CWL Newsletter 2021 Sep-Oct

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Catholic Women's League

Chartered November 5th, 1953

2019-2021 Executive Team


Kim Deans


Marla Tanuan

Organization & Membership

(Not Assigned)


Clare Gotera


(Not Assigned)

Spiritual Development

Patricia Hall

Christian Family Life

(Not Assigned)

Community Life

Tania Mascarenhas


Ju-Ann Miranda

Education & Health

Cheryl Mascarenhas

Resolution & Legislation

(Not Assigned)

Past President & Historian

Lucia Vacca

Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan

Dear sisters,

Welcome back everyone!  We hope you had a blessed and fun summer.  It’s wonderful that things are opening up but we expect that we will continue with primarily virtual meetings for now.  We hope that many of you can join.

We hope that you have had an opportunity to review and send in your instructed votes for the changes which are being considered for the Constitution and By-laws.  We will be totalling these votes and submitting them to the Toronto Diocesan Council for the annual convention in April 2022.  These instructed votes will be brought forward to the National Convention for consideration and possible implementation in 2023.  Stay tuned! 

It’s an Election year for our Council.  This Executive had an extra year added to our term due to COVID, but the time has come to nominate and elect a new president as well as a new executive for our Council.  Please say yes if you are nominated and called. Elections will take place November 8th.  Our League can only continue if we have women who are willing to get involved and take the challenge.  

We are very excited about the new theme introduced by our new National President, Fran Lucas for January 2022 to 2023 “Catholic and Living It!”.  This theme sounds like it will bring the focus to the roots of our identity as Catholics and where we draw our strength from the grace of God. 

We are looking forward to see everyone at our meetings and meeting our new executive in the coming months. 

Kim and Marla 

Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall

My dear sisters in the league, I hope and I pray that each and everyone of you are in good health and that you have all had a chance to spend some time with your loved ones during this second summer of covid. Sadly many people have been deemed essential workers and have suffered tremendously with the fear and dread of somehow contracting this potentially deadly virus. Many of you have also been directly or indirectly impacted by family members or good friends who have caught this dreaded disease. Let’s all pray for these dear families and ask our Lord to cover them in the blood of Jesus.

As the days begin to get shorter and we prepare to usher out the warm weather and welcome in the Fall, we can’t help but reflect on how much we’ve missed seeing one another at St. Joseph’s Church. How we long for the days where we could celebrate the mass as a congregation with full capacity or huddle together in a small group to pray the rosary, or just be there for one another to listen. The fact is, we all miss one another. Yes, there is Zoom, but let’s face it, virtual communication doesn’t satisfy our need for a hug or a consoling shoulder to cry on. We’ve missed our cherished friendships and sisterhood as CWL Members

Sadly, our planet has been greatly affected by global warming and this is having a catastrophic effect on the place we call home. The United Nations have declared our  world to be in a state of Code Red. Unless omissions are drastically and urgently reduced, the average global temperatures are likely to cross the 1.5 celsius threshold in the next 20 years. The UN is unequivocally blaming humans for this state of affairs. The UN Secretary is urging an end to the use of coal and other fossil fuels. Fires, floods, heat waves and tornadoes are being felt all over the world.

With all this chaos surrounding us, we can find comfort and solitude in our divine creator.  Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus as Peter did when he left the boat and walked on water towards his Lord and Master Jesus Christ. May God bless you all and may His everlasting light shine upon you giving you a peace that surpasses all human understanding.  

Let us all pray, as sisters in Christ for an end to this world pandemic and for a return to a “new normal” as we will know it. God bless you all and may you all continue to stay safe and in good health! God bless!

Spiritual Bouquet

Dear sisters in the League.

Thank you to your contributions of prayers for our CWL Spiritual Advisor Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu. A total of 2,138.

This Spiritual Bouquet was presented to Fr. Oliver in a frame for his office as a reminder of our appreciation for his support to our CWL Council.

Presented by: Marla Tanuan and Lucia Vacca on your behalf.

Thank you!

Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland – will not be opening its Church, or its Grounds, until May 2022.  No pilgrimages do to the COVID pandemic. 

The month of October is dedicated as the month of the Most Holy Rosary. The feast was instituted by Pope Pius V in 1504-1572 to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful.   We will be gathering at 3:00 pm at the St. Joseph Cemetery to recite the Rosary keeping social distancing.  Hope you can join us.

