Newsletter 2018 Nov-Dec
- Posted On 5th Dec 2018
Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.
2017-2018 Executive
Lucia Vacca
President Elect/ Organization & Membership
Marla Tanuan
Ju-Ann Miranda
Spiritual Development
Mai Tran
Christian Family Life
Kim Deans
Community Life
Danielle Giggie
Tania Mascarenhas
Education & Health
Hyacinth Fernandes
Resolution & Legislation
Tina Tolpa
Past President & Historian
Ingrid Hart
A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu
December 15 is approaching fast. As a result, some of us are becoming busier than usual preparing for the celebration of a very significant moment in the history of our Council—the 65th Anniversary. December 15 is the day we chose to celebrate the birth of our Council sixty-five years ago, on November 5, 1953 to be precise. Between then and now, so much has happened in the life of this Council—so much what-recalling and thanking God for. We recall, for example, the loyalty, the hard-work and the determination of all those who paid the price that had to be paid to keep the Council alive and well. These were willing instruments in the hand of God in growing and guiding the Council. And we know that, in spite of the best of the efforts of these devoted and hard-working members, so much depended on divine providence. This is why we look back with gratitude—to those who worked so hard, and to God without whose blessing they would have laboured in vain.
There is usually more to the celebration of anniversaries than eating and drinking and making merry. Of course, an anniversary like the one we are preparing to celebrate is usually a good opportunity to look back and see how far we have come; to see what we have achieved or failed to accomplish, and to see how we have grown. In addition to looking back, such anniversaries are also usually times for renewal. For example, married couples renew their marriage vows; and institutions and societies like our Council renew and reposition themselves to respond better to the challenges of the years ahead. This renewal and repositioning happen if, and only if, the members renew their commitment to the group—to its vision and mission. In the absence of this renewal, the group in question dies slowly—even if gracefully.
My prayer and hope is that our celebration of this significant moment in the history of our Council will be a stepping stone to a better tomorrow in the life of this Council to which so many of us have invested so much of our time, talents and resources.
A Message from the President – Lucia Vacca
“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us.”
— Matthew 1:22-23
Dear sisters in the League,
As we continue our faith journey in the season of Advent and look to the promise and fulfillment of the birth of Jesus, we encounter Him in our daily lives and if we look very closely, we will find Him everywhere! “God is with us”.
My term as your President will be ending at the end of December and I am very grateful for the friendships and achievements of this Council. I hope that we will continue our journey as women of faith, upholding the mission statement and the objects of the League. This is a great organization which will be looking at implementing new strategies and plans for the future. With our unique God given gifts we will develop and inspire future leaders of the League. Be positive at all times when speaking of the League and inform yourselves as to why you make a difference with your membership. Be resourceful in searching what the League is about and take advantage of the courses, development days and conventions so you may be better informed. Let’s continue to make St. Joseph a vibrant and successful Council for the future. Remember to support those charities who need our help.
I congratulate the newly elected executives who will represent St. Joseph CWL for the 2019-2020 term of office. They have committed to continue the work of the league here at St. Joseph’s and as members, it is our duty to support and mentor each other. (Read the League Promise). Our continued commitment, enthusiasm and sisterly love for one another is what has made St. Joseph Highland Creek Council unique and special.
We have been given a new National theme “Care of Our Common Home” which will begin on January 1, 2019 and will be incorporated during the next two years. The goal is to continue to increase our membership and love for each other in all that we do and in our work for “God and Canada”. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Our Lady of Good Counsel, may we always be aware of the needs and hopes of all those we encounter. Let us always be aware that God is with us at all times and not just when it is convenient to us. Wishing all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2019.
Blessings, Lucia Vacca
CWL League Promise:
For the glory of God and the good of God’s people, I promise as a Catholic woman to honour, invoke and imitate our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel. I promise to be a loyal member of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada and to promote its interest and growth in every way. I promise to cooperate with officers in all programs under their direction and to conform to the best of my ability to the bylaws of the organization in all League activities.
