September 4th, 2022 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Posted On 1st Sep 2022
Masses for the Week
- Sat Sep 3
- 9:00 am Nadeem (Jimmy) Shiekh
- 5:00 Ronald V. Real
- Sun Sep 4
- 9:00 am Intentions of the Robbins Family
- 11:00 am People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm Adam Befetel
- Mon Sep 5
- 9:00 am Deceased Members of the Hilary Fernandes Family
- Tue Sep 6
- 9:00 am Ralph & Valeri Crastro
- Wed Sep 7
- 9:00 am Joaquin Barbosa
- Thu Sep 8
- 9:00 am Evertna Monteiro
- Fri Sep 9
- 9:00 am
- Leonor Leon
- Deceased Members of the Padilla Family
- Francisca Cruz
- Ludia Adona
- Ursala Bleasdell
- 9:00 am
- Sat Sep 10
- 9:00 am Intentions of Teresa Laberinto
- 5:00 pm Christopher Leo Papizzo
We are happy to serve
We are happy to serve
In the Gospel reading for today, Jesus calls us to take our decision to follow Him seriously. He says we cannot be His follower if we don’t renounce everything and everyone else. As we ponder on this, we realise making Jesus our cornerstone can be challenging, daunting and solitary. But Jesus also promises that He is with us always. Today we reflect on all the ways we can continue to make Jesus our focus, our purpose for living and the centre of our thoughts and actions. In the words of the popular hymn: Though none go with me, I still will follow... the world behind me the cross before me, no turning back.
Living with Christ
There will be a retreat for cancer patients and their caregivers on Wednesday, September 28th, 2022, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga. A relic of St. Peregrine will be in our Chapel during this retreat.
Theme: “Come, let Jesus hold you lovingly in His arms and fill you with strength.”
Cost: $45.00 includes coffee cart on arrival and hot lunch. Call 905-278-5229 to register.
Please join fellow parishioners at the Canada Needs Our Lady Rosary rally which will take place on Saturday Oct. 15th at 12 noon in the parking lot at St. Martin de Porres Church (cor. Lawrence Ave E. and Morningside).
Let us honour Our Lady of Fatima and spread her message of hope for families, personal conversions, and for our country as we pray the Rosary together.
Please contact: Dawne Williams ( or Martin Pallath ( for more details.
2022 Parish Ministry Conference
Moving Into Deep Waters of Mission: Start with Jesus
We are happy to invite all parish clergy, lay ministry staff, coordinators and volunteers across the Archdiocese of Toronto to our first hybrid conference, Moving Into the Deep Waters of Mission: Start with Jesus. Come and renew missionary creativity and zeal during this challenging time in the life of the Church! For more Information and
Mass will be held on September 7th, 2022 at 11 a.m. and every 1st Wednesday of the month thereafter. All are welcome to join.
All ladies of the parish are welcome to join the CWL members at their first in-person meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hall.
RENEW Toronto Young Adult Conference 2022
We are very excited to be bringing young adults together again for RENEW Toronto. RENEW Toronto is a conference for all young adults aged 19-39 with keynotes, workshops, worship music, Confessions, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and fellowship. This conference will offer unique opportunities for students, young adult professionals, and young couples. We invite young adults to unite with one another to collectively renew their hearts, renew their call and renew their community.
Canada Christian College, 300 Water St., Whitby Nov-05-2022 2:00 PM to Nov-06-2022 1:30 PM
Registration for Sunday School begins next week. Fill out the registration form online at
or pickup a copy at the parish office during office hours.
Faith formation for children attending public schools is supported through Sunday School. Children attending Catholic schools are also welcome.
For more information, see our website or contact Angela Bernard at 647.242-8429.