100th Anniversary Closing Mass for the Toronto Diocesan Councils will be celebrated at St. Michael’s Cathedral on Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Celebrant:  Most Reverend Bishop Robert Kasun. This is an in-person event. 

Dates to Remember for Prayers

  • September 19 National Faith Day (The Catholic Women’s League of Canada)
  • September 21 National Day of Prayer for Christians in the Holy Land (The Catholic Women’s League of Canada)
  • October 1 National Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions (The Catholic Women’s League of Canada)

HOMILIES from Pope Fransis go to: 

Our condolences to our sisters in the league who have had a death in their family

Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them. 

May all the faithful departed rest in peace. 

Pierette Emerson

July 17th Our CWL sister of 26 yrs Mass intention on Saturday. January 8th, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Gloria des Vignes

July 18th Our CWL sister of 6 yrs Mass intention on Saturday. January 15th, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Lillian Murrell​​

August 31st Our CWL sister of 33 yrs Mass intention on Saturday. February 5th, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Organization & Membership - Lucia Vacca

National League Magazine Fall Issue – Pilot Project

This magazine is sent to each paid-up member three times per year. National is having a Pilot Project not to distribute the Fall Issue in hard copy format – will NOT be mailed to our homes. National is encouraging members to read this online, in order to minimize costs the production and distribution expenses. You can read it the Fall issue on the National website/ online go to

The Executive Orientation Program

This new training is now available.  It is a self-directed PowerPoint that includes the speaker’s and an audio/visual recording.   You can download from the under To Organize/800 series Workshops/#828 Executive Orientation –

The following links are under the: 
Take the time to review and learn about the CWL changes as part of the Strategic Plan implementation.

A CWL Calendar of Social Justice Events

FUNDRAISING ITEM Tea towels for your kitchen stove


Tea towels for your kitchen stove.

These tea towels have been donated by one of our members and if you wish to purchase we are selling them TWO for $5.00. There are a variety of colours.

If interested call me at 416-283-3536

We are looking for ways to which we can continue with our council’s support for our parish and charities.

Donations are always welcome

E-transfer to:

Milk Bag Sleeping Mats

Those who wish to donate bags are asked to clean and flatten them. Volunteers are welcome and we ALWAYS need bags. Call Maureen, 416 284 4213. Bags may be dropped at our house 63 Asterfield. Drive West Hill. Hoping to see you and hear from you!

Thanks again, Maureen van Pinxteren

Your contributions to our council are greatly appreciated.  We need your ideas and involvement to continue the work of our St. Joseph Highland Creek League.

Vests Vests And More Vests

Thank you to our members who are making these amazing vests.  If you have extra wool or you would like to make these give me a call and I will send you the pattern. 416-283-3535

Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas

September 25, 2021 Celebrating Our Cultural Diversity

The Toronto Diocesan Council is inviting all members to join in a virtual workshop from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  The Keynote: Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite, on The Spiritual Dimension of Cultural Competence and later Celebration of Cultures & Performances.  Registration is required go to for information or call Lucia 416-283-3536

September 29, 2021 – Workshop on Truth and Reconciliation – Toronto Diocesan Council is offering a virtual workshop on Truth and Reconciliation 7:00 pm.  Registration is required, go to for information.

September 30, 2021 is ORANGE SHIRT DAY  1st Annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  September 30 was the day when Indigenous children were taken to the schools.  Orange shirt has come to be a national symbol to commemorate and honour the victims and survivors of Indian Residential Schools. September 30 is now known as Orange Shirt Day and this day happens annually to remember and to honour the children who attended Residential Schools.  Indigenous children, approximately 150,000 Métis, Inuit and First Nations children were sent to the schools between the 1860s and the 1990s, with the last Residential School closing its doors in 1996.

Kamloops Indian Residential School

As Canadians, the finding of the unmarked graves of 215 children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School recently, we grieve for the lost lives and for tremendous and generational impact have caused in Kamloops and across Canada. As Catholics, we must also face our historic contribution and responsibility perpetrated by Catholic Church leaders who were entrusted by the Governments of the day to care for the children.

Cardinal Collins has apologized on behalf of the Church. The next steps towards atonement and reconciliation include making the records from the residential schools available to authorities and to honouring settlement agreements recommended in the TRC report.

On June 9th, 2021 our CWL of St. Joseph’s Church honoured the lives of the 215 children who were buried in the unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, by placing 215 orange ribbons were tied at the site of the plaque for the unborn.