Organization & Membership
Welcome the following new members: Sarah Tellis and Ellen Stockman
Membership Renewal:
Your CWL Membership Renewal for 2019 is NOW due. Please complete the Membership form attached to this newsletter and return it as soon as possible to any of your executive members or the Parish Office. You may also drop it in the collection baskets at any Mass. Please be sure to clearly mark your envelope: “CWL MEMBERSHIP”. If you are writing a cheque, please make it payable to: St. Joseph’s CWL. Memberships are due to National by January 1st, 2019. The membership continues to be $25.00
Annual Bazaar – Saturday, November 18th from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Remember to join us with your time and with your contributions to the Bake Sale, Apple Pie, International Foods, Bake table, Tea Room etc… Setup for the Bazaar will be on Friday November 17th from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. As in the past, the proceeds of this event will be distributed to various charities. Your involvement is appreciated. Without our efforts, others will not benefit. Call us we need your help at the various tables to make this event a success. Give us a call if you can assist in any of these areas ASAP
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Bake Table|Lina Civello 416-283-0165
Raffle Table|Lucia Vacca 416-283-3536
Treasure Table|Mary Tuccitto 416-283-8828
Apple Pies|Eileen D’Sousa 416-283-3959
Tea Room|Marguerite Civello 416-286-6162
International|Ingrid Hart 416-282-8775
Vendor Tables|Barbara Sullivan (all sold out)
Fall Bazaar November 17th
Annual Bazaar is on Saturday November 17th from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm and your help for set up on Friday, November 16th (11:00 am to 9:00 pm) would be greatly appreciated. You can also drop off your donations for the Bake Table, Treasure Table, Raffle, Tea Room etc…at that time. Also, don’t forget to help out on the day of the Bazaar with whatever time or contribution you can give it will be very much appreciated as it is a very busy and important day for our council. Proceeds from this fundraiser help support our many charities and projects. Don’t forget to start baking and spread the word. As well if you can contribute $5.00 towards this event it is greatly appreciated to purchase supplies that we need. Any questions call 416-283-3536
Annual Apple Pie Making was once again a great turnout with many members participating. We had lots of fun as members shared many stories and bonded in a spirit of hard work and sisterhood. A big thanks to the washers, peelers, cutters, rollers, dough makers, mixers, assemblers and those who helped store our apple pies in their freezers. None of this could be possible without you and your amazing work. Over 300 pies were made.

Organization & Membership (contd.)
65th Anniversary Celebration for our Council of St. Joseph Highland Creek T71
Saturday, December 15th, at 11:00 a.m. is our 65th Anniversary Celebration Mass for our Council. All members wishing to attend the luncheon which will follow must be registered as attending space is very limited. Call Marguerite 416-286-6162
On this special event, we will also present the 2018 recipient of the St. Joseph’s Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour. As well as 24 ladies will be receiving their respective years of service pins. We will also be accepting your donations of new socks and underwear for the Good Shepherd Center. This action is to keep the homeless and those in need warm for the winter months. Also as part of the Provincial initiative ―Warmth and Comfort‖ we will also be accepting donations of peanut butter and crackers.
A Message from Spiritual Development – Mai Tran
A Message from Spiritual Development – Mai Tran
24th Annual Interfaith Celebration
Our 2018 Interfaith Celebration was held on the evening of Friday October 12th with neighbouring Churches of various denominations in our community participating. It was an evening of sharing prayers, stories, songs, readings which represented the respective faiths under the theme “Inspired by the Spirit Women Respond to God’s Call“.
The evening was well attended with over 100 parishioners, members and friends from the community. Thank you to the members who brought in goodies. We welcomed of our neighbours, we thank the Celebration Music Ministry with their musical talents. The celebration was followed by a reception with an opportunity to meet our neighbours, a wonderful way to get to know our community and celebrate together.

Do you want to have a better understanding of our faith and a deeper relationship with God? Our Parish is very excited to introduce a faith formation initiative to start in the new year, on Tuesday evenings. It is a formal Bible Study Program called “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation”. It is a fascinating study that takes you on a journey through the entire Bible. You will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and see how together they form the foundation of our faith. More details regarding registration will follow in the bulletin.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the faithful departed rest in peace.
