Newsletter 2018 Sep-Oct

Spiritual Advisor

Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.

2017-2018 Executive


Lucia Vacca

President Elect/ Organization & Membership


Marla Tanuan


Ju-Ann Miranda

Spiritual Development

Mai Tran

Christian Family Life

Kim Deans

Community Life

Danielle Giggie


Tania Mascarenhas

Education & Health

Hyacinth Fernandes

Resolution & Legislation

Tina Tolpa

Past President & Historian

Ingrid Hart

A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu

“Where has the summer gone,” we see ourselves asking, especially as we see our children and grandchildren dust clean their school bags for another school year. Another year for us too, after a summer of some very hot days and occasional downpour. For us, the members of the St. Joseph’s Council, September is the beginning of another year. For the first few months of this year, our attention will be focused on at least two important events: the election of the new officers of the League, and the celebration of the 65th Anniversary.

So much has already been done in preparation for this Anniversary Celebration—thanks to the hard-work of those in-charge. And I have heard it being talked about with much excitement on different occasions by different people. Indeed, we are all looking forward to that day to show-chase who we are, and to thank God for the witness we have been able to bear for sixty-five long years.

About the forth-coming election, I have not heard much. Perhaps, this is because our attention is focused on the Anniversary Celebration. Whatever may be the reason, we cannot afford to give this election less attention than it deserves. This is because successful elections guarantee the future of organizations such as ours—God willing, of course. This is why this election should be preceded with a prayerful discernment of what God is asking of our sixty-five-year old Council, and of us as individual as members of this Council.

Like the summer that has come and gone, so will this important Anniversary. It, too, will come and go. But what will come after it? A renewed Council optimistic about its future? Or a Council whose future is very uncertain because some of the members who can, are unwilling to serve in leadership positions?

With all of you, I am looking forward to a happy celebration 65th Anniversary. And I pray and hope that our focus on this celebration will not prevent us from finding time for a prayerful preparation for the election of the officers of the Council.

A Message from the President – Lucia Vacca

Welcome back everyone! Summer is now behind us and we are looking forward to the next few exciting months of activities which have been planned for the remainder of our term for this executive team.

Included in this newsletter is the Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour nomination instructions and form. Please take the time to nominate a worthy member of our Council to receive this award.

By now you will have received the Nominations packages for the next team of CWL executives for 2019-2020 term. Please be sure to nominate and sign your forms and submit them before October 12th. Allow the Holy Spirit to move you to say YES if you have been nominated. It is your turn to make a difference and continue the CWL story in our Parish.

There are a number of planned events coming up and we would love see you. Here are activities and events scheduled for the remainder of the year: Planning for our Bazaar, Life Chain, 24th Annual Interfaith, Square Dancing, Apple Pie making, Scarborough Regional Meeting, Women Abuse Mass, Mass for Deceased members, Bazaar and the celebration of our 65th CWL Anniversary of our Council etc…. not to mention, we are collecting milk bags and making milk bag mats, pneumonia vests, collecting pop tabs, soup labels, food items for our outreach and more. These are just a few ways which we are making a difference. Many of you are also members of multi ministries in our Parish and Community and this is commendable. We are all very blessed with God given talents and it is wonderful to see that “Inspired by the Spirit…Women are responding to God’s call”. Let us continue to serve with reverence out of love for God and Canada.




FOR NEW EXECUTIVE TEAM FOR 2019-2020 – Elections will be held on November 12th, 2018 at our General Meeting

Dear sisters in the League, by now you will have received your Nominations and Election Package. Please be sure to complete the Nominations form and returned it by either placing it in a collection basket during mass, mail it in the return envelope enclosed in your package or you may drop it off to the Parish Office by the deadline of Friday October 12th.

Note: Any nomination forms received after that date will be destroyed by the Committee.

Please take some time in quiet prayer to ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to accept the nomination if you are called. The Nominations and Elections Committee is comprised of Mary Tuccitto, as Chair of Elections, Ingrid Hart and Irene Dillabough. Remember, if a member of this Committee calls you, then this means that you have been nominated to a position for the 2019–2020 Executive and that someone has seen a special God given talent or gift in you. It is through your acceptance of this nomination that a healthy election can bring about a new and vibrant Executive to lead our Council for the next two years. I encourage you to accept the nomination with an open heart, joyously giving of your service to our members, our community and our charities – “For God and Canada”.

