Christmas Bells
- Posted On 25th Nov 2018

This year, on Saturday December 8th, join us in the Church Hall after the 5:00 pm mass, for a spectacular event for your whole family!
The evening is promised to be filled with…
[wp-svg-icons icon=”music” wrap=”i”] Carols, sung by our parish’s choirs in varying musical arrangements!!!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”ticket” wrap=”i”] Bingo, now lets get those numbers straight!!!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”wink” wrap=”i”] If you have a child or a child at heart, there is going to be a Magic Show; come and have a magical experience!!!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”bell” wrap=”i”] Now what Christmas Party can go by without Santa making his majestic appearance? Santa Claus will be making a guest appearance as he Jingles Bells on his Way
Here is something for all you High School Kids – Volunteer Hours!!!
If you are interested in collecting these volunteer hours by volunteering for this event, do contact Isis Rebello at 416-286-0707 or the Church Office and provide your details.
Remember! The first meeting of volunteers is on Tuesday 27th November at 7:00 pm