April 2nd 2017: Fifth Sunday of Lent – Year A
- Posted On 29th Mar 2017
Masses for the Week
Sat. Mar. 25
- 5:00 pm †Lorna Gomes
Sun. Mar. 26
- 9:00 am Knight of Columbus
- 11:00 am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm †Renato Quilop
Mon. Mar. 27
- 9:00 am †Robert Borges
Tues. Mar. 28
- 9:00 am †Souls in Purgatory
Wed. Mar. 29
- 9:00 am †Chao Wen Liu
Thurs. Mar. 30
- 9:00 am †Clive D’Silva
Fri. Mar. 31
- 9:00 am
- †Cristino Balin †Peter Pinto
- †Virginia Monteiro
- †Mathilda Guerrero
- †Tony DeSanti
- 7:30 pm
- †Lauren Burry
Sat. Apr. 1
- 9:00 am †Giuseppe Cornacchia
- 5:00 pm †Abranro De Acetis
Jesus is the light of the world. As he gave sight to the blind beggar without being asked, so he heals our blindness. Like the blind man’s healing and David’s anointing, our gift of faith and baptism are unmerited. The beggar’s sight was restored by washing in the pool; our baptismal washing is a sacramentally effective sign of the vision which faith alone gives.
Yet full understanding comes slowly. The beggar became a type of the faithful Christian when he witnessed steadfastly to Christ even before he had actually seen him. Jesus seeks him out and reveals his full identity; the beggar is then ready to respond, “Lord, I do Believe!” The letter to the Ephesians tells us that, if we are children of light, we will learn to view life as God does. Our entire behaviour will be affected.
The good shepherd psalm assures that God will be with us even on dark days. May we be light to all who are blind, our lives signs of what Christ can do, our words faithful witnesses to Christ, the Light.
Sunday Mass Book For Canada
Our Parish Lenten Activities
Weekly Activities:
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
- Mass followed by Stations of the Cross every Friday from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- Lenten Talks every Thursday beginning with the Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m. This has been organized by the Prayer Group and takes place in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.
- Christian Life Seminar takes place every Friday beginning at 7:00 p.m. This has been organized by the Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life and takes place in the Church basement room. Everyone is welcome.
Other Activities:
- Archdiocesan Day of Confessions on Thurs. March 30; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Parish Lenten Confessions on Monday April 10 at 7:00 p.m.
Sacramental Preparation – Key Dates
Sunday April 23 @ 1:00 p.m.
- Cardinal Leger
- St. Dominic Savio
- Sunday School
- All other Candidates from associate schools
Sunday April 30 @ 1:00 p.m.
- St. Brendan
- St. Jean de Brebeuf
Classes have started. The next class takes place the week of February 19th. All class lists have been posted in the Narthex
Sunday May 7 @ 2:00 p.m.
- Cardinal Leger
- St. Dominic Savio
- St. Jean de Brebeuf
Monday May 8 @ 7:00 p.m.
- St. Brendan
- Sunday School
- All other Confirmandi from associated schools
Holy Week 2017 – Schedule
Click here to view the Holy Week Schedule
Saint John Paul II Day in Ontario
Sunday, April 2nd @ 12:45 p.m.
Nathan Phillips Square
St. John Paul II Day in Ontario will once again be celebrated on Sunday April 2nd.
All are welcome to join in a brief flag raising ceremony at the City of Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square at 12:45 p.m.
2017 Annual Charities Lottery
July 13, 2017
Over 500 prizes to be won
- 1st Prize: $200,000.00
- 2nd Prize: 2017 Ford Mustang Convertible
- 3rd Prize: 2017 Chevrolet Colorado Crew Cab
Tickets: $5.00 each
All proceeds are raised for Special Olympics and Arthritis Society (sale begins weekend of April 1st)
Message from the C.W.L.
St. Michael’s College, U of T Scholarship $3,000.00
The Toronto Diocesan Council of the CWL of Canada is offering a scholarship to St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.
- Any young woman of Catholic faith applying to St. Michael’s College as their first choice for post secondary education.
- The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study:
- Commerce, Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences or Sciences.
All forms and information for this scholarship are available on line at www.weltoronto.ca.
Applications are also available through your parish CWL Education and Health Chair.
Please contact Hyacinth at hyacinth.fernandes@tcdsb.org or 416-287-1231
Closing date to apply is Wednesday May 31st.
Canada 150 Spring Fling
You are invited to St. Joseph’s CANADA 150 SPRING FLING Saturday, April 29th In St. Joseph’s Hall
6:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
$35.00 per Person
Casual red & white or cultural dress
Dining, Dancing, Raffles and Cash Bar
“Let us celebrate the success that is CANADA”
Contact: Bryan Noble (416) 286-6631
Michael McManus (416) 438-8453
Living the Gospel…
How do we “Live the Gospel” toward others when our daily lives are so busy? For some it is volunteering at a soup kitchen, or it may be caring for an elderly relative. If we do not have the time to actively participate, we can support the many ShareLife funded agencies within our community that bring the hands of Christ to those in need. Our annual appeal provides resources to 42 agencies, bringing much needed programs and services to those both here in our communities and around the world. Next Sunday is the first ShareLife collection.
Over the next week, consider your communities and around the world. Next Sunday is the first ShareLife collection. Over the next week, consider your ability to “Live the Gospel” by helping those who are vulnerable and in need, and make a contribution to ShareLife.
Next Sunday, April 2, 2017 is ShareLife Sunday Please give generously.