Our Mission Statement: “The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.Serving on an executive team is a great opportunity for personal growth and a wonderful way of fulfilling your commitment to the CWL.

Here is what you need to know in making an informed choice in nominating someone for election:

Some names will not appear on the Eligible Members List which was included in your package.

Mary Tuccitto is Chair of Nominations and Elections Committee, and is not eligible for nomination therefore she has been omitted from the eligible members list as well as others who are not in a position to direct the council. There are many former executive members and members at large who have much CWL experience who can act as mentors to help the new executive team. Ladies, be not afraid to say ‘YES’ as you are called to “Serve God and Canada”.

Organization & Membership

Welcome the following new members: Lynda Nolan. Annjudine Fernandes and Ellen Stockman

Membership Renewal: Due to National before January 1, 2019

The November/December Newsletter will include the Membership Renewal Form for 2019. The form will also be available at our General Meetings. If you are receiving your Newsletter by email, please ensure that you print the form which will be a separate attachment. If you have moved, are in the process of moving or have had any change in your contact information, we need to have your correct information for our records and for the National Office. This will ensure your receipt of your League Magazine.

Bazaar Planning Mtg. Monday September 17th 7:00 p.m. Room 3

You are more than welcome to join in the planning of this event. Bring your ideas as to how we can improve and make this event successful.

Square Dance Social: Saturday October 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Once again, we will be hosting an evening of Square Dancing. This is a very popular and fun event it is FREE of charge and is open to all families in our Parish community and guests. Refreshments will be available. So spread the word and let’s have some fun! Great exercise too!

Annual Apple Pie Making – Come and join us

Our Apple Pies are always a hit at our Bazaar. We are continuing our tradition of making our famous Apple Pies. We welcome and encourage new members to join in and learn, in order to ensure our reputation of St. Joseph’s having the Best Apple Pies. If you are already an expert in making these pies or you would like to help in any way or just simply have never made a pie before and would like to learn, we welcome you.

Here are the dates for our Fall 2018 apple pie making sessions:

  • Thursday, October 4th 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • Thursday, October 11th 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • Thursday, October 18th 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • Thursday, October 25th 10:00am – 3:00pm

Contact Lucia Vacca 416 283-3536 or Ingrid Hart 416 282-8775

Thank you for your continued support in this annual project. We look forward to seeing you there! It’s a great time to connect with your sisters in the League.

Scarborough Region Fall General Meeting

Wednesday October 17, 2017 beginning with mass at 7:00 p.m. followed by refreshments and meeting at St. Barnabas Parish (10 Washburn Way). All members from Scarborough are invited to attend. Make an effort to attend this meeting where you will hear what the Scarborough Parishes have been doing and meet the Toronto Diocesan Executives

Mass for Deceased Members

Scarborough – Wednesday November 7th – 7:00 p.m. at St. Dunstan’s Parish (Danforth and Victoria Park) . This is a mass which we all participate in honouring our deceased members by presenting the Book of Life at the altar. Everyone is invited to attend and remember our very valued sisters who are no longer with us.


Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May all the faithful departed rest in peace.

We continue our prayers for the members who are ill at this time

A Message from the Treasurer – Marla Tanuan

Welcome back, dear Sisters in the League, from your Summer reverie! Heritage Day this year was a little different without the parade, but thanks to all you dedicated Sisters in the League and the beautiful weather from Our Lord, our mid-year bazaar was still a success. Special thanks and blessings as well to all our volunteers outside of the League and to our Brothers at the Knights of Columbus. We were able to raise roughly $5,100 in net revenues this year.

God bless you in all that you do for His Kingdom!

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Bake Table|$1,198
International – Caribbean|$483
International – Indian|$298
International – Filipino|$549
Plant Sales|$610
Tea Room|$1025
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A Message from Spiritual Development – Mai Tran

25th Interfaith Celebration

We will once again be the hosts for the Annual Interfaith Evening Celebration. This event brings together our many faith communities in our area. We invite all of you to join in this Annual celebration and bring a friend to a Spiritual and Social celebration. Friday, October 12th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Parish our theme continues with “Inspired by the Spirit Women Respond to God’s Call” with a focus on the homeless. Your contribution of finger foods to share would be greatly appreciated. Let us be welcoming to our community our St. Joseph hospitality.

