October 27, 2019 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- Posted On 26th Oct 2019

Masses for the Week
Sat. Oct 26
- 9:00 am † Michael&Margaret Mullane
- 5:00 pm † Gianna Johansen
Sun. Oct 27
- 9:00 am Intention of Rawle & Dawne William’s Family
- 11:00 am The People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm † Daphne Footman
Mon. Oct 28
- 9:00 am † Zachia Morales
Tues. Oct 29
- 9:00 am † Edward Meyers
Wed. Oct 30
- 9:00 am † Tharsika Jeganathan
Thurs. Oct 31
- 9:00 am † Joan Martindale
Fri. Nov 1
- 9:00 am
- † Michael&Margaret Mullane
- † Harold Sutton
- † Zonar Fan
- † Vince & Carmen Mione
- † Maria Ching Chee &
- Chao Wen Liu
- 7:30 pm
- † Bridget Corera
- † Arcanjo Adrian Monteiro
- † Martin & Arnolta Raposo
- † Alfred & Matilda Hannah
- † Bridget & Godfrey Herft
Sat. Nov 2
- 9:00 pm † Deceased members of the Mislang & Paraan Families
- 5:00 pm † Rosario Calandra
New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
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St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church

Can we count ourselves as just in God’s sight, or are we made just by God? From Christ’s judgement on the prayers of the Pharisee and tax collector, we learn the attitude we must have before God, The Pharisee was a model of piety; the tax collector’s occupation made sinlessness almost impossible. The Pharisee thanked God for his virtue, but was more preoccupied with other hand, acknowledged his sinfulness both by posture and prayer. Jesus’ comment on these two figures praying in the Temple astonished his hearers, for the sinner is saved by God’s declaration while the virtuous person is condemned. We are all “graced sinners” who cannot be saved by our own merits. In the first reading we hear how God welcomes the prayers of little people and does not delay to save them. The second reading shows us Paul in his prison cell as martyrdom nears. Without false modesty he looks back over the works God has done in his life, trusting that Christ will give him a crown of glory. May we too have reason for confidence at the end of our lives!
(Sunday Mass Book)
Friday, November 1 at 7:00 p.m. to Sunday,
November 3 at 1:30 p.m.
St. Augustine’s Seminary
We’re inviting single Catholic men 17 years and older to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus Christ; leading to a better discernment of God’s call for their lives. Time for prayer, reflection and information on the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples as a Catholic Priest.
Register online at www.vocationstoronto.ca
Registrants 17 years old require parental consent.
For more info, contact your Parish Priest
To the families who will have a child scheduled to receive Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2020.
Details for the sacraments can be found here
Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 p.m.
Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas Street West
Catholic Family Services of Toronto Foundation presents the 5th concert for this important cause. We are excited to have musical entertainment from Enrico Galante and friends. Also this year we’re featuring Grammy and Juno award winning singer, Liberty Silver!
Last year was our best year ever for attendance and contributions—thanks to you! Lets make this year a record-breaker too!
Tickets: $45.00 in advance $50.00 at the door
Contact: Catholic Family Services
Phone: 416-921-1163
This campaign is one of the largest faith-based fundraising efforts ever conducted in Canada. We are seeking the support of every member of our family of faith. The focus is upon strengthening our Foundation, which would include aiding existing Churches and their infrastructure and strengthening our Families by which the Youth Ministries are supported to provide support for our young parishioners. These are just a few examples of where our efforts are placed.
May God continue to bless our family as we walk together in loving and joyful service to the Lord and one another.
These are available for purchase.
The cost is $10.00 per package of 10 (mixed design).
Contact Lucia for information at 416-283-3536
Dear fellow parishioners, we would like to thank you very much for making our food drive such a success!
Our shelves are not full. Each month we give out 40-50 bags of food to the needy in our community. We truly appreciate your continued generous support.
We wish to congratulate the following Altar Servers for receiving the Bishop’s Altar Servers medal in recognition of their dedication and commitment to their service for our parish.
- Emmanuella Achebe
- Reginald D’Cunha
- Mushipu Dieudonne
- Paul Dieudonne
- Paul Kabambi
- Erica Kouassi
- Michael Santos
- Breanna Stanislaus
- Santo Tom
- Catherine Walke
Released last week from the Vatican, this rosary connects to an app on iPhone or Android over Bluetooth. It is meant to
be worn on your wrist and in addition to tracking prayers, it tracks health information.
“Click to Pray eRosary” – wearable smart device to pray the rosary for peace
– Vatican News
More details and its availability are found here as well https://erosary.clicktoprayerosary.org/

Sunday, October 27th
The Youth Ministry and Sunday School Ministry are inviting all Parishioners to “Meet a Saint” in the Narthex between 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
The Ministry participants will dress up for this occasion!
It’s not too late to register
Next HS FOUNDATIONS: Nov 3rd. Come Holy Spirit. Come high school students. 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Free supper and free registration
More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429