Sunday April 28, 2019 Second Sunday of Easter
- Posted On 27th Apr 2019
Masses for the Week
Sat. Apr. 27
- 9:00 am † Rose Marolt
- 5:00 pm † Louisa & Pedro Francisco Rodrigues
Sun. Apr. 28
- 9:00 am Thanksgiving Mass by D’Silva Family
- 11:00 am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm † Rosalia Florio
Mon. Apr. 29
- 9:00 am † Joe Fitzpatrick
Tues. Apr. 30
- 9:00 am † Joseph D’Souza
Wed. May 1
- 9:00 am † Dory Avenido
Thurs. May 2
- 9:00 am † Joan Williams
Fri. May 3
- 9:00 am
- † Michael&Margaret Mullane
- † Souls in Purgatory
- † Carlos Alvarez
- † Martin & Arnolta Raposo
- † Alfred & Matilda Hannah
- 7:30 pm
- Beatification of Edel Quinn
- Intention of Minda Maristanes
- † Martha Van Dijk
- † Sonya Van Veen
- † Bridget Corera
Sat. May 2
- 9:00 am † Paul Camilleri
- 5:00 pm † Rosario Calandra
New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
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St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church
“I was dead and now I am to live for ever.”
This exultant Easter message is proclaimed on the Lord’s day, our Sunday. The book of Revelation describes a remarkable vision—of someone invested by God as judge of the world, someone who is both king and priest. It is the same glorified Jesus who, as the gospel recounts, appeared to the disciples on Easter evening to bring them the joy of his presence and the peace of forgiveness. At that time they were given the responsibility of witnessing to Jesus’ victory over sin and death. They were empowered to hand on their Lord’s forgiveness of sins to the countless generations after them who would also find their hope and joy in the living Christ. The reading from Acts shows the steady growth of the young Church as the words and deeds of the faithful attract others. The work of the risen Lord is underway; we are to continue it. Every Sunday we believers gather before God in worship to deepen our vision and gain new purpose and strength for carrying on Christ’s work of reconciliation.
(Sunday Mass Book)
On Friday, May 3rd the office will be closing at 12:30 p.m. and will not re-open until the following
Monday at 9:00 a.m.
Thank you for your understanding.
Taking place on Wed. May 1st at 7:00 p.m. sharp.
For more info. call Bonnie Washer @ 416-284-5772
Our Parish LED Signboard has been successfully installed and commissioned by our Technology Ministry. I want to sincerely thank the members of this young ministry. They invested so much of their time and creative talents to give our signboard an enviable face-lift. We keep them in our prayers for God’s abundant blessings.
Fr. Oliver Iwuchuckwu
Donation Envelopes and Tax Receipts are available for pick up in the Narthex.
These have been organized alphabetically.
Please try not to disturb the order in which you find them.
Thank you.
[wp-svg-icons icon=”tags” wrap=”i”] Important sacramental actions this week! Classes & Preparations
Check the following pages periodically for the latest updates.
St. Barnabas Parish
Kingdom Camp is a fun and faith-filled experience for children in Gr. 1 to Gr. 8. Campers will engage in activities: Field Trips/Excursions, Arts & Crafts, Drama, Sports, Swimming, Team Building, Leadership, Science as well as Daily Mass and Catechesis.
- Week 1: July 22 to July 26
- Week 2: July 29 to August 2
- Monday to Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For more information call 416-298-0989
Register online:
This is a research based “life” drama on living with
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. This performance is presented by students from the ACT 2 STUDIO under the auspices of Ryerson University and illuminates the
realities of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The words you hear during this performance are mostly from persons who were interviewed.
Where: St. Joseph’s Date/Time: Thursday May 9 @ 7:30 p.m. Ticket cost: $10.00
Living the Gospel by welcoming newcomers to Canada Jane endured years of domestic abuse while living in Egypt. Fearing her husband would abuse their children, she successfully applied for refugee status in Canada. Jane arrived in Toronto, not knowing the language, what to do or who could help. Fortunately, she met an Arabic speaker who told her about Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS). CCS helped her navigate the immigration process and access the resources she needed. “CCS saved my life,” Jane says. “Today I have money of my own, an apartment, and my children are finally safe and happy.”
The CWL council invites all at St. Joseph’s Parish to come and celebrate the annual Mass dedicated to our Patroness “Our Lady of Good Counsel” on Friday, April 26th at 7:30 p.m. The New Members Ceremony will also take place at this time. Please join us for this celebration, refreshments to follow in Room 2.
For information call:
- Marla Tanuan 416-209-8659
- Kim Deans 416-206-6341
- Patricia Hall 416-724-9537
On May 11th and 12th a SSVP Container will be at St. Joseph’s Parish in the West Parking lot to collect your gently used clothing, footwear and linens.
Drop off times are 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Volunteers will be available to assist you.
See the notice on the bulletin boards or handouts in the back of the church for more information.
There are restrictions on what we can accept.
We are searching for a used adult female bicycle for a local woman in need. If anyone has one that you are willing to part with please call 416-282-0370.
Cardinal Collins has designated Friday, May 3, 2019 as the Archdiocesan Day of Prayer for Vocations. We have three prayer intentions on this day: for the right discernment of vocations still unfolding; for endurance in committed vocations; and for an increase of priestly and religious vocations. Check poster for details. If you are unable to attend this event, please take a moment to pray for vocations on Friday May 3.
Vocation resources can be found on the Office of Vocations’ website:
The Knight’s of Columbus are organizing the St. Joseph’s “Mothers Day Spring Fling’ Dinner-Dance.
Join your fellow parishioners for a fun filled evening of dinner and dancing.
Saturday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. in the Church Hall. Tickets are $35.00 per person.
For tickets call Bryan Noble at 647-937-6631
Or Rupert Johnson at 416-283-3976
The Knight’s of Columbus are organizing the St. Joseph’s “Mothers Day Spring Fling’ Dinner-Dance.
Join your fellow parishioners for a fun filled evening of dinner and dancing.
Saturday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. in the Church Hall. Tickets are $35.00 per person.
For tickets call Bryan Noble at 647-937-6631
Or Rupert Johnson at 416-283-3976
Mar. 22nd: Youth Ministry members will be at the entrances this weekend to personally thank families for their prayers.
More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429