February 12, 2023 Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time Year A

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Masses for the Week

Sat Feb 11 09:00 AM† Sheldon Hannah
Sat Feb 11 05:00 PM† Julie Lee
Sun Feb 12 09:00 AM† Rosaleen Neeson
Sun Feb 12 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Feb 12 07:00 PM† Kaymal Dinally
Mon Feb 13 09:00 AM† Damaso & Julia Quiogue
Tue Feb 14 09:00 AMIntention of Jordan Samos
Wed Feb 15 09:00 AM† Emilda Mary Rodricks
Thu Feb 16 09:00 AM† Joan Stewart
Fri Feb 17 09:00 AM† Paul Mirasol
† Benjamin Omadap
† Paul Enacha
† Jovita Dayot
† Deceased members of the Caccavelli family
Intention of the Louis Family
Sat Feb 18 09:00 AM† Leonard Dillon
Sat Feb 18 05:00 PM† Sahr Folleh


We are happy to serve

You can register online or registration forms are provided at the back of the Church.


The book of Sirach , a collection of wisdom sayings reminds us that we have been given the freedom to choose right or wrong, life or death. God calls us only to life; our choice is to be made in fidelity to him. Though it may be difficult, God’s law is not burdensome for those who choose to be faithful. They are happy to do his will. Paul tells us that such wisdom is not readily understood by the world. Christ was crucified for preaching the wisdom that transcends human understanding. Jesus’ life shows that we must die to ourselves in order to receive life. Only the Holy Spirit can lead us in the ways of God, since Spirit alone plumbs his depths. God’s commands which are not to be set aside, are given their perfect interpretation by Jesus in today’s gospel. He completes the former law. He insists on an ideal of behaviour which goes beyond external legal obedience. Reconciliation with those we have offended takes precedence even over sacrifice to God. This way of life is demanding, but God’s grace and guidance are with us.


Does Jesus have the place of honour in your family’s heart and home? The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus program can show you how to get started. What about a relationship with the Mother of Jesus?

For a visit of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue and for more information about the Enthronement, contact the Legion of Mary at 416-286-3932


All women of the parish are invited to the CWL General Meeting on Monday, February 13th at 7:00 pm. Rosary followed by the meeting in Room 2. Refreshments will be available. Come join us and feel free to bring a friend! 


The Prayer Group is happy to invite All Parishioners/Guests to come listen to some amazing, power-filled Priests during our Lenten Talks on the following Thursdays: February 23rd, March 9th and March 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. 

We will commence with the Way of the Cross, followed by a short Praise and Worship and Lenten talks. Come to be spiritually filled in preparation of our Lord’s Resurrection. 

The list of speakers be posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex shortly. Bring along your family and friends. 

Light refreshments will be served. 



Confirmation means accepting responsibility for your faith and your destiny. The focus is on the Holy Spirit, who confirmed the apostles on Pentecost and gave

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First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion is one of our three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the

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Holy Eucharist – Transportation


Those wishing to take the Holy Eucharist to their sick loved ones must do so with a pyx.

They must also have the pyx burse/ purse hanging down their necks for reverently placing and taking the Eucharist.

Without the pyx and the pyx burse/purse we will be unable to give the Eucharist for people in this circumstance.

EDGE Youth Ministry 22-23

On Feb 10th, EDGErs combined Prayers of Gratitude with Praise and Worship! 

Malo, Malo, Thanks be to God! 

If you are in Grade 6, 7 or 8 and want to know more, go to 



Please visit FORMED at (https://formed.org) where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.