Newsletter 2017 Mar-Apr

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Spiritual Advisor

Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.

2017-2018 Executive


  • Lucia Vacca

President Elect/ Organization & Membership



  • Marla Tanuan


  • Ju-Ann Miranda

Spiritual Development

  • Mai Tran

Christian Family Life

  • Kim Deans

Community Life

  • Danielle Giggie


  • Tania Mascarenhas

Education & Health

  • Hyacinth Fernandes

Resolution & Legislation

  • Christine Lorenz

Past President & Historian

  • Ingrid Hart

A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu

We are already in Lent, another Lent. We have been given another opportunity to dust ourselves clean as we listen more attentively to the one who is forever calling us to fullness of life. Of course we have been through this penitential season before. Not once but many times. In our life‘s journey, we have sailed through many Lenten seasons— fasting and abstaining and responding, in our different ways, to the season‘s invitation to repentance, change and renewal. Yes, we have been through this season before. For those of us who have the time, it may useful to attempt honest answers to such questions as: What have these many Lenten seasons done for me? What have they done to me? Have I become a better person? More loving, more caring, more generous with my time and talents?

What makes Lent beautiful is that it is a preparation for the glorious new life we celebrate at Easter. May our journey through this penitential season make us become more like Him whose resurrection from the dead we are preparing to celebrate.

A Message from the President – Lucia Vacca

Love and Joy are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Are we inspired by the Holy Spirit in what we say? Are we witnesses of Christ‘s presence for others by what we do? Let us be the sign of love and joy to those we meet with a genuine willing heart to imitate God‘s unconditional love in our relationship with others. As we continue with our journey of 64 years as a St. Joseph‘s CWL Council, let us inspire others and be the witnesses of His love and love one another.

Your joyful participation and support of the initiatives of the League is what will encourage all of us to move forward to show our bond, commitment and strength in sisterhood built on our faith as Catholic Women. Let‘s use our hands in joyful service and hearts to love.

Wishing all of you a Happy Easter and may our Risen Lord, give us the spirit to respond to God‘s call with our actions. “Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God’s Call”.



Organization & Membership

We Welcome Our New Members

  • Tina Tolpa
  • Cheryl Mascarenhas
  • Sajini Tom


The Toronto Diocesan Development Day

This was attended by over 340 members from across Toronto. The speakers focused on the new National theme with discussion and workshop. Keynote speaker was Sister John Mary from Sisters of Life. Our Parish was represented by 4 of our members: Marla, Christine, Lucia, Tania.

Scarborough Region Spring Meeting – Wednesday March 22nd 7:00 p.m.

This CWL meeting of the Scarborough Region will take place Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish at (Birchmount and Kingston Rd.). All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meet the members of the 10 Councils in the Scarborough Region as well as the Toronto Diocesan Council Executives.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass & New Members Ceremony and Luncheon SATURDAY April 22nd

We will be celebrating the feast of our Patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, with mass celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu, at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday April 22nd at St. Joseph‘s Parish. At this event we will also welcome 7 new CWL members to our Parish Council. Show your support and solidarity to all, especially the new members by attending our special mass to our Patroness. A catered hot luncheon will be served following the mass. Tickets to attend the luncheon are $20 each, members and guest are welcome. To avoid disappointment purchase your ticket early as space and tickets are limited. For tickets call: Ingrid Hart 416 282-8775 or Lucia Vacca 416-283-3536


Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God’s Call” This is the theme for the 2017 annual Toronto Diocesan Convention which will be held at the Marriott, 901 Dixon Road on Thursday, May 4th and Friday, May 5th. There will be speakers (Marie Claire Bissonnette, Margaret Ann Jacobs –National President), Business Reports, Presentation of Youth Awards, Elections of New Toronto Executives and lots of spirituality, learning more about the League and sisterhood, with masses (opening Mass Thursday May 4th), readings, Regional Hospitality Rooms and Closing Mass & Banquet etc…. As the Resolutions Dialogue is a very popular portion of this convention, please register early if you are interested to learn more and participate in this process.

