CWL Newsletter 2019 Mar-Apr
- Posted On 9th Mar 2019
Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.
2019-2020 Executive
Kim Deans & Marla Tanuan
President Elect/ Organization & Membership
Katie W
Clare Gotera
Tine Tolpa
Spiritual Development
Patricia Hall
Christian Family Life
Nancy Jane Martineau
Community Life
Tania Mascarenhas
Ju-Ann Miranda
Education & Health
Cheryl Mascarenhas
Resolution & Legislation
Rosemer Enverga
Past President & Historian
Lucia Vacca
A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu
We celebrated the 65th Anniversary our League only a few months ago. The celebration was a good opportunity to recall the contributions of those devoted members of yesteryears who have danced their dance and left the stage, leaving for us a rich heritage, a tradition, a way of doing things—written and unwritten. We are, indeed, blessed that we have a tradition to fall back on as a guide to an uncertain future through a turbulent present. Traditions can be good anchorages and points of reference for stability.
Traditions can also become obstacles to the authentic growth and development of individuals and organizations. This can happen in the lives of those who are forever looking backwards and thinking wistfully of the good old days and ways of doing things which they want to bring unchanged to the present. We hear such people say again and again: “This is how we have always done xyz here.” The problem is that this way of dealing with life and its problems forgets that nothing that is the work of man or woman endures forever.
It is not unimportant that we, Christians, are called a pilgrim people. We are a people on a journey. Our Lord whom we are following is always calling us out of where we are to where we should be, i.e., where he wants us to be. This may, at times, demand a radical break with our accustomed way of doing things—or, at least, a minor change. And change we must if we are to grow in life and holiness. Cardinal Newman had this in mind when he said: “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”
As we journey to the next important anniversary of our League, my prayer is that our Lord will give us the grace to discern what he is asking of us today, and the courage to follow where he leads.
A Message from the Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan
Hello Sisters,
What an exciting time to be part of the Catholic Women’s League. February’s Development Day gave us our first glimpse of the new 5 year Strategic plan from National and it was everything we had hoped. The core purpose highlights the three core values of Faith, Service and Social Justice. Our personal goals for our term match closely to the National Plan. Goal 1, Objective 1 of the national plan matches our key goal of ‘Increase the Opportunities for Spiritual Development’. Many of their objectives relate to the improvements in technology that we are working towards. The plan looks to solve many issues such as low participation, especially in leadership roles and poor perception of the league. We will keep you informed as they continue work on this great plan.
Development day continued with a hilarious and touching testimony by Sister Francis followed by a discussion of the 100th anniversary of the Toronto Diocesan Council preparations. They requested a collage of parish activities over the years, something to include in the time capsule and someone to compose a prayer to commemorate. Let’s discuss this in our meeting.
Our goal is to have a spiritual retreat every other month. January’s retreat on humility was very well received. In the month of March, we encourage everyone to attend the Parish’s Lenten retreat and to contemplate our Month’s virtue of Temperance.
A Prayer for Temperance:
Temper my desires O Lord and turn my focus towards you. Deliver me from the tendency to go to extremes that strain both body and soul. Help me to be content with what I have instead of constantly seeking more. May I come to recognize the grace of moderation that brings both contentment and appreciation. Let temperance grown in me and lead me to discover other virtues that bring deeper union with You. In Your sacred name I pray. Amen
President Elect – Organization & Membership – Katie W.
Toronto Diocesan Development Day was attended by over 404 members from across Toronto. The speaker focused on the new National theme with discussion and workshop. Keynote speakers were Margaret Ann Jacobs, Past National President on the topic of the New Strategic Planning for CWL and Sister Francis, Director of Mission & Ministry St. Bernard’s Retirement Residence of “The Humor of God”. Our Parish was represented by 8 of our members: Lucia, Mary, Tina, Marla, Kim, Patricia, Delma and Nancy Jane.
Scarborough Region Spring Meeting – Monday April 1st Mass at 7:00 p.m.
This CWL meeting of the Scarborough Region will take place at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (131 Birchmount Rd. and Kingston Rd). All members are welcome and encouraged to attend and be counted. Meet the members of the 12 Councils in the Scarborough Region as well as the Toronto Diocesan Council Executives and hear all about the Toronto Diocesan Convention in May.
