October 23rd, 2022 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Masses for the Week

Sat Oct 22, 9:00 AMIntention of Tony & Celina Zagrai
Sat Oct 22, 5:00 PMRosario Calanddra - RIP
Sun Oct 22, 9:00 AMRichard Jansz - RIP
Sun Oct 22, 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Oct 22, 7:00 PMEverest Antao - RIP
Mon Oct 22, 9:00 AMRose Joseph - RIP
Tue Oct 22, 9:00 AMFlorentina Gerona - RIP
Wed Oct 22, 9:00 AMIntention of Socrates Furtado
Thu Oct 22, 9:00 AMEthan Jacob Reyes David - RIP
Fri Oct 22, 9:00 AMPushpa Gomes - RIP
Edward Sebastian Meyers - RIP
Andrew Michael Bachman - RIP
Rolando Hizon - RIP
Eileen Farquharson -RIP
Sat Oct 22, 9:00 AMSheldon Hannah - RIP
Sat Oct 22, 5:00 PMSalvador Miranda - RIP


We are happy to serve

You can register online or registration forms are provided at the back of the Church.


From Christ’s judgement on the prayers of the Pharisee and tax collector, we learn the attitude of humility we must have before God. The Pharisee was a model of piety while the tax collector was a sinful man. The Pharisee thanked God for his virtue, but was more focused on himself than with prayer. The tax collector humbly acknowledged his sinfulness both in posture and prayer. Jesus’ comment on these two men astonished his hearers, the sinner was saved by God’s declaration while the virtuous person was condemned. This calls us to always remember that we are all “graced sinners” who cannot be saved by our own merits.


 So far in 2022, we have made over 174 home visits providing food and clothing vouchers, beds and other assistance to some 64 families in our parish and the immediate surroundings consisting of 115 children and 141 adults. 

Please find the full report on the church’s bulletin boards and website with handouts at the back of the church. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. 



Are you Caribbean or of Caribbean descent? If so, join us for this FREE special event at the historic St. Paul’s Basilica in Toronto, on Saturday, October 29th, 2022 from 8 am to 11:30 am. 

Come and learn about the importance of a Will, Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning as well as Catholic teachings and traditions around burials and cremation. 

To register or receive further information, send us an email to : development@archtoronto.org or call us at 416-934-3400 ext. 561/519 


Municipal elections will be held on Monday, October 24th, 2022. All Catholics are strongly encouraged to exercise their democratic right to vote. To ensure your vote for the Catholic School Board Trustee, at the polling booth, verify that you are registered as a Catholic school supporter. If your status is incorrect ask for an Application to Amend the Voters’ List. Thank you for your interest and involvement in this fall’s election! 


Our first parent meeting for the first reconciliation program kicks off Sunday Oct. 23rd 1 PM in the hall and on Tuesday Oct. 25th at 7pm in the church. 

The second meeting will be held on Sunday Nov. 20th @1 pm in the hall and on Tuesday Nov. 22 at 7 pm in the church. 


Please visit FORMED at (https://formed.org) where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.


All grade 6, 7 and 8 students are invited to join St. Joseph’s EDGE Youth Ministry. EDGE fosters community by creating a fun, safe environment as the means to discover some of the riches of the Catholic Faith. 

EDGE kicks off in-person on Oct 28th. For more information and to register, go to: 



Catholic Faith Formation for children attending Public Schools is supported through St Joseph’s Sunday School. Children attending Catholic Schools are also welcome. Children who have MISSED receiving Baptism before they started school, First Holy Communion in grade 2 or Confirmation in grade 7 MUST prepare through Sunday School, if they want to receive those Sacraments this year. 

For more info, see the poster in the Narthex, go to our website or contact Angie Bernard.