Letter from National to National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: 

Letter from National to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: 

Visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at and read the online history of residential schools.

The Land Acknowledgement was recited along with prayers for the Indigenous People.

Land Acknowledgement Indigenous People

Education & Health - Cheryl Mascarenhas

Resources List:

  • Crisis Services Canada 1-833-456-4566 Free distress, crisis, and suicide prevention line.
  • Wellness Together Canada 1-866-585-0445 Free mental health and substance use programs with phone, video and text counselling.
  • BounceBack Ontario 1-866-345-0224 Free mental health (stress, anxiety, depression) skill-building program with a phone coach and online videos.
  • September
    • World Alzheimer’s, Arthritis awareness month
  • September 21
    • World Alzheimer Day
  • October 10
    • World Mental Health Day
  • November 14
    • World Diabetes Day

Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda




Parish Website

for upcoming events also check us out on Facebook: CWL St. Joseph Highland Creek 

REMEMBER to view these websites on CWL WEB WEDNESDAY!

The Toronto Diocesan Council is encouraging members to take part in their CWL Web Wednesday activities each month.  Information will be forwarded as received.  Additional information may be found 

The Catholic Register a special issue on the CWL for the issue dated September 5th, 2021.  The insert is 36 pgs.  This Special 100th Anniversary of the League with articles on the Toronto Diocesan Council, member interviews and stories submitted and congratulatory notes to The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.  Look for it also online at  If you wish to obtain a copy call the Catholic Register.  Telephone: (416) 934-3410, extension 404 or (855) 441-4077 Members must mention they are a CWL member and quote the coupon code CWL2021 to receive the special pricing of $5.00 (includes taxes and shipping). Online (  Download an order form available, email the completed form to Send a completed order form to: The Catholic Register 1155 Yonge Street, Suite 401 Toronto, ON M4T 1W2

Christian Family Life

Here is the progress on ending long-term boil water advisories in Indigenous communities.
 Here is the progress since 2015:

  • 108 long-term drinking water advisories lifted
  • 183 short-term advisories lifted
  • 535 water infrastructure projects (including 99 treatment plants)
  • $4.3 billion invested
  • 51 advisories remain (in 32 communities continue). Of those 14 are completed and are waiting approval, 33 are under construction, 2 are in design phase and 2 are under a feasibility study. All have funding and all will be completed.

For more information 

Life Chain – Sunday October 3rd – 2:00-3:00 corners of Kingston Rd. and Lawrence. This is an annual event which our council has taken part in over the many years.   Supporting life from conception to natural death.

Resolution & Legislation

Indigenous Peoples Current National Resolutions

2013.01 Building Relationships and Partnerships with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples: (Community Life)

2011.02 Children of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: (Community Life)

1999.02 Childhood Abuse in Institutions: (Community Life)

1990.08 Native Communications: (Communications)

Indigenous Peoples Ontario Provincial (OPC) Resolutions

ON.2018.03 To fully implement alternative sentencing to incarceration of Indigenous Offenders:  (Legislation)
ON.2017.01  Full Implementation of the Supreme Court’s Gladue Decision (1999) for Indigenous Women Offenders:  (Legislation)

Past President & Historian – Lucia Vacca

Nominations and Elections for New Executive

This year (2021) is an Election year for a New Executive for 2022-2023 Term to be nominated and elected by Monday November 8th 2021. This is the time of personal discernment and evaluation of your personal God given gifts. Are you being called to make a difference in our St. Joseph CWL Council? Say YES when asked. If you have any questions, give me a call. The future of our Council will continue with the commitment of dedicated members to the League who say YES when being called. Our St. Joseph Council is 68 years since chartered in 1953.


The 2022-2023 – Executive Elections will be held on November 8th, 2021 at our General Meeting

Dear sisters in the League, by now you will have received your Nominations and Election Package. Please complete the Nominations form and returned it by either placing it in a collection basket during mass, mailing it in the return envelope enclosed in your package or you may dropping it off at the Parish Office by the deadline date of Tuesday October 12th.  

Note: Any nomination forms received after October 12th are too late and will be destroyed by the Committee.

The Nominations and Elections Committee is comprised of Mary Tuccitto, as Chair of Elections, and Ingrid Hart and Marguerite Civello.   If a member of this Committee calls you, take some time in quiet prayer to ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to guide you in accepting the nomination. We all have gifts and talents to share and if you are nominated to a position for the 2022 – 2023 Executive, it means that someone has seen in you, your God given gift. It is through your acceptance of this nomination that a healthy election can bring about a new and vibrant Executive to lead our Council for the next two years.  I encourage you to accept the nomination with an open heart, joyously giving of your service to our members, our community and our charities – “For God and Canada”.

Our Mission Statement
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.


Here is what you need to know in making an informed choice in nominating someone for election:

Some names will not appear on the Eligible Members List which was included in your package.

Mary Tuccitto as Chair of Nominations and Elections Committee is not eligible for nomination therefore she has been omitted from the eligible members list as well as others who are not in a position to direct the council.  There are many former executive members and members at large who have much CWL experience who can act as mentors to help the new executive team. Ladies, be not afraid to say ‘YES’ as you are called to “Serve God and Canada”. 

CWL Book Club

The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
 Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discussing:

Book of Interest:

Thanks to Zoom we have been able to have our meetings during COVID.  One book that we all enjoyed reading was ‘The Giver of Stars’ by Jojo Moyes.  It is the story of five extraordinary women from a small town in Kentucky, set in depression-era America.  Though they face all kinds of dangers, they are committed to bringing books, by horse and mule, to people who never had any, and sharing the gift of learning that will change lives.  It is based on a true story rooted in America’s past.  If you are looking for something interesting to read give this book a try. 
 (Jackie Nicholson)

SepA Train in Winter: an extraordinary story of women, friendship and survival in WW2Caroline Moorehead2011384
OctThe Family UpstairsLisa Jewell2019340
NovBrotherDavid Chariandy2017192
DecThe Christmas PartyKaren Swan2019474

Reminders for General Meetings

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”. 

We are also collecting the following items: 

  • Donations of extra blank cards and birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated. 
  • Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed. 
  • We are also collecting egg cartons for the Food bank 
  • Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats and sent to Africa for those in need through Dr. Simone. 
  • Collecting your used postage stamps being sent to Development & Peace and Dr. Simone. 
  • We continue to make pneumonia vests for the premature babies. If you have extra wool or would like to make these vests give us a call and we will forward the pattern for you to follow. 

We are also collecting non-perishable food items at each of our General Meetings to support our St. Joseph Outreach Program. Many are in need, please be generous. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex ‘Yellow Box – Food Bank’. Or Call 416-283-3536 


September 13 (Monday)General Meeting – 7:00 pm. Rosary – Virtual – VOTING FOR THE 9 MOTIONS for National amendments to the Constitution and By-laws of the Organization. Your vote counts. Review and vote on the 9 proposed motions from National and Review our Financial Position to date.
September 19 (Sunday)National Faith Day (The Catholic Women’s League of Canada)
September 21 (Tuesday)International Day of Peace –offer prayers for those living in the Holy Land
September 25 (Saturday)Celebrating Our Cultural Diversity - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm – virtual registration required go to for information.
September 26 (Sunday)107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
September 29 (Wednesday)CWL Wednesday: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action.
7:00 pm – virtual registration required go to for information
September 30 (Thursday)WEAR ORANGE SHIRT DAY – for Indigenous Children who attended Residential Schools
October 1 (Friday)National Senior’s Day
October 1 (Friday)National Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions (CWL)
October 3 (Sunday)Life Chain (Kingston Rd & Lawrence Ave. 2-3 pm)
October 5 (Tuesday)Scarborough Region General Meeting – 7:00 pm. All CWL members are invited to attend – virtual mtg. for information 416-283-3536
October 7 (Thursday)Toronto Diocesan Council – 100th Anniversary Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral - 7:00 p.m. – in-person – all are invited to attend
October 12 (Tuesday)St. Joseph General Meeting – 7:00 pm Rosary – meeting to follow – deadline for submission of Election Nominations for New Executive Team 2022-2023
October 17 (Sunday)October Month of the Holy Rosary - meet at the St. Joseph Cemetery at 3:00 pm – socially distancing/wear your masks - we will say the Rosary at the cemetery
October 20 (Wednesday)Moira Ste. Maire 4th Memorial Lecture Series (Virtual) TDC go to for information on this event.
November 8 (Monday)General Meeting - Election Night for NEW Executive 2022-2023
November 10 (Wednesday)Deceased Members Mass for Scarborough – Precious Blood – 7:00 pm Live Streamed at
Happy Birthday