We continue our prayers for the members who are ill at this time
A Message from Community Life – Danielle Giggie
Dear sisters in the league,
I am proud to report that all 13 of the Ontario diocese have been very successful in making their community more aware of the issue on homelessness. This Provincial theme will continue.
It has, once again, been the directive to collect socks, peanut butter and crackers. (Aware that some have allergies to peanuts but this is a food item that is always in high demand)
Also, the need for socks continues to be an ongoing request. It has been suggested that we collect socks for men, women and children. These would be distributed in the diocese that they are collected in. This project ―Warmth and Comfort‖ begins October 1 and continues till end of December. We must continue to encourage and support all initiatives throughout the province such as donations of food, clothing, money ($5 gift cards) etc. to the homeless.
I would like to end my report with a personal note on the much larger Community we all belong to. My daughter Jessica and I had the unbelievable experience of seeing Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in September. It was an unadvertised blessing. Via, just word of mouth from the numerous Priests, Nuns and others. St. Peter’s square was filled for the 10 minute blessing. Giving His people utmost respect, His Holiness appeared at EXACTLY noon, as promised. He spoke in Italian to a crowd of tear stained adoring members of our society. He ended with reciting The Hail Mary, again, in Italian, but in perfect unison, the entire congregation in every language under the sun, responded Holy Mary back in perfect harmony. This was the most moving moment my in Catholic faith. I knew unequivocally I belong.
World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis suggested the Catholic Church set aside one day each year when communities can “reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel.” The Second World Day of the Poor will be observed on Sunday, November 18, 2018.
A Message Resolutions & Legislations
There were three Resolutions passed at the National Convention in Winnipeg. For the full description, supporting resources and the action plans for us to follow, please go to under Resolutions.
- 2018.01 Attestation Requirement on Canada Summer Jobs Program
- 2018.02 Setting a Standard for Products Marketed as ―Flushable‖
- 2018.03 Legislate Designation of Hospice/Palliative Care Services in Facilities to Exclude Medical Assistance in Dying
A Message from Education & Health – Hyacinth Fernandes
Dear Sisters in the League……I hope that this newsletter in the month of November finds you all full of gratitude for the many blessings received throughout the year especially that of living in this beautiful country Canada. Please continue to pray for our home and native land and that it may continue to be the land of peace, tolerance and acceptance that welcomed so many of us as immigrants over the last many years.
To begin, let me draw your attention to our annual 2019 Youth Awards:
- Mary Matthews Public Speaking contest
- Mary Dobell Pro-Life Essay and contest
- Jean McCann Service award
- St. Michael’s Scholarship Award
All of these contests will be held again this year and are open to students in grade 7, 8 and higher. Please spread the word by encouraging young people in your family and or friend circle to participate! More information about the contests can be easily accessed through CWL website. Link: http://www.cwltoronto. In addition, you can always contact me for any additional information.
I would also like to share this article with you on natural cold and flu remedies as we enter the colder weather and colds and flu become a part of our reality. It’s no wonder these kinds of treatments are popular — we still have no cure for colds or the flu. While the flu vaccine may prevent the flu, and some prescription medications may shorten its symptoms, most conventional medications just ease symptoms. Many natural remedies can give you short-term relief as well, and a few may help you get better. While this list is not all inclusive, see which ones show the most promise I certainly have my favourites!
Echinacea; This herbal supplement may boost your immune system and help fight infections. But it’s unclear whether that helps you fight off colds. Most evidence shows echinacea doesn’t help prevent a cold, but some research found it shortens symptoms by a day or two. Other studies say it has no effect. To try it, take it when you start to feel bad and continue for 7 to 10 days.
Zinc; Some studies show it helps fight viruses, like the cold. They say the mineral stops certain proteins from forming before cold viruses can use them to reproduce. While zinc doesn’t appear to prevent colds, it may help shorten their length and lessen the severity if you take it within 24 hours of the first symptoms. You should continue to take zinc for five days. The FDA says not to use zinc nasal products for colds — some people say they had a permanent loss of smell.