Attending convention with your League sisters from across Toronto Diocese is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with like-minded women in an atmosphere of unity, love for the League and sharing in the great work we do “For God and Canada”. The cost to attend this convention is covered for you by our council. If you are interested in attending either both days, one day or the banquet only, please call Marla at 416- 209-8659 ASAP so we can get you registered to attend. Registration deadline is April 15th, 2017.

CWL Attendees

WDOP March 3rd was well attended by our St. Joseph community. Thank you to our readers who participated in the prayerful service from the women of the Philippines

A Message from Spiritual Development – Mai Tran

Spiritual Growth

We, as CWL members, all have been called and inspired by the Spirit to share our faith in actions by involving in the faith activities with the community. Our prayer is the most important and cannot be neglected. However, as children of God, to fulfil our duties for the Love of God and of one another, we truly need the guidance of the Holy Spirit for our directions.

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for whatever you please and you will get it. 8 It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit and be my disciples”. [John 15:7-8]

When we pray with the Gospel, God is speaking directly to us, and we truly are “rooted in Gospel value”. Praying with the Gospel, we also dearly listen to God‘s voice that dialogue with us. How do we do that in our daily busiest time? If we have a desire to spend a little time with God each day in this busy ‗life style‘, surely God will be with us and provide helps for our need. To have a good connection and good relationship with God is the wisdom of the children of God. First, we need to realize and experience God‘s love for us, and then we are able to share that love with one another. We cannot share or give to others what we do not have.

A brief sharing of cultivating individual spiritual growth

As we all know, everything that we do well requires a good practice, which will help to get us into good daily habits. The church has prepared for us the Daily Missal – Living with Christ – which I myself find very helpful for daily prayer with God beside the Liturgy of the Hour. To start the day before getting ready for work, I spend about 20 minutes to read the Living with Christ from the Entrance Antiphon to the end of all the readings and prayers of that day. Then I spent sometimes for a reflection. Everyday then becomes enlightened and refreshed with God‘s word. Some days, when things turn sour unexpectedly, I find myself still protected with God‘s peace. At the end of the day in the family, we pray together, and we share our struggles of the day from work places and anywhere else. We offer praises and thanks to the grace of God that helps us to end the day with peace and joy. I myself also need to have some time for a brief self-examination each day, in order to experience whether God is present in all of my actions. Then I pray to God for helping me do better in the next day.

Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass

The taping of the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass will take place at Loretto Abbey, 101 Mason Boulevard North York, on Wednesday April 19, 2017 at 4:00 pm. The mass will be televised on Vision TV April 26, 2016. All CWL council members are encouraged to attend and to wear their CWL scarves.

12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care (May 4th)

The taping of this Televised Mass will take place at Loretto Abbey, 101 Mason Boulevard North York, on Wednesday April 26, 2017 at 5:00 pm. The mass will be televised on Vision TV May 4, 2017. Once again all CWL council members are encouraged to attend and to wear their CWL scarves.

Prayers for our Sisters in the League

Our condolences to our Sisters in the League who have had a death in their family.

Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them. May all the faithful departed rest in peace.

A Message from Education & Health – Hyacinth Fernandes

Hello! my name is Hyacinth Fernandes and I am a teacher with the Toronto Catholic district school board. I teach French and have a great love of languages and share this love with my students as much as I can. I have been a parishioner of St Josephs for more than 10 years and have served on many ministries such as Sunday school, children’s liturgy at the 11.00 am mass, confirmation classes and lector. I believe that church is much more than attending mass on a Sunday.

To me church is community and I try to help in this community as best as I can. I am honoured to be on the executive this year and look forward to working with my peers to make the coming 2 years the best ever!

Happy New Year 2017!

Treasurer – Marla Tanuan

A blessed New Year to you all. I am once again pleased to serve our council as your Treasurer for the next 2 years. Having been a part of St. Joseph’s since 2000, my family and I have grown to love this community and every person who forms it. Our family has been very involved in our parish community and with various ministries ever since. As a Treasurer, I am once again able to put to use my God-given talent as an Accountant. I look forward to serving the League to the best of my abilities.

