CWL Newsletter 2021 Jan-Feb

Spiritual Advisor

Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.

2019-2020 Executive


Kim Deans & Marla Tanuan

President Elect/ Organization & Membership



Clare Gotera



Spiritual Development

Patricia Hall

Christian Family Life


Community Life

Tania Mascarenhas


Ju-Ann Miranda

Education & Health

Cheryl Mascarenhas

Resolution & Legislation


Past President & Historian

Lucia Vacca

CWL Care for our common home

A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu

May the peace and joy that only Christ can give fill your lives and homes this year and always. I received, with lots of thanks, your very generous Christmas gifts to me. You are indeed a wonderful reflection of God’s generous love. I cannot thank you enough. Please rest assured of my prayers that God may bless you with every good gift and keep you and your family safe from this virus.

A Message from the Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan

Dear sisters in the League,

As we complete this long year and move on to 2021, let us remember the Christ-child, the King of kings and Lord of lords who humbled Himself into taking a human form in order to save us from our sins.

The year 2020 will forever be etched in our hearts as the year of pandemic. But just as the Virgin Mary did not allow the poor conditions of Jesus’ birth from overpowering the joy and hope in her heart, we as Christians should not allow the darkness that the pandemic brings from spreading joy and hope to the world.

May the Holy Spirit bring us a deeper joy, peace and hope that each Christmas brings!
Love & Peace in Christ,

Marla & Kim

A New Year is like a blank book,
it has 12 chapters and 365 pages and you are the author.

Our wish for you is that this year 2021, you write the most beautiful story possible for yourselves. (Proud Happy Mama)

Happy New Year!
St. Joseph Council Executive 2019-2021

Organization & Membership – Lucia Vacca

Membership Renewal Membership Renewal is now OVERDUE! 

Please pick up and complete the Membership Renewal form and return it as soon as possible to any of the executive members or the Parish Office. You may also drop it in the collection baskets at any Mass. Forms are available at all exits in the CWL slots. Please be sure to clearly mark your envelope: “CWL MEMBERSHIP” and if you are writing a cheque, please make it payable to: St. Joseph’s CWL. If you wish to send an e-transfer you may do so by sending it to give me a call 416-283-3536 

The $25.00 fee is set by the Council which includes the national fees, Here is the breakdown: National receives $13.45 (.45 is liability insurance for each member), Provincial $3.00 and Diocese $4.00 per person a total of $20.45 the rest covers the Regional fees, liability insurance and any service pins purchased. Not much is left in the General Account. 

WINNER of the Early Bird Draw to submit their membership before Dec. 14th was Irene Dillabough. Congratulations! 

Scarborough Region Winter VIRTUAL Event Saturday, January 23rd – from 10:00 am. to 11:30 pm.– Speaker will be Fr. Hansoo Park – Spiritual Advisor for St. Barnabas. Topic: Mental and Spiritual Healing during a Pandemic. This event is open to all members. Let us know if you are interested so that a link will be forwarded to you. Registration is a must free of charge — call Lucia 416-283-3536 

Parish Executive Training Course – VIRTUAL – Saturday February 13th . This is course is open to all members for membership development for the Scarborough Region. To better understand and learn about the protocols, standing committees, etc…of CWL. We encourage all members to take part in this learning it’s not just for executives. It will take place as a VIRTUAL course from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m.. If interested in attending call Lucia 416-283-3536 Toronto Diocesan – Development Day – Saturday, February 20th. This is an annual event open to all interested members to attend Free of Charge. This year it will be held VIRTUALLY, but registration is a must. Information was sent out in an email earlier, but you can see the information in this link below, as well as the registration information. Call: Lucia 416-283-3536 

A Message from Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall

Dear sisters in the league, my prayer is that I find you all safe and in good health as we say goodbye to 2020. For many, this Christmas has been a challenging and lonely time. Missing family get togethers with loved ones and the opportunity to attend Christmas mass and celebrate the birth of Christ with other believers. And yet, I feel that for many Christians, this has been a time of deep awakening, a time of reflection, a time spent meditating on the true meaning of Christmas. 

Pope Francis has declared 2021 the “Year of St. Joseph” 

For most, working at home has become the new “normal.” Despite this global pandemic, it has brought the family closer together. We are working from home, schooling from home, cooking from home and just spending more time together as a family. 

We can’t help but be grateful to all the dedicated front line health care workers who have sacrificed so much, many working around the clock to help COVID patients and to be there for them when family cannot due to the pandemic. 

