One of the Seven Sacraments, Baptism is normally the first sacrament that one receives. This is a sacrament that welcomes you into the Catholic Church. Any one who has not yet been baptized can receive the Sacrament of Baptism.
In case of children receiving Baptism, the parents must be registered with the Parish. All inquiries should be directed to the Parish Office during office hours to register for the preparation
Initial procedures for Baptism
Less than 7 years of age
The child’s parents should download the Baptism Information Forms (see download button). Update the form documents as indicated and provide the package including these following listed documents to the Parish Office.
Between 7 and 17 years of age
If the person to be baptized is between 7 and 17 years of age:
- The child needs to attend Religious Ed which are usually conducted from October to May. To enroll for Religious Ed, click on the button below
- Complete and download the Baptismal Information Forms and bring it to the Parish Office along with the necessary documents listed.
- The child needs to complete the Religious Ed program before the Baptism form can be processed. Wait for further instructions through the email address you provide.
18 years old or older
If you are seeking baptism and are 18 years old or older, enroll in our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. The RCIA team will take over from here on.
Baptismal Information Forms
Note: The download is a collection of PDF document pages.
To avoid delays please ensure the following are submitted along with this package.
- Baptismal Information Form
- Copy of the child’s long form birth certificate
- If you prefer: During office hours, bring the original to our office and the secretary can make a copy for you.
- Copy of a Baptismal Certificate from one or both of the parents
- Mother’s Questionnaire
- Father’s Questionnaire
- Letter of permission from your local parish if required
- Suggested donation is $50.00
With regard to the Baptismal Offering, please submit this on the day of the baptism to the Deacon or Priest who is overseeing the ceremony.
After Submission procedures for Baptism
Less than 7 years of age
The Parish office staff will check for the completeness, correctness, authenticity and accuracy of the form and supporting documents.
The form is submitted to the pastor who then calls you for an in-person interview.
With the pastor’s approval, the parents and godparents will be scheduled to attend a Baptismal Prep Course which is usually scheduled on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:00 PM. If that Wednesday falls on a holiday, it is moved to the next Wednesday.
Once the parents have attended the Baptismal Prep Course, they may call the parish office to choose the baptism date which is usually scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. If either day falls on a holiday or a long weekend, the baptism date is moved either the 1st or the 3rd Sunday. Please inform the Parish Office of your chosen baptismal date before you plan your party or reception. We reserve the right to limit the number of people being baptized on the same day.