April 9, 2023 Easter Vigil Year A

Masses for the Week

Sun Apr 9 09:00 AM† Gus Sheehan
Sun Apr 9 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish (Lent)
Mon Apr 10 09:00 AM† Blanch Barlow
Tue Apr 11 09:00 AM† Augustine Fernandes
Wed Apr 12 09:00 AMIntention of Cornelia Chua
Thu Apr 13 09:00 AM† Carol- Ann Murray
Fri Apr 14 09:00 AM† Martin & Arnolta Raposo
† Alfred & Mitalda Hannah
† Souls in Purgatory
† Raul Reyes
Intention of Cherileen & Lenson Carido
Intention Ricardo & Cornelia Chua
Sat Apr 15 09:00 AM† Justino Silva Ferreira
† Marshal, Lidwin & Philomine Pinto

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The Lord is risen as he said! The Father has responded to Jesus’ obedient yes with new life surpassing glory. From ancient times the Christian people have gathered to keep Easter vigil, rejoicing in the Lord’s triumph over sin and death as a pledge of their own victory. The scripture readings, many more than usual, recall God’s saving interventions in human history, which culminated in Jesus’ death and resurrection for us. Let us listen with special care tonight to God’s word. It urges us to accept the invitation to love him with all our hearts. Then, as we renew our baptismal commitment, our lives will become more deeply hidden in Christ’s. We will share gladly in his death, in hope of knowing the joy of his resurrection.

Happy Easter
Wishing you all a Happy Easter!
Fr. Francis
Fr. Arinze
and the Pastoral Team


 All women of the parish are invited to the CWL General Meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 7:00 pm. Rosary followed by the meeting in Room 2. Refreshments will be available. Come join us and feel free to bring a friend! 


 We have received approval to proceed with the paving of the parking lot to the west of the church. This will provide us with an additional 76 parking spots. A sketch will be posted shortly in the Narthex of what the parking lot will look like. We have started submission of applications to the city for the permits to proceed. We expect to receive these permits by mid April at which time we will go out to tender for construction. We expect the construction to occur during the summer and look to have it completed by the end of September. 


The Missionary Families of Christ invites you to a Christian Life Seminar open to all adult men and women. The Seminar is an integrated course intended to lead the participants into a renewed understanding of and response to God’s call to them as Christians. Every Friday at 7pm from April 14 – May 19 , 2023 in St. Joseph’s basement hall. 

TDC St. Michaels Scholarship

The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is offering a scholarship of $3,000 to St. Michael’s College. This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school education, and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first choice. The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences or Sciences. The applications must be submitted by May 31, 2023.

For further information, please contact Lucia Vacca at 416-283-3536 


An Inner Healing Retreat will be held on April 22nd & 23rd from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM at the Divine Retreat Centre – 69 William St, Toronto. 

Registration is free (Full attendance is mandatory) 

For more info: 

Call: 647-949-4932 Email: enquirydrct@gmail.com 

Or visit the website: divineretreatcentretoronto.org 

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - April 16th, 2023


  1. Novena begins on Good Friday. If you wish to pray it with others, meet at the Divine Mercy image after any service on that day and after any 9:00 am Mass during Easter week.
  2. Acts of mercy– word, deed and prayer.
  3. Make a good confession. 

Information and Novena Pamphlets are available at church exits.

For more info please call Bonnie Washer at 416-284-5772. 



Confirmation means accepting responsibility for your faith and your destiny. The focus is on the Holy Spirit, who confirmed the apostles on Pentecost and gave

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First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion is one of our three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the

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Holy Eucharist – Transportation


Those wishing to take the Holy Eucharist to their sick loved ones must do so with a pyx.

They must also have the pyx burse/ purse hanging down their necks for reverently placing and taking the Eucharist.

Without the pyx and the pyx burse/purse we will be unable to give the Eucharist for people in this circumstance.

Edge Youth Ministry

Happy Easter! Let’s follow Jesus through the cross into resurrected LIFE. 


Please visit FORMED at (https://formed.org) where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.