Vitamin C: It’s cold-fighting powers remain uncertain. Some research suggests it can cut cold symptoms short by about a day, but an analysis of multiple studies showed that only people on daily vitamin C at minimum doses of 200 mg each day who were under extreme physical stress were significantly less likely to get a cold. Taking vitamin C only after the start of symptoms has not been shown to be helpful.
Chicken Soup: Grandma was onto something. Chicken soup may help cold symptoms in more than one way. Inhaling the steam can ease a stuffy nose. Sipping spoonful’s of it can help replace the fluids you lose. The warm, salty broth can alleviate sore throats.
Hot Toddy: This adult drink is an age-old nighttime cold remedy. Since you won’t want to drink black tea and all that caffeine before bed, make a cup of hot herbal tea. Add a teaspoon of honey, a small shot of whiskey or bourbon, and a squeeze of lemon. This mixture may ease congestion, soothe your throat, alleviate your cough, and help you sleep. Limit yourself to one — too much alcohol can keep you awake.
Garlic: It’s long been known as a germ fighter. And one study showed garlic supplements may help prevent colds when taken daily. But more research needs to be done to figure out its real effects. It does have nutrients, and in food form it can also help spice up your meals when a stuffy nose makes everything taste bland.
Steam/Humidifier: Breathing in steam can break up congestion in your nose, offering relief when it’s stuffy or runny. You can get a heavy dose from a room humidifier, fill a bowl with hot water and lean over it with a towel over your head, or simply sit in the bathroom with the door shut and a hot shower running.
Menthol Ointment: Days of wiping and blowing your nose can leave the skin around your nostrils sore and irritated. A simple remedy is to dab a menthol-infused ointment under (but not in) your nose, or on your chest or throat. The menthol vapors relieve a cough and open clogged passages, which eases your congestion. But don’t use it on raw skin and don’t give it to children under age 2.
Saltwater Gargle: This may help your sore throat by decreasing throat swelling and rinsing out irritants and germs. Gargle warm water with a teaspoon of salt four times daily to keep a scratchy throat moist.
November is Diabetes Awareness and Fall Prevention — go to Resolutions 2003.04 and 2003.05 November 25th International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women
A Message from Christian Family Life – Kim Deans
This summer I was able to give my brother a life-saving gift – a new kidney. He is now doing amazingly well. Not everyone has a family member willing or able to do this, but there are things that you could do to help.
- Sign up to be an organ donor. Canada is still an opt-in country. That means that you have to tell someone you want to be an organ donor. If you’re not sure of your status, check the back of your Health card. Under the RN number it will say DONOR – DONNEUR if you’re signed up. Pope John Paul II vigorously affirmed that a beautiful act expressing the culture of life ―is the donation of organs, performed in an ethically acceptable manner, with a view to offering a chance of health and even of life itself to the sick who sometimes have no other hope‖ (―Evangelium Vitae,‖ No. 86).
- Sign this petition. As I said, Canada still requires people to opt in to be an organ donor. Many people are comfortable with organ donation after death but never get around to doing this. Many countries are switching to an opt-out system, which results in much higher donation rates. Let’s encourage our government to change the way the system works.…
- Share this information. Talk to friends and colleagues and engage on this issue. Organ donation isn’t top of mind for most people, but a single donor can save 8 lives and make life better for several more.
One final note: it is estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians are living with kidney disease and most aren’t aware of it as there are few symptoms prior to kidney failure. Take this online test to assess your risk, and talk to your doctor.
There is one potential indicator however – if your urine routinely bubbles when you pee – like a good head on beer, or like you poured some shampoo in there – definitely see your doctor! Protein in your urine can cause foaminess, and that’s bad. Simple lifestyle changes can help protect your kidney so catching kidney disease early is key.
Sanctity of Life
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has a new DVD entitled “Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death”. The Scarborough Region has made arrangements to view this documentary at Precious Blood parish hall on Friday, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m. all members and community members are invited to attend. This is not suitable for children as note the subject matter.
The questions being, “Should we be giving medical professionals the legal right to end the life of another human being? Visit for more information.

A Message from Communications – Tania Mascarenhas
This will be the last issue from this executive and we do hope that you have enjoyed reading the articles and information that we have provided in the CWL newsletter every quarter. We are excited to welcome the new committee and request all the members to support them as they take on the new challenge!! We look forward to seeing you all at the forthcoming events.