98th Toronto Diocesan Convention – Thursday May 2nd & Friday May 3rd
The 2019 annual Toronto Diocesan Convention which will be held at the Marriott, 901 Dixon Road on Thursday, May 2nd and Friday, May 3rd. There will be speaker Karen Van Loon, Business Reports, Presentation of Youth Awards, Elections of New Toronto Executives and lots of spirituality, learning more about the League and sisterhood, with masses (opening Mass Thursday May 2nd at 1:30 p.m.), readings, Regional Hospitality Rooms and Closing Mass at 3:00 p.m. on Friday & a ticketed Banquet etc…. The Resolutions Dialogue will take place on Thursday May 2nd at 9:30 a.m. it is a very popular portion of this convention, please register early if you are interested to learn more and participate in this process and attend any portion of the convention.
Attending convention with your League sisters from across Toronto Diocese is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with like-minded women in an atmosphere of unity, love for the League and sharing in the great work we do “For God and Canada”. The cost to attend this convention is covered for you by our council. If you are interested in attending either both days, one day or the banquet only, please call Marla at 416-209-8659 ASAP so we can get you registered early. Registration deadline is April 10, 2019.
A Message from Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall
Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass
The taping of the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass will take place at Loretto Abbey, 101 Mason Boulevard North York, on Thursday April 11, 2019 at 4:00 pm. The mass will be televised on Vision TV April 26, 2019. All CWL council members are encouraged to attend and to wear their CWL scarves.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass & New Members Ceremony Friday April 26th at St. Joseph’s
We will be celebrating the feast of our Patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, with mass celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday April 26th at St. Joseph Parish. At this event we will also welcome three new members to our Parish Council. Show your support and solidarity to all, especially the new members by attending our special mass for our Patroness. Reception to follow, please we ask if you can contribute with some goodies. Thank you!
Our Lady of Good Counsel Story and Novena – April 18th to April 26th
Holy Virgin, moved by the painful uncertainty we experience in seeking and acquiring the true and the good, we cast ourselves at thy feet and invoke thee under the sweet title of Mother of Good Counsel. We beseech thee: come to our aid at this moment in our worldly sojourn when the double darkness of error and of evil plot our ruin by leading minds and hearts astray.
Seat of Wisdom and Star of the Sea, enlighten the victims of doubt and of error so that they may not be seduced by evil masquerading as good; strengthen them against the hostile and corrupting forces of passion and of sin.
Mother of Good Counsel, obtain for us our most urgent need….. (here mention your request) and secure for us from thy Divine Son the love of virtue and the strength to choose, in doubtful and difficult situations, the course agreeable to our salvation.
Supported by thy hand we shall thus journey without harm along the paths taught us by the word and example of Jesus our Savior, following the Sun of Truth and Justice in freedom and safety across the battlefield of life under the guidance of thy maternal Star, until we come at length to the harbor of salvation to enjoy with thee unalloyed and everlasting peace. Amen
Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, three times each.
The Season of Lent is fast approaching. Lent lasts for 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday. This was the period of time when Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert. He fasted for forty days and forty nights. Satan approached Jesus and tried to tempt him saying to him, “If you are the son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” he said in reply, “It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but from every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and prayer. A time to reflect and a time to forgive. A time to consider practising our virtues especially the of charity towards our neighbour.
Virtue of the Month We will continue to highlight a new virtue for each month of the year. In March we will highlight the virtue of TEMPERANCE and in April the virtue of FAITH and in May the virtue of PATIENCE.
Scheduled Masses for CWL Living and Deceased: Sunday April 7th, 2019 at 7:00 pm, Sunday May 12th, 2019 at 7:00 pm, Saturday June 8th, 2019 at 5:00 pm, Sunday Sept. 8Th, 2019 at 9:00 am , Sunday Oct. 6Th,2019 at 9:00 am, Sunday Nov. 10Th, 2019 at 9:00 am, Sunday Dec. 8Th, 2019 at 9:00 am
Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the faithful departed rest in peace.
We continue our prayers for the members who are ill at this time
A Message from Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas
Community Life chair essentially covers dignity and rights of persons, social and economic justice, refugees, immigration and citizenship, Canadian Catholic Organization of Development of Peace (CCODP) and developing countries.
Today I wanted to focus on ‘Homelessness’. The last couple of months Toronto has seen some brutal weather conditions and several cold weather alerts have been issued. According to an article in the Toronto Star on February 4th, there were 1805 men, 789 women, 525 youth and 748 family units occupying shelter beds according to the city’s shelter website, with another 2,153 staying at city supported motels. There’s also an unknown number that were sleeping outside – the city pegs that at around 450 nightly; just because they might have had a bad experience in shelters or just don’t want to have anything to do with organization.
The same article also covered a heart warming story of how the Good Shepherd shelter on Queen St. E had a football-themed dinner “to help lift spirits” with chicken wings, sandwiches, salads, fruit, and chocolate thingys!! They said that although many of them did not really follow football they just came in for the atmosphere and food!