October is the month to pray the Rosary. Make an effort to pray the Rosary, especially on October 7th the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

A Message Resolutions & Legislations – Tina Tolpa

The following are the Resolutions which were presented and passed at the three levels of the Catholic Women’s League conventions:

Toronto Diocesan Convention: TD 2018.01 Develop National Standards for Levels of Pharmaceuticals in Canada’s Drinking Water

Ontario Provincial Convention: ON.18.01 Develop National Standards for Levels of Pharmaceuticals in Canada’s Drinking Water ON.18.02 Full Implementation of Income Security: A Roadmap for Change for Disabled Adult Ontarians ON.18.03 To Fully Implement Alternative Sentencing to Incarceration of Indigenous Offenders

National Convention: 2018.01 Attestation Requirement on Canada Summer Jobs Program 2018.02 Setting a Standard for Products Marketed as Flushable 2018.03 Legislate Designation of Hospice/Palliative Care, Free from Medical Assistance in Dying.

For full details and action plans, please go to the following websites:

A Message from Community Life – Danielle Giggie

As Community Chair, I have been focusing a lot in helping the poor in our community, especially in the way of soup kitchens and food banks.

St Ann’s Parish, in downtown Toronto has had a good bank in its existence since 2005. For the past 13 years the bank has steadily increased its clients, with serving 700 + every month. Here in Scarborough, we have a soup kitchen called 5N2. This kitchen is located at 1250 Markham Road. Just South of the 401 on the West side. This is a fairly new kitchen which just celebrated its 5th year of serving its neighbors free and healthy meals.

The 5N2 is run by Directors, volunteers, community leaders and donors. They plan, prepare and make free hot meals for those who are most vulnerable, working 7 days a week with servings to over 9 locations. For more information or how you can play a role in this operation, whether you are a student or a senior or somewhere in between, you can phone 5N2 kitchen at 647 993 9513.

A Message from Education & Health – Hyacinth Fernandes

Hello Sisters in the league…..I hope that you all had a restful summer and took time to recharge and rejuvenate with family and friends. The dog days of summer will soon give way to the shorter days of fall and for some of us perhaps more time indoors and diets that may begin to include less fresh green vegetables.

Given this, I thought it might be a good time to share with you an article on Liver health as your liver is the organ whose primary function is to filter or clean your blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. Here are 12 things that you can do to maintain a healthy Liver:

Drink Coffee

People who drink a few cups of coffee a day may be less likely to get liver diseases including cancer and scarring (fibrosis, cirrhosis). It might even slow those conditions in some people who have them.

Don’t Overdo Acetaminophen

It’s in more than 600 meds, including many cold and flu drugs. Most adults shouldn’t get more than 4,000 milligrams per day.

Check on Your Supplements

They cause almost a quarter of all liver damage. Herbs like borage, comfrey, groomwell, and coltsfoot have “pyrrolizidine alkaloids” that can gum up the tiny blood vessels inside the organ, either over time or all at once (if you take a lot). Other herbs like Atractylis gummifera, Camellia sinensis, celandine, chaparral, germander, and pennyroyal oil (used in tea) can also cause liver problems.

Skip Herbal Liver Remedies

Common liver remedies like milk thistle, turmeric, and astragalus don’t have much research behind them. Colloidal silver, sometimes used (with little scientific support) for hepatitis C, can cause irreversible side effects like turning your skin blue. Tell your doctor about all pills, herbs, and supplements you take. First, to check on the safety of each item, but also because of how they might interact with each other.

Drink Only in Moderation

When you drink, your liver stops doing other things so it can break down the alcohol and remove it from your blood. If you overdo it — more than a drink a day for women, two a day for men — it’s really hard on the organ and could hurt it. Over time, this often leads to “fatty liver,” an early sign of disease. It also might cause bad bacteria to grow in your gut that can travel to your liver and cause damage.

Eat the Rainbow

That means fruits and vegetables from all the colors of the rainbow, which helps ensure you get all the nutrients and fiber you need. Avoid refined carbs like doughnuts and white bread in favor of whole-grain rice, breads, and cereals. A bit of meat, dairy, and fat can also help. But not too much, and look for “good” (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated) fats from seeds, nuts, fish, and vegetable oils.

Keep a Healthy Body Weight

That means working to keep a body mass index (BMI) of between 18 and 25. There are online tools to help you figure out your number. Exercise and a well-balanced diet are the best way to help maintain a good-for-you weight and lower your chances of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Your doctor can help you set a weight goal that will help keep your whole body well over the long term.

