CWL Newsletter 2021 Nov-Dec
- Posted On 16th Nov 2021
2019-2021 Executive Team
Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp.
Kim Deans
Marla Tanuan
Organization & Membership
(Not Assigned)
Clare Gotera
(Not Assigned)
Spiritual Development
Patricia Hall
Christian Family Life
(Not Assigned)
Community Life
Tania Mascarenhas
Ju-Ann Miranda
Education & Health
Cheryl Mascarenhas
Resolution & Legislation
(Not Assigned)
Past President & Historian
Lucia Vacca
Presidents – Kim Deans and Marla Tanuan
Dear Sisters in the League, It’s hard to believe it’s been three years since we became your co-presidents. There have been so many changes since we began due to COVID. Our goals when we took this position, was to increase the focus on faith and to improve our use of technology. We hope that our monthly focus on one aspect of faith and the retreats that we sponsored early in our tenure helped to bring a focus to faith for our members. We have created a OneDrive to keep information useful for future executives which we hope will be more robust in the future. Covid pushed us into Virtual Meetings much faster than could ever be expected so the fact that we were ready for this move helped to keep our meetings on track in a way that many other parish’s were unable to do.
It has been wonderful to work with our dedicated executive team. We look forward to meeting and supporting the new executive and working with them over the next two years as the Past Presidents.
Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Kim and Marla
Spiritual Development – Patricia Hall
My dear sisters in the league, I hope and pray that you are all keeping well and safe from Covid19 and the latest Delta variant. Simply put, it’s difficult to keep up with all the changes happening to our planet earth; the place we call home! Much of our energy comes from fossil fuel which produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which is making the world warmer. To slow global warming, the U.N. warns that agriculture must change. Additionally, the WHO have declared the planet earth the single largest threat against humanity. With earthquakes, volcanos erupting, forest fires burning out of control, ocean currents warming, floods, air pollution and so much more, we can’t help but ask ourselves what is going on? As believers, we can seek refuge in the word of God. Our Lord will fill us with a peace that surpasses all human understanding. An example of this is found In Psalm 91, God Our Protector.
With the season of Advent quickly approaching on November 28th, His Holiness is inviting us to spend time reflecting on the most basic of our needs which is connection. Although many of us will be spending the season in isolation due to the pandemic, we can still find solace knowing that as children of God, we will remain joyful as we await the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His final second coming.
On the first Sunday of Advent, we will be in Year C. The readings will include the 1st Reading, Jeremiah Chpt. 33 vs. 14-16, The Responsorial Psalm Chpt. 25 vs. 4-5, 8-9, 10, 14, the 2nd Reading, 1 Thessalonians Chpt. 3 vs. , Chpt. 4 vs. 2. and the Holy Gospel which is Luke Chpt. 21 vs. 25-28, 34-36.
I wish all of you wonderful sisters in Christ a joyful Advent Season and all the blessings of this holy and miraculous celebration of Christmas! Jesus Christ our King coming to us through our Immaculate Mother Mary as an infant child born in a manger.
During this Christmas Season, may God fill your hearts and your souls with an abundance of love for our omnipresent Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ!
Wednesday November 10th – Annual Deceased Members Mass for Scarborough – Live Streamed from Precious Blood – 7:00 pm at
October being the month of the Holy Rosary, a few of our CWL members and spouses, came together to pray the Rosary at our St. Joseph Cemetery for our parishioners and members who are buried at this location. Our Book of Life was also part of this prayer service to remember all our deceased members and spiritual advisors.
Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Pierette Emerson
Our CWL sister of 26 yrs
Mass intention on Saturday. January 8th, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Gloria des Vignes
Our CWL sister of 6 yrs
Mass intention on Saturday. January 15th, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Lillian Murrell
Our CWL sister of 33 yrs
Mass intention on Saturday. February 5th, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Rosamma (Rose) Joseph
Our CWL sister of 21 yrs
Mass intention on Saturday, March 5th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
Dear God,
We thank you for the wonderful memories we have of our departed loved ones. We are grateful when these memories bring us happiness and comfort. Help us to continue to keep the memories of our loved ones alive by living out the gifts and virtues we treasured so much in their lives.
May our remembrance of them in this way help their spirit to live on in us, and may the virtues contribute to building your kingdom here on earth.
Amen.Praying November: Prayers for Grieving and Remembering Loved Ones – From Living with Christ
Organization & Membership - Lucia Vacca
We welcome the new members
Joanne Spencer and Angela DiSalle McManaman
Your CWL Membership Renewal for 2022 is NOW due ($25.)
Please complete the Membership form and return it as soon as possible.
Here are the ways that you can accomplish this task:
- You may drop it in the collection baskets at any Mass that you attend.