Some of you might be part of the West Rouge Residents facebook page where there was a discussion about a homeless person who slept on the bench in the Port Union park in the freezing cold the entire night a few weeks back. Many people called the police who tried to speak to him and some people took him blankets and food. But one man went and spent time with him and spoke to him and found out a little about his story. Turns out that an accident at work left him with no income, and without a permanent address, for which reason he could not even be informed of his mother’s death. Living in shelters, where he did not often have the best experience, he chose to sleep outside instead. This gentleman took him to a hotel and paid for 2 nights and as always people in the West Rouge community rallied together paying for a couple more days stay at a hotel, taking him food and trying to find him an apartment with the offers of contribution. This story hopefully has a happy ending. Unfortunately, not every story ends this way.
Homelessness is a much bigger issue than individuals, communities or organizations like ours (the CWL), can deal with alone, although each tries to help in their own way.
The Government needs to invest in affordable housing which will enable more people to realize their full potential in the future. As individuals let’s continue to reach out and help in whatever way we can sometimes by just giving them some warm clothes and a hot meal; but as an organization can we maybe reach out to our MPs to influence the bills that need to be passed for quicker affordable housing? If any of you has thoughts on how this could be done or has experience with this, please let us know and perhaps in with some small steps our St. Joseph’s CWL can catalyze something that makes a big impact.
Also I know that some of you have done some fantastic work in the past for various causes within and even outside of Toronto. If you have some ideas about anything that we can do as a team for a cause/s, please do give me a call or send me a mail.
A Message from Education & Health – Cheryl Mascarenhas
University of Toronto – St. Michael’s College Scholarship
The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is offering a scholarship to St. Michael’s College. The value of this non-renewable scholarship is $3,000.00. The awarding of the scholarship is based on a number of factors – eligibility, first choice of college, and high mid-average marks on admission. Financial need is a consideration. This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of the Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school education, and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first college of choice. The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, or Sciences.
March is Nutrition Month. Health Canada, which is responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, has made the new Canada’s Food Guide at
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. It is an internationally recognized day on 2nd April every year, encouraging Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) throughout the world.
National CWL Resolution:
Whereas, Autism is one of the most common developmental disorders and its root cause(s) remain the subject of research; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the national council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, in 84th annual national convention assembled, urge the federal government, in conjunction with provincial/territorial governments, to
- adequately fund research to determine the root cause(s) of autism
- promote awareness of the special needs of autistic persons
- provide resources for diagnosis, early intervention, effective treatment, and family support systems; and, be it further
Resolved, That the national council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada in 84th annual national convention assembled, encourage provincial councils to urge their provincial/territorial governments to address the needs of autistic persons by providing adequate funding for diagnosis, early intervention, treatment and family support systems.
Requested Members’ Action:
- Write letters to the federal and provincial / territorial ministers of health; send a copy to your member of parliament / member of the legislative assembly and the prime minister / premier.
- Become aware of efforts in your area regarding autism.
- Support families who have children with autism.
- Educate yourself and others about autism.
Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest – Sunday March 3rd Parish Level Winners were:
Stefan Dias – 1st place – Deborah Lobo – 2nd place – Seanne Miranda 3rd
Congratulations to all the students for participating in this contest – Great Job!
A Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda
Dear CWL sisters, I hope that you are all are enjoying reading the bi-monthly newsletter. If you have any suggestions, or any positive feedback etc… that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you. Please send it to me at:
Toronto Diocesan Newsletter
The Toronto Diocesan Council Newsletters are available for purchase to all members. In it you will find reports, directives and many items of interest from our Toronto Diocese Council. If you are interested please take a look at the website for subscriptions: or call Lucia 416-283-3536 (TDC Newsletter Editor) if you wish to subscribe the cost is $12.00 for three issues per year deadline is January 31st for 2019 subscriptions
CWL Websites as resources: National Provincial Toronto
A Message from Christian Family Life – Nancy Jane Martineau
This year we will have 9 men ordained to the priesthood at St. Michael’s Cathedral on May 11th, at 10:00 a.m.
The following are the finally numbers that were gathered for our “Spiritual Bouquet.” These prayer offerings will be given to the soon-to-be-ordained priests at the Ordinandi Dinner on March 5th, 2019.
8,124 Masses – 2,141 Communions – 4,439 Rosaries – 359 Eucharistic Adorations – 728 Visit to the Blessed Sacrament – 205 Stations of the Cross – 401 Sacrifices – 181,743 Prayers – 298 Other
– Total Prayers -198,438
I wish to thank our parishioners, ministries and schools for participating and supporting the CWL “Spiritual Bouquet” for our Ordinandi.
