April 24, 2016: Fifth Sunday of Easter – Year C

Masses for the Week – April 24 – 30, 2016

Sat April 23

  • 9:00am Thanksgiving – Clifford D’Silva
  • 5:00pm Rosalia Florio

Sun April 24

  • 9:00am Martin Coyle
  • 11:00am For the People of the Parish
  • 3:00pm Confirmation Mass: St. Brendan CES, Sunday School, & all other candidates from associated schools
  • 7:00pm Dwight Pattison


  • 9:00am Joan Williams

Tues April 26

  • 9:00am Intention of Mario & Maria Simao

Wed April 27

  • 9:00am Intention of Philip & Winifred Martin

Thurs April 28

  • 9:00am Beryl & Arthur Danney

Fri April 29

  • 9:00am
    • Joe Fitzpatrick
    • Mary Young

Sat April 30

  • 9:00am Joseph D’Souza


How tempted the disciples were to look back at Jesus’ earthly ministry and cling to the memory of his time with them! But Jesus insisted on something else, something harder. As he took his departure, they were to look toward the future. Their relationships with one another in the community of the Church were to show the selfless love Jesus had taught them. His new commandment calls for a self-forgetful love which reaches out to the world. What Jesus did becomes the norm for what we do. Our love is the identifying mark; are we being recognized as disciples? The Church’s everyday life should manifest the new universe about which we hear in Revelation. God’s vision for the world is symbolized by the holy city, the new Jerusalem. There God lives in intimate love with all nations. Sorrow is ended; the old order had passed, the new is here. It is all God’s work, even as it is God who, in Acts, works through the apostles to strength-en the Church and join new members to it. Let us do our part, and give God the glory.

Sunday Mass Book

St. Augustine’s Seminary Lay Formation Program – A Day of Reflection for Women: Knowing God’s Perfect Love Is Knowing God’s Mercy

Saturday, June 4, 2016

10:00 a.m.

St. Augustine’s Seminary 2661 Kingston Rd., Scarborough

Dr. Josephine Lombardi will explore obstacles to loving God, oneself and others. There will be time for private reflection and small group sharing. The day will end with Mass in the seminary chapel.

COST: $40, includes lunch.

TO REGISTER: Telephone: 416-261-7207, ext: 235 or email: ioft@sastoronto.org


We extend congratulations to our young parishioners, from Cardinal Leger Catholic Elementary School, St. Dominic Savio Catholic Elementary School, Sunday School and associated schools, who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion last Sunday. May they continue to grow and be nurtured in their spiritual journey through the help of their families and teachers


Giuseppe Florio, Jack Gaston, Julie Lee, James Santos, Sonya Van Veen and Sean Viegas

(Names will remain on this list for the month)


Tour of Historic St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery

Hidden behind the storefronts of Yonge Street and St. Clair Avenue, lies the “Quiet Gentle Surprise” that is St. Michael’s Cemetery. Join us as we take a step back in time to the infancy of our city and archdiocese as we tour this historic cemetery on Sunday July 10, 2016 at 2:00 pm. Please call (416) 733-8544 for more information.

Bronze Marker Refinishing Program

We are pleased to offer our bronze marker refinishing program. This restoration process counteracts the natural oxidation that has occurred as the bronze ages and returns the memorial to the way it looked when it was first placed. Consider having your memorial restored and re-set on a polished granite base which is a time-less tribute in memory of a loved one. Please contact the Central Business Office at 416-733-8544 for more information.

Our parishes are an extension of our ministry

Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services is committed to working together with and staying connected to our parishes. Every family making arrangements at all of our cemeteries will be asked for the name of their parish and that parish will receive a financial offering from us.

Together in Life, Together at Rest

If you have ever considered purchasing a grave, crypt or niche close to your loved one, now is the time to do so. Often these locations become unavailable over time.

Ask us more about our Heritage Program.

CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK – MAY 6, 2016 “Opening Doors of Mercy!”

We invite all parishioners to join in celebrating Catholic Education Week 2016, which runs from May 1-6. For more than 160 years, Ontario’s publicly funded Catholic schools have been integrating our faith into all aspects of school life, nurturing the gifts and talents of every student. We celebrate the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools provide, giving thanks and offer-ing our prayers for all those who faithfully journey with our young people each day. For more information about Catholic Education Week visit: www.goodnewsforall.ca

HEALING SERVICE by Fr. Joby Kachappilly


200 Morrish Road, Scarborough

on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7:00p.m.

The Prayer Group of St. Joseph’s Church invites all parishioners and friends to come and share a Spiritual uplifting evening.

Faith, Finance and Self-Knowledge: A Catholic Young Adult Seminar

May 7, 2016 8:30 am

St. Gabriel’s Passionist Parish

670 Sheppard Ave. E., North York

Join us for our young adult seminar as we explore how to integrate our Catholic faith in everyday life! If you have always wondered how you can be more involved in the growth of your spiritual life, this is definitely a seminar you don’t want to miss.

Guest Speakers: Fr. Brando Recana, CP, Quentin Schesnuik and Rose Heron.

COST: $15 (lunch included)

To register contact: pauline.susanto@gmail.com


Teopoli Catholic Spiritual Centre

1458 Housey’s Rapids Rd., Gravenhurst

  • Term 1: July 7 – July 16
  • Term 2: July 21 – July 30
  • Term 3: August 4 – August 13
  • Term 4: August 18 – August 27

We invite children ages 6-17 to participate in this fun, adventurous and prayerful programme. Children are engaged in social, spiritual and physical activities that involve the excitement of a camp environment while growing in their Catholic faith. There are four terms to choose from that run for 10 days.

For more information and registration forms, CONTACT: The United Society at telephone No. 416-243-7319 or check the website: http://teopoli.com

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Level I – Part I: Foundations Course

July 11 to 15 – 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

St. Basil’s Catholic Church

50 St. Joseph St., Toronto

The first part of this 90-hour course will cover the foundations of an internationally recognized, Montessori-based approach to the religious education of children known as the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). CGS offers children the most essential aspects of our faith, knowing that these truths will nurture their need to love and be loved and their capacity to enjoy God’s presence in their life. For more information contact Anna Boyagoda at email: aboyagoda@archtoronto.org



Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 3.00 p.m.

  • St. Brendan CES
  • Sunday School
  • All other Confirmandi from associated schools

Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 3.00p.m.

  • Cardinal Leger CES
  • St. Dominic Savio CES
  • St. Jean de Brebeuf CES