- You can drop it off at the Parish Office during office hours.
- You can drop it off at my home or mail it to me – 187 Calverley Trail, Scarborough, ON M1C 3Y4
- You can pay by e-transfer send to
Please be sure to clearly mark your envelope: “CWL MEMBERSHIP”. If you are writing a cheque, please make it payable to: St. Joseph’s CWL Memberships renewals are due to National by January 1st, 2022. The membership continues to be $25.00. This year we will once again have an early bird special for all renewals received on or before December 6th. One lucky member will be the winner of a draw from the renewals received to this date. The prize will be a $25.00 gift voucher, so don’t delay in completing your renewal and entering the draw. Need your full co-operation in completing this task. Your membership is valuable to the continuation of the service, work and existence of the League for years to come in service to God and Canada. National website:
Everyone of you is empowered to take the ownership and increase the membership, encourage your daughters, sisters, etc. to join us and be part of sisterhood to use their God given talents. We need young energy to carry on the history of this council which is now 68 years since chartered. The invitation is open to all ladies from 16 years of age and on. THANK YOU TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED YOUR RENEWALS, GREATLY APPRECIATED. Any questions call: 416-283-3536
As you know, every year we honour our members who have achieved a milestone service years with their service pin and this is a presentation at our annual pot luck dinner. This year unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are not able to celebrate together. If you wish to receive your well-deserved years of service pin, please call or contact me and we can make arrangements for pickup. Thank you for your understanding. Lucia 416-283-3536 or
45-Year Membership Pins
- Winifred Martin
- Mary Kelly
35-Year Membership Pins
- Pam Canham
- Yoshiko Huang
- Jean Lewis
- Suanne O’Neill
30-Year Membership Pins
- Maria Stager
- Philomena Traynor
25-Year Membership Pins
- Majorie Herrera
- Juanita MacLean
- Cynthia Menezes
- Lucia Vacca
20-Year Membership Pins
- Marguerite Civello
- Elma D’Silva
15-Year Membership Pins
- Ann Anthony
- Anita Anthony
- Therese Baduria
- Rosemer Enverga
- Patricia Furtado
- Patricia Hall
- Leela Knoshita
- Maureen McGrath-Corrado
- Denise Murrell
- Rose Rosinka
- Anna Vigliatore
10-Year Membership Pins
- Lovina D’Souza
5-Year Membership Pins
- Cheryl Mascarenhas
- Doreen Morse
- Valerie Pais
- Virgilia Pazzano
- Maria Luz Puno
- Chantal Schweitzer
- Millie Tavener
- Elizabeth Ticsay
- Tina Tolpa
We have been accepting your donations of men’s new socks and underwear, hats, gloves, scarves etc… for the Good Shepherd Center during our Potluck dinner in the past. We have been blessed with so much generosity over the years. This year of this unprecedented time of pandemic with COVID-19 the need exists even more than ever for these items, please give what you can. This donation is one of the many ways we can action to keep the homeless and those in need with warm basic items during the winter months. Call 416-283-3536 to arrange drop off or pickup of these items. Thank you!
Effective January 2022, the new national theme will be “Catholic and Living It!”
Community Life – Tania Mascarenhas
As you all know September 30th was declared the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and people were encouraged to wear an orange shirt to recognize and support survivors of the former residential school system. All over there were many initiatives to commemorate this day. We have to continue to be part of this reconciliation process.
Excerpt of a communication from our Chairperson of Community Life Faith Anderson “On September 27th, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a statement in support of healing and reconciliation initiatives for residential school survivors by making a nationwide collective financial agreement. The links to the statement and apology can be found on the national website ( and the CCCB website ( This issue has received nationwide attention, and Catholics are encouraged to make a financial contribution in support of this initiative”.
You can learn more on the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website at There is some great information.
Below are a couple of lines I have copied from the website,
“This new day of honouring and remembrance coincides with Orange Shirt Day, a movement started by Survivor Phyllis Webstad to commemorate when her clothes, including her new orange shirt — a gift from her grandmother — were taken away on her first day at St. Joseph’s Mission residential school in British Columbia. At six years old, this action imprinted on her a feeling of worthlessness”.
“The National Center for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) unveils a new Survivors’ Flag to mark the first official National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This commemorative flag was created by Survivors to share their expression of remembrance with the broader public and to honour all residential school Survivors, families, and communities impacted by the residential school system in Canada. The flag was developed through six weeks of consultation, discussion and collaboration with Inuit, Mi’kmaq, Atikamekw, Cree, Ojibway, Dakota,Mohawk, Dene, Nuu-chah-nulth, Secwepemc, and Métis Survivors”.