Human Trafficking I recently attended a CWL event called “Human Trafficking-Modern Day Slavery.”
Here are some very disturbing statistics. Toronto Human Trafficking is so problematic that it is larger than Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and the entire state of Florida. In fact it is known as the largest “Human Trafficking Business” in all of North America. Our Human Trafficking Enforcement Team only includes 15 officers and Detective Rabbito said they could double it and still be working 24/7.
Human Trafficking is forcing a person to perform sexual services against their will.
The pimps use various Tactics, Deceptions, Coercion, Manipulation, Threats and Violence towards the victims. The trafficker’s objective is to create an atmosphere of FEAR and INTIMIDATION to EXPLOIT the victims.
There are 3 types of Pimps who introduce the victims to the sex trade industry and exploit them.
1. Addiction Traffickers-they feed a drug addiction.
2. Romance & Friendship-they appear to be a couple or live together.
3. Gorilla Pimps-power/control, frequently abuse & escalation of beatings, threats to family & friends.
Human Trafficking is such a lucrative business that it is often connected to gangs & organized crime.
It is expected that 1 victim should turn 8 to 12 tricks daily this would provide the pimp with a yearly income of $280,000 to $300,000. So now image if they had 5, 10 or more girls exploited in the sex trade.
This industry robs a child’s body, mind and soul.
Here is a Myth-People in the sex trade business are predominately from international countries.
The Reality-Human Trafficking is happening right here with our own Canadian children.
The Top 10 Indicators that could suggest your child is involved in Human Trafficking!
- Social Media-excessive use, not allowing parents to access accounts/passwords. Using snap chat!
- Social Media-inappropriate conversations, sexual in nature.
- Social Media Behaviour-words & jargon associated to the Sex Trade.
- Sudden isolation & separation from family & friends.
- Sudden/unexplained possessions-inappropriate clothing & cosmetics.
- Exploiting vulnerability-addiction, physical, mental health challenges, learning disabilities, bullied, not many friends, immaturity, etc.
- Drastic change in appearance & behaviour-lack of personal belongings/hygiene/freedom & malnourishment when living away from home.
- A person who is unable to provide/not in control of their personal ID. It is held by pimp and if contains family address will threaten to harm family.
- Sudden & unexplained physical injuries tattoo’s, marks, scarring believed to be branding like they do with animals.
- Secrecy of a new boyfriend/girlfriend-isolating the relationship & not allowed to meet or communicate with this person.
Other places the pimp traffickers like to recruit are malls, amusement parks, parties, social events (clubs), adult entertainment establishments and shelters/group homes.
In Canada females are recruited between the ages 10 to 30 years of age. Traffickers are mainly males between 19 to 32 years of age. Once the girls are recruited they can be turning tricks within 12 to 48 hours.
As parents educating your children on this subject and keeping the lines of communication open are crucial. Meeting new friends and boyfriends are essential.
The Human Trafficking Enforcement Team for the Metro Police work in conjunction with Covenant House, Victim Services, Boost and East Metro Youth Services Peer Mentoring Program to help assist human trafficking individuals to exit the sex trade industry.
As you can image the after effects are horrific with most suffering from PTSD, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Blame, Isolation, Temptation to return to trafficking in order to meet current needs, often Self Sabotage and experience Trauma. The above agencies are devoted to journey with these girls, with specific programs geared to this unique trauma. It is first necessary to meet the Basic Needs (housing & food), next is Psychological Needs (therapy, belonging, love) and finally Self Fulfillment Needs (build self esteem to reach self actualization). An essential quality in this program is not to judge, these individuals will probably stumble and fall. Please keep everyone involved in your prayers!
Thursday, February 21st, 2019 London, Ontario Police have decided to combat Human Trafficking by publishing the names of pimps arrested, as well as the men (John’s) who pay for the sex trade services. They are hoping this will help deter people away from such hideous crimes.
A Message from Resolution & Legislation – Rosemer Enverga
The Toronto Diocesan Council will be presenting to the attending delegates at the May Annual Convention the following two resolutions for discussion and acceptance: TDC2019.01 Need for the Right to Know the Effects of Hormonal Contraceptives TDC2019.02 Canadian Support for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
All councils are being asked to review these proposed resolutions and have an informed vote brought by the voting delegate to the convention. We will discuss and review these at our March general meeting. A Resolution Dialogue Session will be held at the start of the Convention on May 2nd 9:30 a.m. if you are interested in attending be sure to register for this convention. Give us a call.