Fall Bazaar

Our Fall Bazaar, which was held on November 19, 2016, was once again a huge success – thanks to Our Lord for the wonderful weather; to all the untiring Sisters in the League and to the dedicated volunteers who shared their time, talents and treasures. Our heartfelt thanks go as well for the assistance of our Brothers at the Knights of Columbus who never fail to lend us a helping hand at our events. May God reward you all richly. This Bazaar enabled us to raise a whopping $8,595.05 in gross revenues. A summary of the revenues from each area are as follows:

Revenue Summary
Apple Pie Sales $3,294.00
Bake Table $1,251.20
Raffles $540.00
International – Caribbean $394.20
International – India $443.00
International – Italy $180.00
International – Philippines $373.00
Tea Room $328.00
Treasure Table $1,432.10
Vendors’ Tables $350.00

Much thanks and appreciation goes as well to all the patrons who supported us at this fundraiser. We hope to see you again at this year’s upcoming Heritage Day and Fall Bazaar. God bless you all for your generosity.

A Message from Community Life – Danielle Giggie

Hello, I am Danielle Giggie, your new Community Life Chair. I am 54 years old, retired Elementary School Librarian, for 6 years now. I am married to Ed for 32 years this April. We have 4 children, a son and 3 daughters. We are also grandparents to our 9 month grandson, Bowen.

I have been an active member at St. Josephs CWL for 13 years. I have previously been on the CWL executive as Health and Education chair. I have been on and also am presently on a few other Ministries, including St. Vincent DePaul, Eucharistic Minister, Marriage Prep and Soup Kitchen services. I visit shut-ins and have been involved in Girl Guides of Canada for the past 32 years.

I am looking forward to growing with all my sisters in the league, over the next 2 years. Keeping you all informed in Community Life in and around our Parish, community and our world.

A Message from Christian Family Life – Kim Deans

I joined St. Joseph’s Parish in 1998 and joined the Catholic Church through RCIA in 2000. I have two boys at St. John Paul II school and work in IT project management.

I have been involved in church life; being a lector and running the St. Joseph’s Bowling fundraiser but this is the first time I have been in the CWL executive and am looking forward to handling the Catholic Family Life chair.

Advent Pot Luck Social and Service Awards Night

On Monday, December 12th, we held our Advent Pot Luck Social. We celebrated the season with many CWL sisters in attendance and guests all who enjoyed the delicious food at the Potluck. On this special night, we presented Lucia Vacca as the 2016 recipient of the St. Joseph’s Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour. Lucia also received the Nativity Star Pendant and a Certificate as well as $100 to a charity of her choice – Sisters of Life. As well, 29 members received their respective years of service pins. Thank you to all for your generous donations of men’s socks and underwear for the Good Shepherd Center.

The amazing spread at the potluck put together by the CWL ladies

The amazing spread at the potluck put together by the CWL ladies

Lucia Vacca receiving her Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour, the Nativity Star Pendant and a Certificate as well as $100 to a charity of her choice – Sisters of Life

Lucia Vacca receiving her Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour, the Nativity Star Pendant and a Certificate as well as $100 to a charity of her choice – Sisters of Life

The new Executive (2017-2019) – (L-R) – Ingrid Hart, Mai Tran, Lucia Vacca, Ju-Ann Miranda, Kim Deans, Marla Tanuan, Tania Mascarenhas, Danielle Giggie, Hyacinth Fernandes & Christine Lorenz

The new Executive (2017-2019) – (L-R) – Ingrid Hart, Mai Tran, Lucia Vacca, Ju-Ann Miranda, Kim Deans, Marla Tanuan, Tania Mascarenhas, Danielle Giggie, Hyacinth Fernandes & Christine Lorenz

Service Pin Awards 2016

40 Year Pins Mary Kelly, Winifred Martin
35 Year Pin Grace Beardsworth
30 Year Pins Pam Canham, Yoshiko Huang, Jean Lewis, Suanne O’Neil, Lintoy Sahadath
25 Year Pins Maria Steger, Philomena Traynor
20 Year Pins Majorie Herrera, Cynthia Menezes, Lucia Vacca
10 Year Pins Ann Anthony, Anita Anthony, Therese Baduria, Nicole Corrado, Rosemer Enverga, Marilena Florio, Patricia Furtado, Patricia Hall, Mary Karawaju, Leela Kinoshita, Maureen McGrath-Corrado, Rose Rozinka, Josie Troccoli, Anna Vigliatore
5 Year Pin Lovina D’Souza

A Message from Resolutions & Legislation – Christine Lorenz

Greetings CWL Sisters of St. Joseph’s!