I would like to end with this beautiful Cree proverb I read on the website
“Ka-kí-kiskéyihtétan óma, namoya kinwés maka aciyowés pohko óma óta ka-hayayak wasétam askihk, ékwa ka-kakwéy miskétan kiskéyihtamowin, iyinísiwin, kistéyitowin, mina nánisitotatowin kakiya ayisiniwak, ékosi óma kakiya ka-wahkotowak.”
(Translation) “Realize that we as human beings have been put on this earth for only a short time and that we must use this time to gain wisdom, knowledge, respect and the understanding for all human beings since we are all relatives”.
Education & Health - Cheryl Mascarenhas
Coady International Institute
Did you know that our Council has supported the Coady International Institute for many years, it is one of the League’s national voluntary funds. What is it? The Coady International Institute helps women from around the globe to become leaders within their communities. Though this generosity we have enabled women to obtain scholarships and become community leaders from the programs offered. In 2021, the League presented the Institute with a donation of $13,543.13 through donations from councils across Canada. It has been a partner with the CWL since 1961. Go to to learn more and encourage you to watch this excellent video. To learn more how CWL is helping women from around the world to succeed and bring change in their countries.
Canadian Blood Services
Did you know that the CWL has been a partner with the Canadian Blood Services and has its own ID? We encourage members to give the gift of life. You can register as a “Partners for Life” Partner ID (CATH011269).
Youth Awards
The annual Mary Matthew’s Public Speaking, Mary Dobell Pro-Life Poetry and Essay Writing and the Jean McCann Service Award Contests are being evaluated as to the best way to present to the Parishes and Schools given the Covid pandemic restrictions. Information on these awards will be coming in the near future. Information will be sent out as soon as it is available from the Toronto Diocesan Council.
November 14th is World Diabetes Day
Christian Family Life
Lay Spiritual Formation
Schedule for 2021/2022 from St. Augustine Seminary go to: for various scheduled Retreats of interest.
Here are the categories under this position: Marriage and Family, Vocations, Sanctity of Life, Ministry to: 1) Youth 2) Disabled 3) Seniors 4) Widowed 5) Separated 6) Divorced
Much information is on these topics go to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops ( What can we do as a council for each of these categories? Your input and involvement makes a difference. Many of our members are seniors and we all need to make an effort and keep in touch by calling and visiting. Let’s think about how we can continue in assisting them.
Resolution & Legislation
The following resolutions are on the National’s website which need to be monitored for action.
- 2017.01 Full Implementation of the Supreme Court Decision in R. v. Gladue for Indigenous Offenders
- 2013.01 Building Relationships and Partnerships with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.
- 2011.02 Children of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, 2001.04 Water Quality in Canada
- 2001.04 Water Quality in Canada
- ON-2011.01 Safe Portable Water for First Nation Communities.
- 1999.09 Bulk Fresh Water Resources.
To access any Legislation Information visit:; To access to the Ontario Legislature website:
Message from Communications – Ju-Ann Miranda
Parish Website
for upcoming events also check us out on Facebook: CWL St. Joseph Highland Creek
REMEMBER to view these websites on CWL WEB WEDNESDAY!
REMINDER: the Fall issue of The Canadian League magazine is available only online as a trial basis due to costs for producing this material. To read it go to website at it can be downloaded and printed if you wish.
Toronto Diocesan Council (TDC) Newsletter
The Toronto Diocesan Newsletters are available for purchase to all members. In it you will find reports, directives and many items of interest from our Toronto Diocese Council. If you are interested in purchasing this newsletter the cost is $12.00 for three issues per year. Go to and download the form. Deadline for subscriptions is January 31th 2022.
TDC – November 24th – Web Wednesday – Virtual Workshop from Toronto Diocesan Council – detail information for this virtual event will be forthcoming by email.
Past President & Historian – Lucia Vacca
This is the end of my second term as Past-President for our Council, but I am not leaving! I have enjoyed serving the League for the past 25 years as a member of St. Joseph Highland Creek Council with much dedication and commitment to continue our council’s success. The League has offered me many opportunities for personal and spiritual growth and has further developed my presentation and organizational skills. On my journey I have built many friendships and have met so many wonderful sisters to lean on. Thank you so much for all of your support over all these years.
It has been a bit of a challenge for this current team of executives having to stay on for three years and finding ways to connect with members during this Covid pandemic. We have worked together to keep you our members in the know with our virtual meetings, emails, cards, phone calls etc.
During this time I have also been quite involved serving the League on the Toronto Diocesan Council as Newsletter Editor and with the Scarborough Region Council as Secretary. I have embraced the challenges and responsibilities of these levels at the same time representing our Council. As Past President (2009-2010 and 2019-2021) I have had many opportunities to mentor, assist in various projects. To the incoming new Executives, I promise to be here for you in any capacity as required. I am just a call away.
