November 10, 2019 Thirtieth-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- Posted On 9th Nov 2019
Masses for the Week
Sat. Nov 9
- 9:00 am Beatification of Frank Duff
- 5:00 pm † Martha Benedict
Sun. Nov 10
- 9:00 am Members of the CWL both living and deceased
- 11:00 am The People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm † John & Lily Albers
Mon. Nov 11
- 9:00 am † Galliano Sisti
Tues. Nov 12
- 9:00 am Intention of Teresa & Anthony Laberinto
Wed. Nov 13
- 9:00 am Intention of Tat Siu & Maria Fan
Thurs. Nov 14
- 9:00 am † Michael & Margaret Mullane
Fri. Nov 15
- 9:00 am
- † Pedro Cejo
- † Kent Taylor
- † Trien Duong
- † Jim Malcolm
- † Grace Anisia Perera
Sat. Nov 16
- 9:00 pm Intention of Ingrid & Bryan Noble
- 5:00 pm † Armando Angeloni
New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
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St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church
If we live and die for God, we shall be reunited with him. The experience of life “in God” led most Jews to believe in bodily resurrection. Not so the Sadduccees; strict conservatives although morally lax, they did not allow the development of doctrine. They were seeking comedy and controversy when they posed their absurd and heartless question. The law required a man to marry his brother’s widow if there were no male heir, not to help her but to ensure immortality through survival of the family name. Jesus reflects like a rabbi: Our life face-to-face with God will be radically different from this life. We believe in resurrection because we are sure that the living God loves us. The first reading recounts the heroism of seven brothers and their mother who chose death rather than apostasize. How can those who lose their life for God be deprived of it for ever? The King of the world will raise them. St. Paul prays for comfort and strength for his beloved converts. His prayer is appropriate today, whether we face persecution and martyrdom or the insidious threats of a secularized world.
(Sunday Mass Book)
February 10, 2020
This is being organized by Fr. Paul Hancko. The cost is $2390.00 for double occupancy. Single and triple occupancy available.
Contact Deacon Milan at 647-968-1411
November 30th at 8:30 a.m.
The Toronto Pavilion, 190 Railside Road
I will be with you always, until the end of the ages
(Matt 28,20)
Presented by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Council (CCRC) of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Join the celebration at the annual Christ the King Rally with unique programs for adults, youth and children!
$20 for adults; $5.00 for youth and children are free.
Praise and Worship by IV24, Rosary, Healing Procession, Confessions, Adoration and Holy Mass presided by His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins.
Guest Speakers: Sister Hazel d’Souza & Fr. David Avila
Email Contact:
Phone Contact:
To the families who will have a child scheduled to receive Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2020.
Details for the sacraments can be found here
The Participation of Women in the Catholic Church
Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 p.m.
Newman Centre, 89 St. George Street
Sister Mary Christa Nutt, R.S.M.
Are women excluded from full participation in the Catholic Church? An appreciation of the meaning of participation and complementarity shows how women may fully participate in the life of the Church and find deep fulfillment as women.
Austria and Switzerland featuring the Passion Play in Oberammergau with Fr. Francis Folleh.
Once in 10 years opportunity to see the play.
Only 7 seats left.
Registration Deadline: November 25.
For further information contact Maria at: 905-334-0559 or 416-291-2676 ext. 346
He was born in Tuscany and was Pope between 440 and 461 A.D. He is well known for his great eloquence and writing skills. Leo was widely respected for his love for the Lord, intelligence and persuasive nature. He was also gifted in bringing reconciliation between disputing groups of Christians During the 5th century barbarian invasion, he persuaded Attila the Hun to turn back at the gates of Rome.
Is coming up on Sunday, November 24th at 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
Tickets are $5.00 cash which includes 3 pancakes with syrup, 2 breakfast sausages, fruit juice and coffee or tea.
Tickets will be available after Masses on the weekend of November 17th.
Come join our families for a delicious breakfast!
These are available for purchase.
The cost is $10.00 per package of 10 (mixed design).
Contact Lucia for information at 416-283-3536
Catholic Women’s League
Saturday, November 16 from 9:30 to 2:00 p.m.
Contact: Marla-416-209-8659 or Kim-416-26-6341
Wednesday, November 27 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
CWL is screening “Fatal Flaws”
Contact: Marla-416-209-8659 or Kim-416-206-6341
As members of our Catholic community, we regularly benefit from the tireless service of our priests. Called by God and ordained to care for His people, our priests serve our families, in churches, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, missions and on the streets. The Shepherds’ Trust ensures our priests can live their retirement years with dignity. For many of our retired shepherds, this means “lending a hand” to accommodate their special needs so that they continue to live comfortably.
The Shepherd’s Trust collection will take place in all parishes in the Archdiocese during next weekend’s Masses.
Envelopes will be distributed and your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Next EDGE Night Nov. 8th: youth experienced that to “live free” comes with boundaries!
Youth in Gr. 6,7 and 8 it’s not too late to register
HS FOUNDATIONS Next meeting is on Dec. 1st at 4:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Come Holy Spirit. Come high school students.
Free supper and free registration
More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429