My name is Christine Lorenz and I have the pleasure to introduce myself as your newly elected Legislation and Resolutions Chair for the next two years. I was very honoured to have been asked to join the Executive team even though I have not been a visible member of the CWL.

I have been a parishioner of St. Joseph’s since 1997, and a silent member of the CWL since 2011. It was only this past summer at the Heritage Festival that I volunteered for the first time. I also joined the St. Joe’s lector group in September. I have so much to learn about all of the exciting events and activities that our CWL offers.

I am looking forward to serving on the CWL Executive, but most importantly to share with our sisters what legislation and resolutions our CWL women from across Canada, our province and our neighbouring parishes are working towards to make a difference in the lives of all Canadians.

I have been married to my husband Peter for the past 20 years. We have a son, Eric who is 19 and a daughter, Emma who is 17. Both of my children were baptized at St. Joe’s, and attended Sunday School where they received their Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. I am an elementary school teacher with the Toronto Catholic District School Board where I have been employed for the past 12 years. Previous to working as a teacher I was employed by the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation and Public Health Departments. I hold an Honours Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Education and a Master’s of Education degree. My interests include gardening, knitting, singing, and a lot of Pinterest pinning on a variety of subjects.

A Message from Secretary – Ju-Ann Miranda

My name is Ju-Ann Miranda and have been a parishioner with St. Joseph for 7 years. I studied at St. Joseph’s Convent school in Mumbai and am happy to be associated with my patron saint again. I have been a CWL member for 5 years. My husband is in the Knights of Columbus and my daughter Seanne is an Altar server. I like this parish as we support many activities, and our CWL sisters are also very active in our parish as we do a lot of charitable work for our community which inspired me to join CWL.

A Message from Communications – Tania Mascarenhas

Hi, my name is Tania Mascarenhas; my family & I have been parishioners at St. Joseph’s since 2009 when we first immigrated from India to Canada. Both my husband and I have tried to be actively involved in the Parish, and St. Joseph’s in turn has given us the much needed love, support and friends that anyone new to Canada is always happy to have!! We have just celebrated our 25 years of marriage and are blessed with a son who is 24 and a daughter who is 19.

I have served as Chair for Spiritual Development in 2014, and it was an amazing learning experience for me. I am excited to be serving again as Chair for Communications and from past experience I know that we will always have the support of the previous CWL executives if needed.

A Message from Past President/Historian – Ingrid Hart

Two years ago when I accepted the President’s position I was the NKTB (New Kid on The Block) as I had no prior executive experience. The past two years have been a learning and enriching time in my life, but also humbling, gratifying and rewarding as I look back at what our council has achieved. It has been a great privilege and honour to be the president of this council. We have clothed the naked, fed the hungry and gave hope to people who thought no one cared. With greeting cards that were mailed to the Indigenous people living on a reservation in northern Alberta filled with words of hope and encouragement. In several places in the bible Jesus said to us, ‘to love and serve one another’ and our council has surely demonstrated that.

I thank you for your generous and unwavering support especially on our projects. You were ready and willing when asked. St. Joseph’s Highland Creek Council, we have made a difference in peoples’ lives I am so proud to be a member of this council. I look forward to serving you and our new executive team as your Past President.

Thank you once again and may God bless you and your families abundantly for caring, for your kindness and your generosity. May you and your families have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Upcoming CWL News

Scarborough Region Winter Event

This event will take place on Saturday January 28th at Precious Blood Parish Hall (1737 Lawrence Ave. E) from 9:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Bring your own lunch. Speaker will be Fr. Xavier De Pinto – all members are welcome to attend. Cost is $5.00 but free to our members. Please contact: Lucia 416-283-3536 if you are planning to attend.

Ordinandi Spiritual Bouquet

We will be gathering as Spiritual Bouquets for the soon to be Ordained. This is a collection of prayers, Masses, Rosaries and other forms of prayer collected throughout the Toronto Diocese and presented to the Ordinandi at the annual dinner. These prayers are not paid offerings and there is no time limit. It is open to all and we start at any time. Your form for collecting spiritual offerings is attached to this newsletter. Please note: it is due by February 15, 2017 and can be dropped into the collection baskets, placed in CWL mailbox or handed in personally.

