th is Family Day! Plan something exciting to do together. Build those special memories.
Also, on Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 it will be the 29th Annual Ordinandi Dinner. The Ordinandi Dinner is a dinner to hear the vocation stories of transitional deacons who will be ordained to the Priesthood this year. At the Ordinandi the CWL offers a Spiritual Bonquet of prayers, masses, rosaries, stations of the cross, sacrifice etc… In the next few months we will be collecting your spiritual offerings. Please be generous in supporting our Ordinandi with your prayers.
A Message from Resolution & Legislation – Rosemer Enverga
Rosemer is the widow to the late Senator Tobias C. Enverga Jr. with 3 daughters, Rystle, Rocel & Reeza. She has many community affiliations including Co-Founder & President, Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation (PCCF) Member, Campaign for Life Coalition Head of Temporalities Ministry, Archdiocesan Filipino Catholic Mission (AFCM), Former Vice President, Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC) and member of both the Philippine Press Club of Ontario & Philippine Chamber of Commerce Toronto. Her charity works include supporting yearly the different beneficiaries of PCCF: Answering The Cry Of The Poor (ANCOP-Providing Shelters), Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa), Tahanan Walang Hagdanan (House without Steps – Disabled) & Tala Village (Leprosy Rehabilitated Victims) as well as spearheading relief efforts such as Haiyan thru OLA, Earthquake in Nepal, Tsunami in Japan and Indonesia & Flooding in Myanmar. She also volunteers with the Down Syndrome Association.
She has been awarded with Most Outstanding Canadian (2004), Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal given by the Gov’t of Canada (2012) and one of the 100 Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World (Filipina Woman’s Network of San Francisco, USA) 2013.
A Message from Treasurer- Clare Gotera
I am humbled that you have entrusted me with the position of treasurer. This makes my third time serving on the executive; first as Communications chair and secondly as Secretary. Being a mother of four, my focus has been primarily on my kids and in volunteering at my kids’ school. I believe having a healthy parent-school relationship is vital in a child’s education. I am currently a stay at home mom, but previously worked in non-profit. I have served on the parent council at Cardinal Leger and on the board of directors at a private high school. I grew up “in the missions” as my parents were and still are missionaries and members of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, as am I. As mentioned, I have four boys and my husband, Jason, is the choir director of the 11 am choir.
With a few more Apple Pies to sell, we were able to generate $8,108 in Gross Revenues at our recent Annual Fall Bazaar, held on November 17, 2018. The following is the breakdown of Revenues generated by each table.
[easytable th=false colwidth=”25%|25%|25%|25%” delimiter=”|” caption=””]
Bake Table|1,344.25|Raffles|615.00
Caribbean Table|600.00|Tea Room|579.00
Indian Table|177.00|Treasure Table|1,463.75
Philippine Table|442.00|Vendors|355.00
Apple Pies|2,521.00|Ticket Sales|11.00
We are very grateful to all the people who have given their time, talents and treasures that contributed to the success of this event. May God’s blessings remain with you forever.
A Message from Secretary –Tina Tolpa
Dear Sisters in the League, I would like to express my appreciation for your support and nomination for the position of Secretary in the St Joseph Highland Creek Council, and also to all of you fellow volunteers who came to the elections meeting and accepted nominations for the upcoming 2 years.
The position of Secretary is a key role in the organization, helping the president with meeting agendas, discussing incoming correspondence at meetings and also preparation of minutes of meeting for the general and executive meetings.
I look forward to sharing with you our prayers, our social activities and our community activities in the coming two years. I hope to be an integral part of bringing you news of both the St Joseph Highland Creek triumphs and our ties to the Region, Diocese, Province and National CWL councils.
Have a blessed new year.
A Message from Past President/Historian – Lucia Vacca
We moved to Highland Creek in 1986 and became parishioners of St. Joseph’s Church. After ten years of attending St. Joe’s I was asked to join the CWL and so I did. Since then I have been a very active member and it has been a blessing in my life to be able to contribute to the League with my God given gifts. Served the League at St. Joseph’s Parish as President Elect/Organization Standing Committee Chair from 2005-2006, President from 2007-2008, Past-President from 2009-2010 and again President 2017-2018 and now continue to be Past President from 2019-2020.
I was appointed by the Toronto Diocesan President to serve as Scarborough Regional Chair from 2009-2011 and Past Regional Chair 2011-2013. At the Toronto Diocesan Council was elected to the positions of Corresponding Secretary 2011-2013, Spiritual Development Chair 2013-2015 and Communications Chair 2015-2017 and Newsletter Editor from 2017-2019. Even as busy as this, continued to be active in my home council of St. Joseph’s organizing several events and activities over the years attending all meetings.
Participated in creating and facilitating the workshop on the On-line Membership Administration and is the sub-convener for the On-Line Membership for the Organization Chair of TDC. I have had the opportunity to be one of the facilitators for the National Catch the Fire program, as well as the Toronto Diocesan Parish Executive Training and the Leadership and Public Speaking Course.
My role as Past President is to advise, mentor, support and encourage the executive team and to ensure the continued success of this Council. I am committed to serve the League and building friendships within the Parish, Region, Toronto as well as the many sisters I have met in the League across the country.