Wash Your Hands

It’s a simple, easy way to keep germs away that could infect your liver. Just a little soap and warm water will do. It’s especially important right before you prepare food and right after you change a diaper or go to the bathroom. You can spread hepatitis A in particular when you touch food or water with contaminated hands.

Exercise Regularly

It can help keep your BMI at the right level, which could protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. But even if your BMI doesn’t change, exercise is likely to help. Why? Because it improves how your insulin works and burns triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood.

Avoid Toxins

These might be chemicals in cleaning products, spray cans, insecticides, and other household items. They could hurt cells in your liver if you touch, absorb, or breathe in too much of them. You can protect yourself if you wear a mask and goggles and open the windows when you use them.

Check for Liver Damage

It’s especially important for your doctor to do this if you drink heavily or have a family history of liver disease. Early treatment helps, and you might not have symptoms at first.

You should also get tested if you’re more likely to have hepatitis C. This includes anyone who:

Had a blood transfusion before 1992 — Ever used illegal drugs — Is on dialysis — Has HIV– Was stuck by an infected needle — Got a tattoo from an unregulated place — Was born between 1945 and 1965

Get Vaccinated

You can get it for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, but not for hepatitis C. A lot of kids have been vaccinated, but many adults haven’t. Talk to your doctor about whether you need it. It might be especially important if your immune system is weak or your liver already shows some damage.

A Message from Christian Family Life – Kim Deans

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and made some great memories with their families during this vacation time. Ever since our family vacation to Rome, I’ve been thinking about how important making memories together is to a Catholic Family’s Life. Even when things go wrong – a ridiculously long flight, losing a hat and telling the Swiss Guards I was looking for the ‘capo’ rather than the ‘cappello’, the pope rather than the hat, memories give you stories to talk and laugh about together. I hope everyone had lots to remember and enjoy this summer.

Now that we’re back, please think about joining the Life chain this year. It’s very easy to do and only an hour or so of your time. In this time when a Pro-Life stance is considered not relevant in 2018, it’s important to let people know that we exist and are willing to stand up for our beliefs. It will be held on Sunday October 7th from 2 to 3:30 and the Knights supply signs. All you have to do is hold the sign and stand up for your beliefs. My favourite sign is ‘Adoption the Loving Option’. For more information, the website is

Life Chain- Solidarity for the Unborn

The Annual Life Chain will take place on Sunday September 30th. St. Joseph Parish will gather at Lawrence and Kingston Rds at 2:00 p.m. My family makes this an annual event. It doesn’t take a lot of time and it would be great to see more of you this year. We need to show our support for this important Social Issue. Be the Voice of the Voiceless.

Annual Mass to End Woman Abuse

The Catholic Family Services of Toronto Foundation and St. Edwards the Confessor Parish invites you to attend the annual mass offered to End Woman Abuse. It will be held on Wednesday October 18th at 7:00 pm at St. Edward the Confessor (75 Churchill Ave.). All members and families are encouraged and invited to attend.

At the Provincial Convention there were many speakers on the Homeless in particular to the health and palliative care. We had a very emotional skit (take a look at the picture) to address this huge issue which needs to have more of our societies attention. The youtube below shows actual homeless people who are very sick and alone.

We delivered our collected donations of $400.00 cheque and a huge laundry basket of toiletries and other items from this convention and were delivered to Juliette’s Place (home for abused women and children’s shelter). There is an endless need out there.

A Message from Communications – Tania Mascarenhas

“The Truth Will Set You Free” (Jn 8:32). Fake News and Journalism for Peace,” is the theme that Pope Francis has chosen for World Communications Day which this year, will fall on May 13, 2018. look for the full message from His Holiness Pope Francis for World Communications Day.

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Representation from CWL St. Joseph was Mary Tuccitto, Tina Tolpa, Winnie Yan and Lucia Vacca.

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Next year this convention will take place in the Diocese of Kingston in July

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National President Margaret Ann Jacobs recently received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (Latin: For Church and Pope) decoration, presented by His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. The award, presented during the Ontario provincial convention, is conferred for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy, which Margaret Ann embodies and so much more! Congratulations Margaret Ann. You truly are a shining example that “Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God’s Call.

Go to and for additional pictures.

The 98th National Convention was held in Winnipeg from Aug. 12th to Aug. 15th there were over 650 in attendance and the keynote speaker Most Rev. Murray Chatlain, Archbishop Keewatin-the-Pas. A live podcast for all members to tune in was recorded you can go to and then this link.