Genuine acts of kindness and sacrifice that these true heroes have made for our loved ones. Let’s all hope and pray that 2021 will be a time filled with faith, hope and love for one another. 

From the Vatican – Read “Fratelli Tutti” The newest encyclical from Pope Francis 

Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St Joseph” 

To mark the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, the Holy Father has proclaimed the “Year of Saint Joseph” from, December 8, 2020, to December 8, 2021. The Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” (“With a Father’s Heart”) 

A Prayer for Protection 

Heavenly Father, please walk through my house. I give You the keys to every room. Take away all my worries, any illnesses, anything that may have entered that does not belong. Please watch over and assign Your warrior angels to stand guard, and heal my family from any disease, pain, fatigue, or discomfort. Also comfort my friends, neighbours & relatives, wrap them in Your love, and protect us from the COVID19 virus, in Jesus most powerful and precious Name. Amen. 

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A Message from Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – January 18th to 26th 2021 

Come and join the ecumenical prayer service to pray for the unity of all Christians. The theme for the week of prayer in 2021, Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9) – calls us to pray and to work for reconciliation and unity in the church, with our human family, and with all of creation. More information to follow 

World Day of Prayer – Friday, March 5th 

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World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, March 5, 2021.

The theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation” based on Matthew 7:24-27 World Day of Prayer 2021 Vanuatu
It is an ecumenical worldwide gathering of Christians who observe a common day of prayer annually. It promotes the understanding of women of other countries, languages and cultures through and ecumenical service to enrich the Christian faith. The hosting Parish

For our area additional information will be forthcoming on this event. Everyone is welcome. information on various events

Lift Jesus Higher Rally – Saturday February 27th 2021 

Go to for additional information and any updates. It may be changed to Virtual. 

This annual event has been scheduled to have many speakers. It is being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, John Basset Theater – 255 Front Street West 9:00 am to 5:30pm. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for youth (ages 13-18). For more information or to purchase tickets call 416 251-4255. “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 

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Travelling Kit of Our Lady of Good Counsel

We will be continuing the “Travelling Prayer Kit” for Our Lady of Good Counsel well into 2021 to our CWL members. The intent is that this “Kit” will go from house to house of members who are interested in praying the Rosary to Our Lady. Our Lady of Good Counsel is our advocate, mentor, our guidance, the patroness of the CWL. Let us continue to bring this special devotion to our homes. A sign out sheet is available at our General Meeting for those members wishing to participate in this initiative. Give me a call. 416-724-9537


Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May all the faithful departed rest in peace.


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Charmaine Ross November 12, 2020

A mass of intention is being offered for our CWL sister from our Council: Saturday, February 20th 2021 at 5:00 p.m. mass

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Lintoy Sahadath December 7, 2020

A mass of intention is being offered for our CWL sister from our Council: Saturday, June 26th 2021 at 5:00 p.m. mass

A Message from Christian Family Life

Monday, February 15th is Family Day! Plan something exciting to do together. Build those special memories. 

Ordinandi Dinner – VIRTUAL 

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 it will be the 31stth Annual Ordinandi Dinner – Virtual. The Ordinandi Dinner is a dinner to hear the vocation stories of transitional deacons who will be ordained to the Priesthood this year. At the Ordinandi the CWL offers a Spiritual Bonquet (prayer pledges) prayers, masses, rosaries, stations of the cross, sacrifices etc… We are collecting your spiritual offerings. Please be generous in supporting our Ordinandi with your prayers. Attached to this newsletter is the form for your pledges, please fill this out and return it by email if possible or drop it off at the Parish Office by February 12th or email to: . These men need our prayers to sustain their journey. 

A Message from Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas

Dear Ladies, I do hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season. This Christmas must have been a very different one for most of us because of COVID-19 and the lockdown that we were in, but I do hope that each one of you in your own way was able to experience a little bit of joy during the season. 

Covid-19 has highlighted many areas of that need looking into like Long time care homes, Homelessness, Inequality faced by the Indigenous people, Loneliness etc. We need to continue to keep ourselves informed about these issues to see if there is any action that needs to be taken. 

On a positive note, during these times we have seen our community come to life especially during Christmas helping families that did not have food or clothing and organizing gifts for children of various families that did not have any. One big project undertaken by some members of the West Rouge Community group was collecting gifts for each of the kids and the parents for the families living at Lido Motel and also some of the other organizations. People did not hesitate for a second to contribute towards this. The ladies on our street did a cookie/chocolate bake and drop off to the residents and staff at Altamount home on Island road too which was really appreciated. The list of generosity in various ways during these months has been amazing to see!! 

Please continue to engage with those you know who are lonely during this time and if you know of anyone who might need some extra help please do let us know. 

A Message from Education & Health – Cheryl Mascarenhas

Dear Sisters in the League, 

2020 has been a year that will be hard to forget, but it is with faith that we move into 2021, with our hearts filled with hope. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect us and our daily lives, but we must remain strong and do our best. Despite the new strain of the coronavirus in Canada, we must do our best to ensure we remain healthy. On a more positive note, there are now different vaccinations available which have been approved – and while these vaccinations have not yet been made available to everyone right away, the news of this development brings great hope for us. 

With the New Year, I am sure many of us have our resolutions, many of which will revolve around health – physical, mental, and spiritual. With this in mind, the CWL would like to inform you of resources available to you, such as the national bursary fund and the St. Michael’s College Scholarship. 

The National Bursary Fund 

The bursary fund is used to provide financial assistance to members pursuing studies, courses, seminars, workshops and diploma/degree programs in areas of, spiritual growth, adult faith formation, youth ministry, ministry to patients in palliative care, ministry to shut-ins, parliamentary procedure and literacy tutoring. 

Bursary applications are available upon request from national office or can be downloaded from The form may be downloaded by accessing Resources, 500 Series: Forms and clicking on item 552 under member forms, at this URL – 

St. Michael’s College Scholarship 

St. Michael’s College of the University of Toronto’s St. George campus, in conjunction with the sponsorship and administration of the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, cooperate in awarding the CWL/St. Michael’s College Scholarship, a non-renewable scholarship worth $3,000. 

The awarding of the scholarship is based on several factors; eligibility, first choice of college, and high mid-average marks on admission. Financial need is also a consideration. 

This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of the Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school 

education and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first college of choice. The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, or Sciences. 

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2021. 

A Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda

National League Magazine 

This magazine is sent to each paid-up member three times per year. National is encouraging members to read this online, in order to minimize costs in the production and distribution expenses. If you are not interested in receiving a hard copy of this magazine please call Lucia 416-283-3536 to remove you from receiving it from the online administration database. 

Ontario Provincial Council On-Line Newsletter 

This newsletter is produced monthly to highlight the Diocese across Ontario. You can subscribe FREE of charge just by simply going to on the home page lower right hand side and go to subscribe. Each month you will receive a newsletter with so much information from the various CWL councils. We encourage you to do so to 

become familiar with what Councils are working on across the Province of Ontario. 

Toronto Diocesan Council – Newsletter 

The Toronto Diocesan Council Newsletters are available for purchase to all members. In it you will find reports, directives and many items of interest from our Toronto Diocese Council. If you are interested please take a look at the website for subscriptions: or call Lucia 416-283-3536 (TDC Newsletter Editor) if you wish to subscribe the cost is $12.00 for three issues per year deadline is January 30th for 2020 subscriptions 

CWL Websites as your resources: National Provincial Toronto 

As well as our own Parish website for upcoming events also check us out on Facebook: CWL St. Joseph Highland Creek and REMEMBER to view these websites on WEB WEDNESDAY! 

This is new – National – TO INSPIRE – Youtube 

The National has created a new portion to their website called TO INSPIRE – take a look at the new section on the National Website Called TO INSPIRE – A new way of introducing what the League is all about and to reaffirm why you are a member. Take a look at all the Youtube videos at the bottom of the page. To learn all about The Catholic Women’s League and the reason as to why you are a member. You can follow the CWL updates on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Be Inspired! 

A Message from Christian Family Life

Ordinandi Dinner 

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 it will be the 31st Annual Ordinandi Dinner. The Ordinandi Dinner is a dinner to hear the vocation stories of transitional deacons who will be ordained to the Priesthood this year. At the Ordinandi the CWL offers a Spiritual Bouquet (prayer pledges) prayers, masses, rosaries, stations of the cross, sacrifices etc… We are collecting your spiritual offerings. Please be generous in supporting our Ordinandi with your prayers. Form is attached for your convenience. Please return it to the Parish Office ASAP before February 12th. 

A Message from Resolution & Legislation

The Resolution and Legislation is an area of activity where research and action is involved. Many Resolutions are listed in the National, Provincial and Toronto Diocese which have been presented and passed at these levels at conventions. Do take a stand by following the action plans in each. We try to review and introduce Resolutions as they are presented to us from the Diocese, Province and National at our meetings. If you are interested in any particular Resolution or Legislation please come forward so that the Council will work together on these issues of importance. 

A Message from Past President/Historian – Lucia Vacca

The Toronto Diocesan Council will be celebrating 100 years this year as the first convention was held in Toronto 100 years ago. The Committee is working to make this celebration a success. Go to the for events coming up to celebrate this milestone. St. Joseph CWL Council will be 68 years this year since Chartered on November 5th, 1953. 

This year (2021) is an Election year for a New Executive to be nominated and elected by November 2021. This is the time of personal discernment and evaluation of your personal God given gifts. Are you being called to make a difference in our St. Joseph CWL Council? Say YES when asked. If you have any questions, give me a call. The future of our Council will continue with the commitment of members who say YES when being called. 

National Strategic Planning Update 

In keeping all of you informed, the National website has on the home page a section dedicated on the new Strategic Plan which is updated monthly to keep members across the country in the know of the steps and actions the various teams are working on. Your participation is also valued and when you are asked to do a survey, please do so. You have a say in the future of the League.

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Our Lady of Good Counsel encourage you to be inspired and committed to serve “God and Canada”.

Wishing all of you, my dear sisters, a very Healthy and Happy New Year. Lucia Vacca

The CWL Book Club

C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discuss:

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Month|Book & Author|Year|Pages
Jan|The Fallen Architect; Charles Belfoure|2018|322p.
Feb|The Massey Murder: a maid, her master and the trial that shocked a country; Charlotte Gray|2013|352p.
Mar|The Dutch House; Ann Patchet|2019|337p.
Apr|Where the Crawdads Sing; Delia Owens|2018|370p.

CWL Items for Purchase – “The League Scarf is an accessory that members will take pride in wearing at government presentations, conferences, seminars and local community functions. Wearing this beautiful scarf identifies and promotes the League.” (as per National Manual of Policy and Procedures)

  • CWL Blue Scarves $25.00
  • CWL White Name Tags $5.00
  • CWL Scarf Clip $17.00
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NEW SPECIAL COMMEMORATION PIN FOR THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE TORONTO DIOCESAN COUNCIL $10.00 each – if you are interested in ordering one call Lucia 416-283-3536

Reminders for General Meetings:

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.

We are also collecting the following items:

  • Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
  • Donations of extra blank cards and birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
  • Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed.
  • Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats and sent to Africa for those in need through Dr. Simone.
  • Collecting your used postage stamps being sent to Development & Peace and Dr. Simone.
  • We continue to make pneumonia vests for the premature babies. If you have extra wool or would like to make these vests give us a call and we will forward the pattern to follow.

We are also collecting non-perishable food items at each of our General Meetings to support our St. Joseph Outreach Program. Many are in need, please be generous. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex ‘Yellow Box – Food Bank’. Or Call 416-283-3536 

Dates to Remember

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January 11 (Monday)|General Meeting 7:00 p.m. – VIRTUAL – Rosary followed by meeting.
January 13 (Wednesday)|New Year’s Party from the Toronto Diocesan Council Regions. This is a Virtual Event. Open to all members, please register with Lucia 416-283-3536 a link will be forwarded to you.
January 23 (Saturday)|Scarborough Region Winter Event –10:00 a.m.– 11:30 am. VIRTUALevent. Speaker is Fr. Hansoo Park, topic “Mental and Spiritual Survival During a Pandemic” – please register with Lucia 416-283-3536 to have the virtual a link sent to you.
February 8 (Monday)|General Meeting – 7:00 p.m. VIRTUAL – Budget Review for 2021
February 12 (Friday)|Deadline to submit the Ordinandi Spiritual Bouquet form – drop it off with your prayerful pledges form at the Parish Office or email
February 13 (Saturday)|CWL Parish Executive Course – This is open to all members in the Scarborough Region to better understand and learn about the CWL – 9:00 to 1:00 It will be VIRTUAL call Lucia 416-283-3536 for registration – Membership Development, free of charge
February 15 (Monday)|Family Day
February 20 (Saturday)|Toronto Diocesan – Development Day VIRTUAL event – registration is required – see article in this newsletter
March 2 (Tuesday)|Ordinandi Dinner – VIRTUAL
March 5 (Friday)|World Day of Prayer
March 8 (Monday)|General Meeting 7:00 p.m. VIRTUAL

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