February 23, 2020 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
- Posted On 22nd Feb 2020
Masses for the Week
Sat. Feb 22
- 9:00 am † James Fitzgerald
- 5:00 pm Intention of Shirley & Hubert Sequeira
Sun. Feb 23
- 9:00 pm † Michele Abate
- 11:00 am People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm † Lumen Ong
Mon. Feb 24
- 9:00 am † Michael&Margaret Mullane
Tues. Feb 25
- 9:00 am † Deceased members of the Caccaveli Family
Thurs. Feb 27
- 9:00 am † Leslie & Marie Fernandis
Fri. Feb 28 9:00 am
- Intention of Mary Rosalin Chrysostom
- † Joseph Emmanuel
- † Souls in Purgatory
- † Jacinto Vaz
- † Aidan Redmond
Sat. Feb 29
- 9:00 pm † Aidan Redmond
- 5:00 pm † Lindolth Johnson
New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
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St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church
Masses for the Week
ASH WEDNESDAY – February 26th
Masses are scheduled for: 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Today’s readings set forth the holiness which God expects of his people. The ideal of perfect love, which our Old Testament reading calls for and which Jesus spells out for us in the gospel and demonstrates in his life and death, is based on God’s own holiness. In the words of the psalm we recall how God has forgiven and redeemed us; we must act toward one another with the same spirit of forgiving love. Even our enemies and our persecutors must be loved. Christ demands of us only what he will practise himself. Christian maturity means that we imitate God in this perfect love. The law of holiness, given to the community by Moses, is explained in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The believing community is the body of the risen Christ and the new temple of the living God. It is through our relationship with Christ that we become children of our heavenly Father and through the Spirit living in us that we learn that unselfish love
by which we imitate the Father.
MOZART REQUIEM-Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form
Friday, March 20th
St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering
RESOUND Choir of Durham with organ accompaniment will sing the Mozart Requiem during a Extraordinary Form Latin Mass.
There is no cost; but there will be a freewill offering.
For more information, contact: saintisaacjoguesmusic@gmail.com
God says to all of us “be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.” The Second Vatican Council teaches us that we can reach holiness by gratefully acknowledging the gifts God has given us and cooperating with God in giving these gifts back for the service of the Church. Therefore, let us take some time to reflect on how we can become better stewards in our parish community so that we may move closer, through God’s grace, towards holiness.
To the families who will have a child scheduled to receive Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2020.
Details for the sacraments can be found here
Friday, March 13, 7:00 p.m. to
Sunday, March 15 1:30 p.m.
St. Augustine’s Seminary, Scarborough
Inviting single Catholic men 17 years and older, to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus Christ; leading to a better discernment of God’s call for their lives. Time for prayer, reflection and information on the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples as a Catholic priest.
Register online at www.vocationstoronto.ca. Registrants 17 years old require parental consent.
For more information call 416-968-0997; email: vocations@archtoronto.org
March 27th
Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre
2325 Liverpool Road, Pickering
A silent retreat in the Jesuit tradition.
Fr. Michael Knox, SJ, Director of Martyrs’ Shrine, Midland will facilitate the retreat “The Anima Christi: An Intimate Journey with Jesus Christ.”
Cost: Suggested offering $220.00 per person. This includes accommodation, meals, program and spiritual direction.
Phone: 905-839-2864 Email: registration@manresa.ca
We invite ALL Parishioners to attend a series of Lenten Talks every Thursday. We have a list of guest speakers and we would want each of you at attend and be blessed this Lenten season.
The Lenten evening begins at 7:25 p.m. with Mary’s Way of the Cross followed with Praise and Worship and the dedicated Lenten Talk.
See details below.
- Feb. 27:
- For the battle is the Lord’s – Fr. Tony Adusei
- Mar. 5:
- TBA – Audrey Johnson
- Mar.12:
- The 3R’s for Renewal – Deacon V. Tran
- Mar.26:
- TBA – Sharon Marlow
- Apr. 2:
- Lent a season of prayer – Fr. Daniel Sehlapelor
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” The “earth” to conquer is the salvation of our brother and sister. There is no earth better than someone’s heart, no land more beautiful to gain than peace renewed with a brother or sister.
7770 Steeles Avenue East, Markham
Saturday, March 7 at 9:00 a.m.
Come and lean about the importance of a Will, Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning as well as Catholic teachings and traditions around cremation. The Archdiocese of Toronto Estate Planning Team and Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services will share:
- How to protect your loved one with a proper Will
- How to ensure your wishes are legally protected
- About Powers of Attorney
- Estate Trustee selection
- Finding lawyers and estate planning advisors
- Our Catholic traditions around wills, cremation, burial and funerals
An estate planning kit will be provided at no cost and refreshments will be provided.
RSVP: Frank Jannetta 416-733-8544 ext. 2023 fjannetta@cc-fs.ca
This is the last weekend to pick up a fundraiser envelope to support the Youth Ministry. The funds will help lower the costs of Catholic, Christ-centred youth activities endorsed by the Archdiocese…. Just fill it, and place it in the collection basket today, next week or bring it to the
office. Thank you for your generosity and your prayers.
Next EDGE Night on Feb. 28th: Be ROOTED!
HS FOUNDATIONS and EDGE are going to the LIFT JESUS HIGHER RALLY on March 7th!
Please support our Youth Ministry and help lower the costs of Catholic, Christ-centered youth activities like EDGE Camp and SteubenvilleToronto.org. Just pick up an envelope in the entrance display and place it in the collection basket the following week, or bring it to the office. Thank you for also supporting us with your prayers.
- Next EDGE Night is February 14th: Abide!
- HS Foundations and EDGE are going to the LIFT JESUS HIGHER RALLY on March 7th
More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429