Sunday October 14th, 2018 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
- Posted On 10th Oct 2018

Masses for the Week
Sat. Oct. 13
- 9:00 am †Leonita Quitoriano
- 5:00 pm †Carmela Spano
Sun. Oct. 14
- 9:00 am †Terrence Kelly
- 11:00 am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm † Antonio Ivanich
Mon. Oct. 15
- 9:00 am † Souls in Purgatory
Tues. Oct. 16
- 9:00 am † Nelda Susan Tanuan
Wed. Oct. 17
- 9:00 am Intention of The Cenacle Gr.
Thur. Oct. 18
- 9:00 am † Deceased members of Cornacchia’s family
Fri. Oct. 19
- 9:00 am
- † Michael & Margaret Mullane
- † Joan Williams
- † Abraham de Guzman
- † Vince Mione
- † Ann Marie Montrose
Sat. Oct. 20
- 9:00 am † Dennis Pinto
- 5:00 pm † Dorothy & Samuel Johns
New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.
Contact Us
Follow onto the Contact Us page to find the many ways you can contact and reach St. Joe’s Parish
St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church
Jesus invites us to a life of love and personal commitment to him which goes beyond keeping the commandments. Since we follow Jesus to the Father, today’s gospel shows him refusing the homage which is given to God. As with the rich man, Jesus looks with special love on those who seek to commit themselves more fully. He invites each of us to abandon whatever gets in the way of discipleship. The sadness of the rich man, who was too tied to his possessions to choose spiritual treasure, reflects the loss suffered when someone refuses Christ’s invitation to special friendship with him. How dangerous wealth is! Only God’s grace can overcome this impediment, Jesus says. But what of those who have given up everything for him? Jesus does not promise an easy life-they can expect persecutions-but they will be richly rewarded both now and forever. The gift of wisdom, praised in the first reading, leads us to choose God. Hebrews reminds us to take seriously God’s word which calls us to commitment. We are judged by that word if we refuse to heed it. Is our treasure really in heaven?
(Sunday Mass Book)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program is oriented towards those who are searching and inquiring about the Catholic way of life. The people are initiated into the Catholic Church through the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
First class is on Monday, October 15th at 7:00 p.m.
During the month of October, we will be praying the rosary every evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel, which is located in the Rectory. All are welcome to join us.
November 2-4, 2018 at St. Augustine’s Seminary
Inviting single Catholic men 17 years and older to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus Christ; leading to a better discernment of God’s call for their lives. Please register online at
For more information, please contact the
- Office of Vocations at 416-968-0997
- email:
The registration and enrollment Process and Requirements as well as the Schedule for First Reconciliation/Communion and Confirmation are now available.
Check the following pages periodically for the latest updates.
We are looking for volunteers to operate the projectors as regular, alternate and backup operators during weekend Masses. Adults and students (from grade 11 up) are eligible to participate. Students will receive volunteer hours for their service. If you are interested in helping out in this important role during the mass, please attend our next training session taking place on October 23rd.
If you’re interested please give your name to any of our Choir Directors or the Parish Office by October 15th
Named to honour the feast of Presentation of Jesus is a new community offering seniors both Independent and Assisted Living. It is inspired by Catholic Religious sisters, brothers, and priests, who will live alongside Catholic, lay women and men and people of other faith traditions. Located at 61 Fairfax Crescent (just north of St. Clair East at Warden) our doors will open on October 17 and it would be our pleasure to show you our unique seniors’ home. We can be reached before that date by calling Deirdre Flanagan, Director of Community Relations at 647-350-3755
Casino Rama Charity Bus Trip Taking place on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018
Bus leaves St. Joseph’s west parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Approximate return time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 each which includes a $10.00 Casino Free Play. The last trip sold out so get your tickets soon!
For tickets contact Andrew or Bryan Nobel at 416-286-6631 or 647-937-6631
Some parishioners would like to bring Jeff Cavins’ The Bible Timeline—The Story of Salvation Bible Study to our Parish for January 2019. If you are interested, please come to an information meeting on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:30 p.m. at our Parish.
There will be a short presentation and discussion.
All are welcome.
We are seeking new members. Originally founded in 1955, we have a long tradition of serving the parish community. Our repertoire includes both traditional and contemporary music with up to 4 parts. All are invited, young and old-we are especially in need of male voices. Previous musical training is an asset but not required. Rehearsals are held on Sunday after the 11:00 a.m. mass.
Please see the choir director, Jason Gotera for more information.
Calling all grade 6,7 and 8 students!
Kick off EDGE Night will be Oct. 19th
From 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. Registration forms are found in the Narthex or website (see below.) Please return completed forms by uploading on our website, on our first night or calling Angie at 647-242-8429.
For information go to
All High School students are invited to HS FOUNDATIONS to come find out what it means to be “Made in the image of God.” on Sunday, October 14th at 4:00 p.m.
Supper is included along with Mass at 7:00 p.m.
For information go to or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429