Sent in by Maureen van Pinxteren
It was toe tapping Good Times at St. Joe’s last Saturday night. The place rang with laughter as the crowd sashayed into the centre with a hoot and a holler. And ,Gee Whiz, what a crowd from tots to teens to grandparents threatening to take the roof off the hall! A good time was had by all at our annual square dance. Can hardly wait for the next one! C’mon over! Thank you, CWL!

Life Chain September 30th – Participants from St. Joseph Parish

65th CWL Anniversary Celebration with our parishioners of St. Joseph by having cake and coffee after mass
CWL Items for Purchase- ―The League Scarf is an accessory that members will take pride in wearing at government presentations, conferences, seminars and local community functions. Wearing this beautiful scarf identifies and promotes the League.‖ (as per National Manual of Policy and Procedures)
CWL Blue Scarves $24.00 – CWL White Name Tags $3.50 – CWL Insignia Pins $5.00
Toronto Diocesan Newsletter:
The Toronto Diocesan Newsletters are available for purchase to all members. In it you will find reports, directives and many items of interest from our Toronto Diocese Council. If you are interested in purchasing this newsletter the cost is $12.00 for three issues per year. Go to and download the form or give us a call to subscribe you.
Pornography Hurts Campaign
The fight against pornography is an ongoing battle. In past years you may recall the WRAP campaign (White Ribbon Against Pornography) this campaign is ongoing and is now in the form of these postcards. CWL Councils and Parish Communities from across the Country are encouraged to fill them out and mail them to the House of Commons (No Postage Required). We have these cards for you to sign and will be available at our 65th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday December 15th. We will collect and mail them in bulk on your behalf. Let our concerns be heard.

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.
We are also collecting the following items:
- Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
- Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
- Donations of your extra Rosaries are welcomed.
- Milk bags are being collected to be used in the making of sleeping mats for people in Ethiopia, Africa.
- Your used postage stamps are being collected for forwarding to Development and Peace to help fund projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America
A Message from Past President/Historian – Ingrid Hart
Dear Sisters in the League
It is with great anticipation and excitement that I wait to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this is the time when tradition of getting together with family on Christmas morning or having a family dinner on Christmas night, plays an important part of the season. When we exchange gifts with our loved ones it reminds us of what the three kings did when they found Jesus in the manger. Let us not forget those who are less fortunate than us at this time and keep them in our prayers. Be kind, forgiving and love one another. With pride and love in our hearts let us wish each other a Merry and Blessed CHRISTmas for CHRIST is the reason for this season.
I would like to wish you and your families a Blessed and Happy CHRISTmas and a wonderful, and peaceful New Year 2019.
The CWL Book Club
C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:
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Month|Book & Author|Year|Pages
November|The Second Mrs. Hockaday by Susan Rivers|2017|264p.
December|News of the World by Pauline Jiles|2016|224p.
January|The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro|2014|464p
February|The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman|2016|364p.
Dates To Remember
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November 16 (Friday)|Setup for Bazaar (11:00 – 9:00)
November 17 (Saturday)|Bazaar Day 8-4 (9:30 – 2:00)
November 20 (Tuesday)|Bazaar Wrap up meeting at 7:00 p.m. Rm. 3
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December 14 (Friday)|Setup for our anniversary celebration – need all the help
December 15 (Saturday)|65th Anniversary Celebration mass 11:00 followed by Luncheon with Awards – must register as per invite – members only — call 416-286-6162
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January 14 (Monday)|General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30 p.m. Review the Policy & Procedure for any amendments
January 26 (Saturday)|Scarborough Region Winter Event –9:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Annunciation Parish – open to all members to attend. $5.00 – bring a lunch
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February 11 (Monday)|General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Meeting 7:30 WEAR RED
February 23 (Saturday)|Toronto Diocesan Council — Development Day 8:30. Mass – 3:00 Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Free of charge for our CWL members ($15.00) bring a bag lunch. To register call Lucia 416-283-3536 ASAP