The Ordinandi are delighted when a Spiritual Bouquet is presented to each candidate as this is a wonderful gift that shows how much support they have in their vocation to become Priests. Letters and forms have been distributed to all the Parish Ministries and our Parish Schools asking for their participation and we will be asking for your help in collecting prayer commitments from our Parish Community after all Masses one weekend in January or February. Please contribute.

Ordinandi Dinner 2017

The annual celebration of the Ordinandi Dinner and program is in its 27th year. It will be held on Tuesday March 07, 2016 at the Pearson Convention Centre (plenty of free parking) 2638 Steeles Ave. E. Brampton @ Airport Road. Please contact Marla Tanuan at 416-209-8569 if you are interested in attending this event.

World Day of Prayer 2017

World Day of Prayer is an annual international ecumenical Christian celebration where 170 countries come together through prayer and traditions of their country. The Philippines is the host country for 2017 and the theme this year is ‘Am I Being Unfair to You’ The celebration is generally held the first Friday of March. Details for our community will be shared at a later date.

2017 Catholic Women’s League Contests and Competitions

Packages for the Mary Mathews Public Speaking contest & Mary Dobell Essay and Poetry contests were given to the school principals of the following schools: Cardinal Leger, St. Brendan, St. Dominic Savio and St. Jean de Brebeuf. The principal of St. John Paul II Secondary School was given packages for the Jean McCann Service award for youth, and for the St. Michael’s Scholarship.

We wish our Parish and students good luck as they participate in the 2017 youth contests

Line Dancing

Come out and enjoy a weekly night of Line Dancing on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00pm in room #2 during the months of January, February, March, April, May and June. The request for this popular event has been overwhelming. It’s a great way to stay fit and have fun for only $2.00!!! Just as before, there will be a professional instructor to guide us through the moves. All are welcome to attend so bring your friends and prepare to enjoy your Wednesday nights!! Details are on the bulletin boards at the parish.

Good Shepherd Provide-a-Meal Program

The Good Shepherd Provide-a-Meal program has been active in our parish for over 20 years and is supported by many other parishes in Toronto, each providing their own casserole meals to the Good Shepherd Refuge on Queen Street in downtown Toronto. Our CWL Sister Annie Alkins and her husband Peter have been organizing St. Joseph’s efforts in this meal program for many, many years, out of a desire to be of service and to also offer fellow parishioners an easy way to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. You are being invited to “feed the hungry” by your support of this rewarding program.

The Good Shepherd is a safe space for the marginalized in the downtown Toronto community. It is a drop in centre where a hot meal is always available to anyone in need. The centre serves over 1300 meals a day, making it the largest meal program in the city of Toronto. It also provides a range of other services, including access to pastoral care, counseling, gently used clothing and just over 90 fully booked beds for men’s overnight stay.

How the program works…….

  • They provide you the casserole container and recipe; (beef and macaroni casseroles)
  • You prepare the same beef and macaroni casserole once per month;
  • Keep some for your family – it’s delicious!
  • Freeze the casserole
  • Drop off the frozen casserole on dates specified between 9:30 and 10:00 after the Saturday morning mass at the west parking lot. Drop off dates: Feb 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 8, Sept 9, Oct 7, Nov 4, Dec 2.
  • Pick up an empty container when you do the drop off.
  • You’re done!

If you are interested, please call Annie Alkins 416 283-7420

CWL Book Club

The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact : Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:

Books we will discuss…
Month Book Author Year No.of pages
Feb. The Headmaster’s Wager Vincent Lam 2012 448
Mar. The Piano Maker Kirk Palka 2015 288
Apr. What the Psychic told the Pilgrim: A Midlife Misadventure on Spain’s Camino De Santeago De Composteia 2007 295

Prayers for our Sisters in the League

Our condolences to our Sisters in the League who have had a death in their family. Please continue to pray for the repose of our Sister Elena Covacich who passed away on Saturday December 17th, 2016. Elena was a nine year member of our council and a long time St. Joseph’s parishioner. A CWL Deceased Member Mass for Elena has been set for Sunday April 30th at 9:00 a.m.