We should all be proud of the dedication of the Executive Teams over the 68 years from the CWL Council here at St. Joseph’s Chartered on November 5, 1953. I am very proud of the achievements of our council and growth (currently our membership stands at 195) I know we can increase our membership. Over the years we have put in place procedures and guidelines to assist future executives ie: Budget, St. Joseph’s Policy & Procedure, Archive Procedure and more, to help facilitate the flow of information and assist the next Team of Executives. There is always room to grow and give opportunity to our many members, who will serve on the Executive Teams to follow. You will be just as amazed as I was with the results, when given the opportunity to commit and take ownership and to serve “for God and Canada”.
I would like to congratulate the incoming Executive for 2022-2023. May Our Lady of Good Counsel keep you in her loving care and assist you with her counsel.
Blessings, Lucia Vacca
Our Mission Statement
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.
Leadership Beatitudes
Blessed is the leader who knows where she
is going, why she is going and how to get there.
Blessed is the leader who knows no
discouragement, presents no alibi.
Blessed is the leader who knows
how to lead without being dictatorial.
Blessed is the leader who leads for
the good of the most concerned and
not for the personal gratification
of her own ideas.
Blessed is the leader who develops
leaders while leading.
Blessed is the leader who has her head in
the clouds, but her feet on the ground.
Blessed is the leader who considers
Leadership an opportunity for service.
CWL Book Club
The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Please contact: Jackie (416-266-4604) for more details. These are the books we will discussing:
Book of Interest:
Thanks to Zoom we have been able to have our meetings during COVID. One book that we all enjoyed reading was ‘The Giver of Stars’ by Jojo Moyes. It is the story of five extraordinary women from a small town in Kentucky, set in depression-era America. Though they face all kinds of dangers, they are committed to bringing books, by horse and mule, to people who never had any, and sharing the gift of learning that will change lives. It is based on a true story rooted in America’s past. If you are looking for something interesting to read give this book a try.
(Jackie Nicholson)
Month | Book | Author | Year | Pages |
Nov | Brother | David Chariandy | 2017 | 192 |
Dec | The Christmas Party | Karen Swan | 2019 | 474 |
Jan | Miss Benson’s Beetie | Rachel Jones | 2020 | 337 |
Feb | American Dirt | Jaeanine Cummins | 2020 | 386 |
Reminders for General Meetings
Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.
We are also collecting the following items:
- Donations of extra blank cards and birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
- Donations of your extra Rosaries or Religious items are welcomed.
- We are also collecting egg cartons for the Food bank
- Milk bags (clean/dry) are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats and sent to Africa for those in need through Dr. Simone.
- Collecting your used postage stamps being sent to Development & Peace and Dr. Simone.
- We continue to make pneumonia vests for the premature babies. If you have extra wool or would like to make these vests give us a call and we will forward the pattern for you to follow.
We are also collecting non-perishable food items at each of our General Meetings to support our St. Joseph Outreach Program. Many are in need, please be generous. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex ‘Yellow Box – Food Bank’. Or Call 416-283-3536
Poem by Echo-Hawk
To remember the children that did not return home
When they buried the children
What they didn’t know
They were lovingly embraced
By the land
Held and cradled in a mother’s heart
The trees wept for them, with the wind
they sang mourning songs their mothers
didn’t know to sing
bending branches to touch the earth around them.
The Creator cried for them the tears falling like rain.
Mother Earth held them until they could be found.
Now our voices sing the mourning songs.
With the trees.
November 8 (Monday) | General Meeting - Election Night for NEW Executive 2022-2023 – In-person meeting in the Hall – 7:00 pm |
November 10 (Wednesday) | Deceased Members Mass for Scarborough – Precious Blood – 7:00 pm in-person or Live Streamed at |
November 23 (Tuesday) | 42nd Annual Cardinal’s Dinner – Virtual 7:00 pm this is livestreamed |
November 24 (Wednesday) | Toronto Diocesan Virtual Workshop – info to follow |
December 13 (Monday) | General Meeting/ Advent gathering - 7:00 p.m. Virtual |
January 10 (Monday) | General Meeting - 7:00 p.m. – meet the new executives Review the St. Joseph Policy & Procedure |
January 22 (Saturday) | Scarborough Region Winter Event – info to follow |
February 12 (Saturday) | Toronto Diocesan Council -- Development Day this event will be in person. Our Lady of Miraculous Medal – cost is $15.00 – free of charge to our members if you wish to attend – additional info to follow |
February 14 (Monday) | General Meeting – Rosary 7:00 pm - Wear RED – info to follow |