65th Anniversary Celebration of our Council December 15th 2018
Our 65th Anniversary of Catholic Women’s League service (1953-2018) at St. Joseph’s Parish was a huge success. Many thanks for the continued support, of our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu. The celebration began with a beautiful mass celebrated by our local Bishop Vincent Nguyen with concelebrants of Fr. Oliver and homilist, Fr. Anthony Adusei, Fr. David Okenyi, Fr. Paul McAuley and our Deacon Vinh Tran. The full choir did an amazing job with the singing of the hymns, led by Jason Gotera, as did our member, Peggy Sheehan, as a cantor and Gerard Johnston our organist. We began with the flag entrance of the Canadian flag carried by the Past National President and Chair of Laws, Margaret Ann Jacobs the CWL flag was carried in by Lucia Vacca. We had a large number of members attending the mass.
We had a delicious luncheon was served to a full house as many of you attended which followed. There were several highlights including greetings and congratulatory certificates from all levels of CWL. Our Past National President, Mrs. Margaret Ann Jacobs representing National, Toronto Diocesan President Mrs. Ann D’Souza, our Scarborough Regional Chair Mrs. Mary Tuccitto and our Past Past National President, Mrs. Betty Anne Brown Davidson was also in attendance and presented the award created in her name to this year’s recipient, Mary Tuccitto. Mary received a certificate, the Nativity Star Pendant and $100.00 to a charity of her choice – Canadian Food for Children. As well, her name is inscribed on the official “Betty Anne Davidson Award of Honour” plaque for 2018.
At this celebration, two of our members were honoured by receiving a Maple Leaf Service Award for their firm dedication, commitment and service to the League. Both Marguerite Civello and Ingrid Hart were totally surprised by this honour. Service Pin Awards were also presented to members having achieved, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 45 years of service. This was a joyous historical occasion and wonderful celebration. There were 56 Pornography Hurts cards signed and mailed. Had a memory table with a display of past photo albums and a presentation of many more
pictures taken over the many years.
Thank you to our 65th Anniversary Committee: Mary Tuccitto, Ingrid Hart, Marla Tanuan, Marguerite Civello, Joanne Cline and Lucia Vacca. The day was a huge success. Congratulations to our Council. Please go the St. Joseph’s Website to view many more pictures of our celebration.
May Our Lady of Good Counsel continue to guide us as we look forward to many more years of service here at St. Joseph’s Parish.
Congratulations to the new executives who will serve for the next two year term.
God Bless. Lucia
Service Pin Awards 2018
- 45 Year Pins: Annabelle Rode & Vilma D’Souza
- 30 Year Pins: Barbara Sullivan & Lillian Murrell
- 25 Year Pin: Elizabeth Morra
- 20 Year Pin: Colette O’Donnell
- 15 Year Pins: Marianne Civello, Giovanna De Acetis, Costanza De Luca, Paola Protain, Fran Savage
- 10 Year Pins:Auriel Cordeiro, Yolande Fernandes, Filomena Tuccitto, Gabriel Celeste Van Veen, KatieW.
- 5 Year Pins: Alicia Bindoo, Elisabeth Cogger-Hills, Jackie Joachim, Kimberli McIntosh, Mary Muffty, Emily Pinto, Charmaine Ross
The CWL Book Club
C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:
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Month|Book & Author|Year|Pages
February|The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman|2016|364p.
March|A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley|2014|255p.
April|The Boat People by Sharon Bala|2018|418p.
CWL Items for Purchase
“The League Scarf is an accessory that members will take pride in wearing at government presentations, conferences, seminars and local community functions. Wearing this beautiful scarf identifies and promotes the League.” (as per National Manual of Policy and Procedures)
CWL Blue Scarves $25.00 – CWL White Name Tags $4.00 – CWL Insignia Pins $5.25
Reminders for General Meetings
Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.
We are also collecting the following items:
- Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
- Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
- Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed.
- Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in need in Africa.
- Your used postage stamps are being collected
- We are also collecting food items at every meeting to help out Outreach Program at St. Joseph’s
Dates To Remember
January 19 (Saturday)|Retreat on Recollection – after 9:00 a.m. mass – refreshments – 10:00 – 12:00 p.m.
January 26 (Saturday)|Scarborough Region Winter Event –9:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Annunciation Parish (3 Combermere Dr.) – open to all members to attend. $5.00 – bring a lunch Speakers on Mental Health& Spiritual Health
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February 11 (Monday)|General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30 WEAR RED
February 23 (Saturday)|Toronto Diocesan Council – Development Day 8:30 Mass – 3:00 Our Lady of Miraculous Medal – Free of charge for our CWL members, bring a bag lunch. To register call Katie W. 416-995-6724 before January 25th. Bus is being arranged from Scarborough Region
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March 1 (Friday)|WDOP –St. Margaret of the Pines Parish at 7:00 p.m. all members are invited to attend this ecumenical service.
March 2 (Saturday)|Lift Jesus Higher Rally – Metro Convention Centre
March 5 (Tuesday)|Ordinandi Dinner
March 11 (Monday)|General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30
March 16 (Sunday)|Scarborough Region – Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest – St. Boniface Parish 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – open to all members to attend and support our students.
March 23 (Saturday)|Toronto Diocesan Council – Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest – St. Edward the Confessor 12:30 p.m. All members are welcome to attend APRIL
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April 1 (Monday)|Scarborough Region Spring General Meeting – Immaculate Heart of Mary – 7:00 p.m. mass followed by meeting – All members are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.