November 13th, 2022 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Masses for the Week

Sat Nov 12 09:00 AMDeceased members of Udai Family
Sat Nov 12 05:00 PMDeceased members of Cox, Sragg & St. Louis Family
Sun Nov 13 09:00 AMIntention of Tat Siu & Maria Fan
Sun Nov 13 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Nov 13 07:00 PMEileen Farquharson - RIP
Mon Nov 14 09:00 AMDeceased members of Supnet Family - RIP
Tue Nov 15 09:00 AMBrian Tomie - RIP
Wed Nov 16 09:00 AMMaria Ching Chee & Chao Wen Liu - RIP
Thu Nov 17 09:00 AMRosario Calandra - RIP
Fri Nov 18 09:00 AMAngela O'Conner - RIP
Emilia D'Souza - RIP
Pamela Skoryk- RIP
Intention of Onyinye Nwosisi
Intention of Myrna Timbangan
Sat Nov 19 09:00 AMCelestine Van Veen - RIP
Sat Nov 19 05:00 PMRalph Philips - RIP


We are happy to serve

You can register online or registration forms are provided at the back of the Church.


In today’s Gospel, Jesus prophesies of the terrible things that will come upon the world. In frightening detail he speaks of war and rumours of wars, earthquakes, natural disasters, family betrayal, false prophets and persecution for loving God. In our day we see the human suffering from war and natural disasters. Jesus assures us that these are signs from heaven. He strengthens us with his words: “I will give you words and wisdom. Not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your souls.” How do we endure? In his wisdom, the Lord draws us closer in times of trouble. The omnipotent God loves us and invites us to trust in him. During the fall of communism in Poland, Pope St. John Paul spoke these words to the people– “Be not afraid” - illustrating the power of this trust in God.


 You can be a hero for those in need! Your year-end gift will double in value! 

From now until the end of 2022, your contribution to our parish’s ShareLife campaign will be matched by an anonymous donor up to a total of $1 million. When you give to ShareLife, you support agencies like Mary Centre. Here’s how your contribution makes a difference for the work of this agency: 

“Thank you to all who donate to ShareLife. With each donation we receive, we are able to attain our goals of assisting people in their efforts in building a good life, and also providing a safe place for people with a developmental disability to stay so that their families/caregivers and themselves can get some needed respite.” 

Our goal this year is $106,000. To date we have achieved $84,600. Please give using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at 


Originally founded in 1955, we have a long tradition of serving the parish community. Our repertoire includes both traditional and contemporary music, with up to 4 parts. 

All are invited, young and old – we are especially in need of men’s voices. Previous musical training is an asset but not required. Rehearsals are held on Sunday after the 11am mass. Please see the choir director, Jason Gotera for more information 


We are seeking volunteers who have great devotion to the Mother of God and who are willing to visit our elementary schools to pray the Rosary with the children once a month for a total of 8 days in the year. Training will be provided. Contact Bonnie Washer: 416-284- 5772 



Saturday November 19th, 2022 

9:30 a.m. –2:00 p.m. 

CWL apple pies, Tea room, International foods, Ven-dors, Treasures, Baked goodies and interesting items to purchase. Join us to help support those less fortu-nate. 

Donation of baked goodies will be greatly appreciat-ed. These can be dropped off on Friday November 18th at the Church Hall from 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. For more information please call Lucia 416-283- 3536 


A beautiful way to prepare for Christmas 

Saturday, November 26th 

9:00 am – 3:00pm 

Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga 

Cost: $45.00 lunch included 


Our 2nd Parent meeting will be held on the following dates: Sunday, Nov. 20th @ 1pm in the hall &Tuesday, Nov. 22 @ 7pm in the church 


Please visit FORMED at ( where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.


Our EPIC UNIVERSE is so intelligently designed that if earth was any closer or further from the sun, life on earth could not exist.

Do you know how many stars are in the universe?

Do you know that God named each one of them?

Do you know that YOU are more important to God than each one of those stars?

For more information and to register, go to: