CWL Newsletter 2021 May-Jun
- Posted On 11th May 2021
2019-2021 Executive Team
Kim Deans
Marla Tanuan
Organization & Membership
(Not Assigned)
Clare Gotera
(Not Assigned)
Spiritual Development
Patricia Hall
Christian Family Life
(Not Assigned)
Community Life
Tania Mascarenhas
Ju-Ann Miranda
Education & Health
Cheryl Mascarenhas
Resolution & Legislation
(Not Assigned)
Past President & Historian
Lucia Vacca
Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan
Dear sisters,
Summer is coming! It’s been a long winter and it’s sad that we’re going to miss the fun, fellowship and ability to raise money for our charities of the June Bazaar, but we can see a light at the end of this long pandemic. We know many of you have been vaccinated and we hope that all of you and your families will be able to do this soon. The Seminar on the Ethics of Vaccination given by The Toronto Diocesan Council was very informative on why vaccination is a moral choice for Catholics.
The time is coming soon for elections. Please think about who would be a good choice to join your executive and consider the possibility of joining yourself. It’s a great opportunity to give back.
Kim and Marla
Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall
Feast of St. Joseph – March 19th
Celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph and Consecration to St. Joseph at our Parish
In light of Pope Francis’ proclamation of the Year of St Joseph – December 8, 202O-December 9, 3021, our Parish participated in the 33-Day Consecration to St Joseph from February 15, 2021, leading to the Solemnity of St Joseph on March 19, 2021. Our pastor, Fr Oliver celebrated the Holy Mass and the Consecration Ceremony. Along with our own parishioners, other parishioners from surrounding parishes attended this milestone event.
What a blessing!
St. Joseph, pray for us.
(Therese Baduria)
Our condolences to our sisters in the league who have had a death in their family
Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the faithful departed rest in peace.
In Memorium
Elizabeth Kreidler
Our CWL sister of 22 years of service, passed on March 1st 2021.
Mass intention has been set for her on Saturday, September 18th at 5:00 p.m.
Organization & Membership - Lucia Vacca
Speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you are already doing this; just keep on doing it.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Let us welcome our new member: Sophia Carter
National League Magazine Fall Issue – Pilot Project
This magazine is sent to each paid-up member three times per year. National is having a Pilot Project not to distribute the Fall Issue in hard copy format – will NOT be mailed to our homes. National is encouraging members to read this online, in order to minimize costs the production and distribution expenses. You can read it the Fall issue on the National website/ online go to
Toronto Diocesan Council - Annual General Meeting – Saturday, May 15th
This is a Virtual event – open to members from 9:00 to 5:00 information has been forwarded on email. If you are interested in attending, please call me at 416-283-3536 ASAP.
“Effective Meetings” Training – May 29th
This training is open to executive and interested members. It is a virtual event from 9:00 to 12:00 cost is FREE. Registration is required before Saturday May 22nd email Mary Tuccitto at A link will be forwarded to you once you register before the event. Facilitator is Sue Lubowitz – President Elect Toronto Diocese.
100th Anniversary Celebration of the Toronto Diocesan Council
This will take place on June 3rd. The first National Convention was held in Toronto 100 years ago in 1921. The Committee is working to make this celebration a success. Go to the website for events coming up to celebrate this milestone. This will be a virtual celebration. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Tea towels for your kitchen stove.
These tea towels have been donated by one of our members and if you wish to purchase we are selling them TWO for $5.00. There are a variety of colours.
If interested call me at 416-283-3536
We are looking for ways to which we can continue with our council’s support for our parish and charities.
Donations are always welcome
E-transfer to:
How Sweet it is!
Our very own member, Joan Kunanec (CWL member for over 51 yrs) and family have been making a family favourite of maple syrup for the last 15 years. Joan’s husband Mike planted maple trees on their property many years ago and the production of maple syrup has become a family tradition. Their son Dan and daughter Susan are involved in the making of this delicious process and treat. It is a labour of love from start to finish. Involves many steps to complete and have a final product. Collecting, boiling, straining, bottling and labeling all done at home. One week’s collection makes about 1.5 litres of delicious syrup.
The Kunanec family was featured in the local newspaper the CCRA. For full article go to
Article written by Denise Bacon (CWL member of 9 yrs)
Milk Bag Sleeping Mats
Don’t throw out those milk bags. Thank you to members of St. Joseph’s CWL and ” 50 Plus Club” who have been collecting milk bags from friends, neighbors, family and schools. We use these bags to make Sleeping Mats for those who are sleeping directly on the ground in Peru, El Salvador and many areas of Latin America. We are able to do this because of the efforts of people like you who care. A friend of mine, Sr. Joan Lewis, who lived in Guatemala for 25 years told me that many people are sleeping on leaves causing insect bites etc. Therefore we are making large size and child size mats and sending
them to where they are needed.
Many people in West Hill are involved in cutting, sorting and washing the bags. When ready we weave them on looms to make the final product which is a colourful and comfortable mat. Louisa Stiles, Maria Steger , CWL, Anne McDonald, CWL and 50 +, and me, Maureen, CWL and 50+, are weaving the mats.
Many thanks to husbands, David and Joe who made the looms for us. Louisa and David transport the finished matts to the warehouse in Mississauga to Dr. Andrew Simone of Catholic Charities and Food for Children. The mats are delivered are readied for transportation in large containers.
Those who wish to donate bags are asked to clean and flatten them. Volunteers are welcome and we ALWAYS need bags. How many mats have we made? In numbers beyond counting. It is a worthwhile effort to ensure better sleep for children and adults and we are reusing sturdy plastic bags in an effort to prevent the negative effects of climate change. Call me if you want to help, Maureen, 416 284 4213. Bags may be dropped at our house 63 Asterfield. Drive West Hill. Hoping to see you and hear from you! Thanks again, Maureen van Pinxteren
Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas
I do hope that all you ladies and your families are doing well especially during these really hard times. As always if you ever need anything, please reach out to any of the executives or any of our CWL sisters. We all need to be there to support each other at this time.
Please note that you can now view Live-streamed masses of our St. Joseph’s Parish at 8 a.m. on Sundays or you can view the recording later at a time of your convenience. I personally was very happy to watch mass online, seeing our very own church, priests and choirs. With the churches having to again limit the people inside to just 10, this is a great way to connect to our own parish. You can go to the link below and click on ‘View on YouTube’
Human Trafficking: The federal government’s document regarding the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (2019-2024) shares a framework of empowerment, prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership-based initiatives, adaptable to address the changing crime environment. Members are encouraged to read the document to get a better understanding of this issue. (Source: Community Chair (Ciscily Winkler’s) article in the Toronto Diocesan Council newsletter Spring 2021)
Education & Health - Cheryl Mascarenhas
St. Michael’s College Scholarship
St. Michael’s College of the University of Toronto’s St. George campus, in conjunction with the sponsorship and administration of the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, cooperate in awarding the CWL/St. Michael’s College Scholarship, a non-renewable scholarship worth $3,000.
The awarding of the scholarship is based on several factors; eligibility, first choice of college, and high mid-average marks on admission. Financial need is also a consideration.
This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of the Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school
education and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first college of choice. The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, or Sciences. Deadline is August 31st.
May 12th, 2021 is International Awareness Day for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Environmental Sensitivities/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (ES/MCS).
Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda
Parish Website
CWL Websites as your resources
For upcoming events also check us out on Facebook: CWL St. Joseph Highland Creek and REMEMBER to view these websites on CWL WEB WEDNESDAY!
The Toronto Diocesan Council is encouraging members to take part in their CWL Web Wednesday activities each month. Information will be forwarded as received. Additional information may be found
Prayer for Communications
Lord, let the good news of your marvelous deeds fall on every ear, and let all tongues rejoice in your wisdom, your compassion, your faithfulness, and your love. Make me bold and let me share your Word with those you desire toreach. As my heart overflows with your love, speak through me. Let me proclaim your glory and your majesty, and tell of the kindness you have shown your people. This I ask, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
From the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Christian Family Life
Did you know?
Our CWL Council has been presenting to the parents of newly baptized children a card with our CWL Logo and inside a welcoming message to our faith together with a medal of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
- Please continue to pray for vocations here are some resources you can access: a Prayer for Vocations and daily 2minute reflections by priests from the Archdiocese) - (prayer intention book, link to Pope Francis’ message for World Day of Vocations)
- (Papal message, Praying through Art Doodle Page by Sister Chela Gonzalez, Vocations Prayers)
Resolution & Legislation
Resolutions will not be presented and tabled at the Toronto, Provincial and National Annual General Meetings this year due to the pandemic. These have been postponed to 2022. Discussions and voting must be in-person. Go to to inform yourselves on the current resolutions at the National level.
Past President & Historian – Lucia Vacca
Instructed Votes for amendments to the National Constitution and By-Laws
National has asked CWL members to review and vote on proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of 2013. An email will be sent to all of our St. Joseph members as well as a hard copy for the members who do not have email or computer to participate in this process. All voting must be returned to the Parish Office by August 31st we will be reviewing the nine motions in detail at our virtual General Meeting and collect the instructed votes from those in attendance at our General Meeting on Monday September 13th. These instructed votes will be forwarded to the Toronto Diocesan Council for presentation at the May 2022 General Meeting by our Voting Delegate on the council’s behalf. We need you to fully participate. Any questions, please email or call me 416-283-3536
Nominations and Elections for New Executive
This year (2021) is an Election year for a New Executive for 2022-2023 Term to be nominated and elected by Monday November 8th 2021. This is the time of personal discernment and evaluation of your personal God given gifts. Are you being called to make a difference in our St. Joseph CWL Council? Say YES when asked. If you have any questions, give me a call. The future of our Council will continue with the commitment of dedicated members to the League who say YES when being called. Our St. Joseph Council is 68 years since chartered in 1953.
National Strategic Planning Update
In keeping all of you informed, the National website has on the home page a section dedicated on the new Strategic Plan which is updated monthly to keep members across the country in the know of the steps and actions the various teams are working on. Your participation is also valued and when you are asked to do a survey, please do so. You have a say in the future of the League.
May Our Lady of Good Counsel encourage you to be inspired and committed to serve “God and Canada”.
CWL Book Club
The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discussing
Month | Book | Author | Year | Pages |
May | Before We Were Yours | Lisa Wingate | 2017 | 352p. |
June | The Giver of Stars | Jojo Moyes | 2019 | 390p. |
Meet our Book Club Members – CWL sisters who love to read
CWL Items for Purchase
The League Scarf is an accessory that members will take pride in wearing at government presentations, conferences, seminars and local community functions. Wearing this beautiful scarf identifies and promotes the League.” (as per National Manual of Policy and Procedures)
CWL Blue Scarves $25.00 – CWL White Name Tags $5.00 – CWL Scarf Clip $17.00
$10.00 each
If you are interested in ordering one, call Lucia 416-283-3536
Reminders for General Meetings
Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.
We are also collecting the following items:
- Donations of extra blank cards and birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
- Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed.
- We are also collecting egg cartons for the Food bank
- Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats and sent to Africa for those in need through Dr. Simone.
- Collecting your used postage stamps being sent to Development & Peace and Dr. Simone.
- We continue to make pneumonia vests for the premature babies. If you have extra wool or would like to make these vests give us a call and we will forward the pattern for you to follow.
We are also collecting non-perishable food items at each of our General Meetings to support our St. Joseph Outreach Program. Many are in need, please be generous. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex ‘Yellow Box – Food Bank’. Or Call 416-283-3536
May 10 (Monday) | General Meeting 7:00 p.m. – Speaker on Mental Health – join us Virtually – open to all members and parishioners |
May 13 (Thursday) | “March for Life” Rally in Ottawa – Virtual event go to as well as Salt&Light TV |
May 15 (Saturday) | Toronto Diocesan Council - Annual General Meeting – Virtual – open to members from 9:00 to 5:00 – registration required – 416-283-3536 |
May 29 (Saturday) | Effective Meeting Training – 9:00 – 12:00 pm all members invited to attend – registration required – see flyer –Virtual event 416-283-3536 |
June 3 (Thursday) | 100th Anniversary Celebration – Toronto Diocesan Council -Virtual – details will be sent by email or call 416-283-3536 for information. |
June 14 (Monday) | General Meeting Mtg. 7:00 pm - Virtual |
June 20 (Sunday) | National Indigenous Peoples Day – Virtual event to take place – all welcome to attend – information will be sent |
August 31 (Tuesday) | Deadline for Applications for St. Michael’s Scholarship to the Toronto Diocesan Council. Contact Cheryl Mascarenhas |
No Newsletter for July/Aug | |
September 13 (Monday) | General Meeting – 7:00 pm. Rosary – Virtual – VOTING FOR THE 9 MOTIONS for National amendments to the Constitution and By-laws of the Organization. Your vote counts. Review and vote on the 9 proposed motions from National. |
October 3 (Sunday) | Life Chain (Kingston Rd & Lawrence Ave. 2-3 pm) |
October 12 (Tuesday) | General Meeting – 7:00 pm Rosary – meeting to follow – deadline for submission of Election Nominations for New Executive Team 2022-2023 |
To All our CWL sisters celebrating their Birthdays in May to August 2021
We would love to hear from you with your ideas and positive feedback.
Have a Safe Summer.
Prayer for Times of Anxiety and Depression
I pause and thank you for this day. For the challenges, the emotions, the struggle. For in all this, I grow closer to you.
I pause and ask that in the darkness, I see your light and in my fear, I feel your strength.
I pause and remember that today, as in days before, I have survived. When I’ve wanted to run, I’ve stayed. When I wanted to hide, I’ve faced the day.
I pause and ask for forgiveness for the days I falter and the disease takes over.
I ask for compassion and love when I’m unable to give those to myself. I pause and resolve to love myself more tomorrow and always feel your spirit surround me in safety.
By Erin Roush,
Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel
Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel: filled with the Holy Spirit, you were a faithful disciple of Jesus, your son.
Intercede with your son for us that we may be faithful to our baptism, fervent in prayer, and generous in the service we give to our sisters and brothers.
May the spirit of the living God, who graced you with the gift of counsel, lead us in the way of truth and love.
With the help of your prayers, may we come to rejoice forever with you and the great company of saints in the kingdom of heaven.