A Message from Past President/Historian – Lucia Vacca
One of the responsibilities for Past President is to archive important historical information of the Council. To ensure that all agendas, minutes, financial statements, service awards, executive lists, documented events, membership lists, newsletters etc… are being stored for future historical purposes. Do you know where we store our history? Would you like to join the Archive Committee? We are looking to review all our stored history to ensure that all vital documents and information is preserved according to the procedures. If you are interested in this committee or have any questions, give me a call 416-283-3536 or email me at
Our new National theme ‘Care for Our Common Home’, taken from the Pope Francis encyclical Laudato Si, is one which we are being asked at all levels of the League to find ways in which to protect our Earth. This year the focus is on protecting our water. Our Provincial president has asked us to have a plan to support the theme. What can we do to conserve our water? There are companies which have been instrumental in creating ways to clean up our water, one such group is doing just that A YouTube segment dealing with the plastic waste can be found in the following link What can we do to reduce waste? There are many other ways to cut back on waste e.g. plastic packaging. We ask you to “lug a mug” at meetings to cut back on Styrofoam. We all have responsibility to look after our planet even taking small steps in our homes and surroundings.
Dear members please take some time to view the following Youtube to understand the climate change from the “Laudato Si A Canadian Response”.
The CWL Book Club
C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:
Month | Book & Author | Year | Pages |
April | The Boat People by Sharon Bala | 2018 | 418p. |
May | The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman | 2016 | 364p. |
June | Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover | 2018 | 352p. |
CWL Items for Purchase-“The League Scarf is an accessory that members will take pride in wearing at government presentations, conferences, seminars and local community functions. Wearing this beautiful scarf identifies and promotes the League.” (as per National Manual of Policy and Procedures)
CWL Blue Scarves $25.00 – CWL White Name Tags $4.00 – CWL Insignia Pins $5.25
Reminders for General Meetings:
Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.
We are also collecting the following items:
- Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
- Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
- Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed.
- Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in need in Africa.
- Your used postage stamps are being collected
We are also collecting food items at every meeting to help out our St. Joseph Outreach Program.
Dates To Remember
March 16 (Saturday) | Scarborough Regional Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. St. Boniface Parish – all invited to attend and support the students. |
March 16 (Saturday) | Lenten Retreat – St. Joseph after the 9:00 a.m. mass – all parishioners are welcome to attend |
March 23 (Saturday) | Toronto Diocesan Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. at St. Edwards the Confessor – all invited to support our students. |
March 23 (Saturday) | Dynamic Women of Faith Conference – |
March 28 (Thursday) | Summer Bazaar Planning – Room 2 7:00 pm – We need all members to support this planning and take an active role in organizing and assisting where possible to make this event a success. Your input and ideas are welcomed. This event will take place on Saturday JUNE 1st |
April 1 (Monday) | Scarborough Region Spring General Meeting – Immaculate Heart of Mary – 7:00 p.m. mass followed by meeting – all are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. |
April 7 (Sunday) | CWL mass for living and deceased members 7:00 p.m. |
April 8 (Monday) | General Meeting /Rosary 7:10 Meeting 7:30 p.m. |
April 11 (Thursday) | Taping of the TV daily mass at Loretto Abbey (101 Mason Blvd. North York) for the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel 4:00 p.m. – all invited to attend. Will be shown on April 26th. |
April 10 (Wednesday) | Banquet tickets deadline for TDC Convention |
April 15 (Monday) | TDC Patricia Beattie nomination deadline date |
April 26 (Friday) | Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass & New Members Ceremony at St. Joseph 7:30 p.m. – Reception to follow – Room 2 – join us for mass and social |
May 2 & May 3 (Thursday /Friday) |
98th Toronto Diocesan Convention – Marriott Hotel, Toronto Airport – Members encouraged to attend this Convention. Registration is required: Call Katie W. for additional information |
May 3 (Friday) May 5-11 Flexible Date |
12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care National Hospice Palliative Care Week |
May 9 (Thursday) | March for Life Rally – Ottawa and Toronto |
May 9 (Thursday) | Presentation at St. Joe’s "I am Still Here" in the Church – cost is $10.00 per ticket – all are welcome to attend |
May 12 (Sunday) | CWL mass for living and deceased members 7:00 p.m. |
May 13 (Monday) | General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 Crowning of Mary Meeting 7:30 – Mother’s Day Meeting – special prayers/hymns |
May 31 (Friday) | Deadline for Applications – St. Michael’s Scholarships |
May 31 (Friday) | Summer Bazaar – 11:00 – 9:30 pm set up |
June 1 (Saturday) | Summer Bazaar – Plant Sale, Tea Room etc… 9:30-2:00 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – need help for this event) |