Resolutions were discussed and passed, the new CWL Strategic Plan was presented for 2018-2022, reports were presented from National Executive and Provincial Presidents, New Executive elected, the new logo for 2019-2020 was introduced etc… you will hear more about this in the National League Magazine. Go to the website and take a look at the link for many pictures of this convention.

A Message from Past President/Historian – Ingrid Hart

Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour

The Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award was initiated by our Council in 2013 to honour Betty Anne Brown Davidson who became a CWL member here at St. Joseph’s Council in 1973, and continued her CWL journey to become National President in 2012.

We would like to continue this Annual Award and if you (our members) have someone in mind that you feel will meet the Criteria for Eligibility, we need to hear from you. For your information and to eliminate duplication, in 2013, the first recipient of this award was Pat Sheehan, in 2014 the recipient was Anne Rode, in 2015 Delma Alphonso, in 2016 Lucia Vacca, and in 2017 Jean Lewis.

For your convenience, attached to this Newsletter, you will find the Guidelines and Criteria for Eligibility and the Nomination form which can be printed, filled out and returned to your Executive committee for consideration. Please place your nomination in a sealed envelope marked: “CWL – Betty Anne Brown Davidson Nomination”. This may be dropped off at the Parish office or in the collection basket at any Mass.

Please note: the Deadline for submissions for this Award is October 22nd, 2018. If you need to contact me for any questions in this regard, please call 416-282-8775 or email at:

cwl happy birthday

The CWL Book Club

C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:

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Month|Book & Author
October|Born A Crime by Trevor Noah
November|The Second Mrs. Hockaday by Susan Rivers
December|News of the World by Pauline Jiles

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.

We are also collecting the following items:

Campbell Soup Labels — Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs — Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated — Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed — Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in need in Africa — Your used postage stamps are being collected for forwarding to Development and Peace to help fund projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America — We are also collecting food items at every meeting to help out Outreach Program at St. Joseph’s

Dates To Remember

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September 10 (Monday)|General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30
September 17 (Monday)|Bazaar Planning Mtg. @7:00 p.m. Room 3
September 30 (Sunday)|Life Chain – (Kingston Rd. & Lawrence 2-3:30 pm) Be there! We should make an effort to be present for this silent protest.
October 4 (Thursday)|Apple Pie Making 10-4
October 6 (Saturday)|CWL Mass for Living and Deceased 5:00 p.m. October 9 (Tuesday) General Meeting 7:00 p.m. Rosary – meeting to follow
October 10 (Wednesday)|Moira Ste. Marie Lecture – 7:00 p.m. University of St. Michael’s College – Madden Hall
October 11 (Thursday)|Apple Pie Making 10:00 – 4:00
October 12 (Friday)|24th Annual Interfaith Celebration – 7:30 p.m. Service & Reception in the Hall – need help for setup and take down – bring some goodies to share
October 17 (Wednesday)|Scarborough Regional Mtg. St. Barnabas 7:00 p.m. mass meeting to follow – All are invited to attend.
October 18 (Thursday)|Apple Pie Making 10:00 – 4:00
October 18 (Thursday)|9th Annual Mass to End Women Abuse 7:00 p.m. St. Edward the Confessor Church (75 Churchill Ave. North York) all are welcome to attend
October 20 (Saturday)|Square Dancing Night 7:00 p.m. St. Joseph Hall – all families are invited to come and join in the fun of learning how to square dance. Free of charge! Snacks will be provided
October 25 (Thursday)|Apple Pie Making 10:00 – 4:00
November 7 (Wednesday)|Deceased Members Mass for Scarborough – St. Dunstan Parish (Danforth Rd /Victoria Park) 7:00 p.m. all invited
November 11 (Sunday)|CWL Mass for Living and Deceased 9:00 a.m. November 12 (Monday) General Mtg. – Rosary 7:00 – Room 2 ELECTIONS NIGHT for NEW Executives for 2019-2020
November 16 (Friday)|Setup for Bazaar (11:00 – 9:00)
November 17 (Saturday)|Bazaar Day 8-4 (9:30 – 2:00)
November 20 (Tuesday)|Bazaar Wrap up meeting @7:00 p.m. Rm. 3
December 14 (Friday)|Setup for our anniversary celebration – need all the help we can get to set tables etc…. member can come and help.
December 15 (Saturday)|65th Anniversary Celebration mass 11:00 followed by Luncheon/Awards – RSVP members only – limited space.