Eternal Rest, grant unto her and let perpetual light shine upon her.

May she and all the faithful departed rest in peace.

Birthday wishes go to

January Birthdays

  • Frances Riggi
  • Angela Bernard
  • Monique Isidor
  • Bernadette Mujinga
  • Lisa Scholz
  • Leahnette Acuna
  • Doris McKeogh
  • Lovina D’Souza
  • Clementina Costa-D’Aguiar
  • Bernise Clunas
  • Anna Falotico
  • Evelyn Fleming
  • Mathilda Gracias
  • Jeanette McLeod-Pao
  • Virgilia Pazzano

February Birthdays

  • Mary-Louise Morris
  • Elisabeth Cogger Hills
  • Marianne Civello
  • Jackie Joachim
  • Katie Wicik
  • Joan Kunanec
  • Lourdes Mangilian
  • Maria Ricupero
  • Colette O’Donnell
  • Mary Tuccitto
  • Mary Campanelli
  • Mary Karawaju
  • Justine Csenge
  • Denise Murrell
  • Hopelin Walters
  • Eral Zong

Things to remember to do

1. Be sure to stay informed and check out the various CWL websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and stay connected. Go into these CWL Websites often to keep informed:

2. Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.

3. We are collecting the following items:

  • Campbell Soup Labels
  • Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
  • Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
  • Donations of your extra Rosaries are welcomed.
  • Milk bags are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in Ethiopia, Africa.
  • Your used postage stamps are being collected for forwarding to Development and Peace to help fund projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America

A final note

Remember to refer to the Catholic Women`s League as The Catholic Women`s League, at every opportunity, rather than just calling it the CWL – we ARE a National Organization! Wear your CWL service pins and scarves.

Dates To Remember

January 18 (Wednesday) Line Dancing St. Joe Hall 7:00 p.m.
January 28 (Saturday) Scarborough Region Winter Event –9:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., Precious Blood Parish (1737 Lawrence Ave. East) – open to all members to attend. Bring a lunch. Please contact: Lucia 416-283-3536
February 1 (Wednesday) Line Dancing St. Joe Room 2 7:00 p.m.
February 4 (Saturday) CWL Living and Deceased mass 5:00 p.m.
February 8 (Wednesday) Line Dancing St. Joe Hall 7:00 p.m.
February 11 (Saturday) Toronto Diocesan Council -Development Day at Christo Rei, Mississauga (8:00 Registration) 8:30 Mass – 3:00 – CWL Workshops. Please contact Marla Tanuan ASAP if you wish to attend 416-209-8659
February 13 (Monday) General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30
February 15 (Wednesday) Line Dancing St. Joe Hall 7:00 p.m.
February 19 (Sunday) Scarborough Regional Level of the Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest – St. Barnabas 2:00 p.m. all invited to attend.
March 3 (Friday) WDOP – Philippines – Hosted by TBA
March 4 (Saturday) Lift Jesus Higher Rally –Metro Convention Centre
March 4 (Saturday) Parish Executive Training, St. Joseph’s 9.30 to 2 p.m. Bring your Lunch. For registration call Lucia 416-283-3536
March 5 (Sunday) CWL Living and Deceased mass 7:00 p.m. St. Joe
March 8 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – Room 2 7:00 p.m.
March 13 (Monday) General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30 (Budget)
March 15 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joe Hall 7:00 p.m.
March 19 (Sunday) St. Joseph Parish Celebration – 7:30 p.m.
March 22 (Wednesday) Scarborough Region Spring General Meeting – at Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:00 p.m. mass followed by meeting – all are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.
March 25 (Saturday) Toronto Diocesan Council – Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest – St. Francis Xavier Mississauga 1:00 p.m. all are welcome to attend for more information
April 5 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – Room 2 7:00 p.m.
April 10 (Monday) General Meeting – Rosary 7:10 Meeting 7:30
April 19 (Wednesday) Line Dancing St. Joe Hall – 7:00 p.m.
April 22 (Saturday) Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass & New Members Ceremony at St. Joseph 11:00 – Luncheon to follow (tickets will be available for purchase)
April 24 (Monday) Heritage Day Festival planning – Room 2 7:00 pm
April 26 (Wednesday) Our Lady of Good Counsel Feast Day