February 26 2017: Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time – Year A
- Posted On 25th Feb 2017
Masses for the Week
Sat. Feb. 25
- 5:00 pm †Rosario Calandra
Sun. Feb. 26
- 9:00 am †John Lee
- 11:00am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00 pm †Joseph Galea
Mon Feb. 27
- 9:00 am Xuong Vu
Tues. Feb. 28
- 9:00am †Leonardo & Elizabeth DiNovo
Wed. Mar. 1
- 9:00am Linh Vu Family
- 7:30pm Rose and Tessy Joseph
Thurs. Mar. 2
- 9:00am †Souls of Zagrai Family
Fri. Mar. 3
- 9:00am
- Mario & Maria Simao
- †Martin & Arnolta Raposo
- †Alfrred & Matilda Hannah
- †Rodolfo, Clemencia & Octaviano
- †Juanita Tancio
Sat. Mar. 4
- 9:00am †Merwyn Welc
Today’s liturgy confronts us with a question: are we pagans in practice, or do we believe and act as though God really loves and cares for us? In Isaiah’s prophecy God assures his people that they have not been forgotten. He loves them with a mother’s love, the strongest of human affections. God’s love is unconditional and unwavering. In the gospel Jesus pictures God as a father who provides everything his children need. They are not to be like pagans, excessively concerned about material possessions. We need worry about one thing only, God’s interests, God’s kingdom. Then he will provide for us like a father and love us eternally like a mother.
Detachment from things and attachment to God identifies us as Christians. St. Paul says that even the servants of the kingdom, Christ’s ministers, must not be concerned about how their ministry is humanly judged. God will determine what thanks they should be given. Christians must live as though they really believe in God’s love for them.
Sunday Mass Book For Canada
The Parish Six Month Statement of Receipts & Disbursements
My Dear Parishioners,
Kindly find included in this week’s bulletin a copy of the Statement of the Parish Receipts and Disbursements for the last six months of the year 2016. This is presented side-by-side with the account of the corresponding period in 2015
I cannot thank you enough for your generous contributions that have kept our Parish Family alive and generally well.
May God’s abundant blessings be yours now and always.
Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu, CSSp.
Good Shepherd Provide-A-Meal Program
Thank you once again from the Good Shepherd Refuge!
The casseroles parishioners prepare feed the needy that drop in to the Good Shepherd Refuge on Queen Street East, in downtown Toronto.
How the program works:
- We provide you the casserole container and recipe
- You prepare the same meal once per month
- Keep some for your family – it’s delicious!
- Drop off the casserole on the dates below between 9:30a.m. and 10:00a.m. after the Saturday morning mass at the west parking lot
- Pick up an empty container when you do the drop off
- You’re done!
- Next pick up date is on March 4th
Want to participate in this program? Contact Annie Alkins (416)-283-7420
2017 Pick Up dates
- Jan 7
- Feb 4
- Mar 4
- Apr 1
- May 6
- Jun 3
- Jul 8
- Aug – no pick up
- Sep 9
- Oct 7
- Nov 4
- Dec 2
Sacramental Preparation – Key Dates
*** NEXT WEEK ***
2nd Parent Meeting:
- Sunday March 5th @ 1:00 p.m.in the Church Hall
- Or: Monday March 6th @ 7:00 p.m.in the Church
Sunday April 23 @ 1:00 p.m.
- Cardinal Leger
- St. Dominic Savio
- Sunday School
- All other Candidates from associate schools
Sunday April 30 @ 1:00 p.m.
- St. Brendan
- St. Jean de Brebeuf
Classes have started. The next class takes place the week of February 19th. All class lists have been posted in the Narthex
Sunday May 7 @ 2:00 p.m.
- Cardinal Leger
- St. Dominic Savio
- St. Jean de Brebeuf
Monday May 8 @ 7:00 p.m.
- St. Brendan
- Sunday School
- All other Confirmandi from associated schools
Society of St. Vincent de Paul “Bundle Up” Weekend
On March 18th and 19th at St. Joseph’s a SSVP container will be in the church’s west parking lot to collect your gently used clothing, footwear and linens.
Drop off times are from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Family of Faith Campaign Update
A year ago we completed the Family of Faith campaign. In total, our parishioners pledged $820,005.00 of which St. Joseph’s will receive $267,500.00 once all pledges are collected. A heartfelt thanks to all the families and individuals that contributed to this campaign.
In order for our campaign to be completed, we need to collect the full amount pledged. As of Dec. 2016 80% of pledges are actively being fulfilled.
There are 20% of pledges that cannot be collected because of missing information, such as credit card expiry, etc. These pledges amount to over $190,000 of which $110,000 is earmarked for our parish projects. This can seriously impact some of the projects underway at St. Joseph’s. If your pledge falls into this category, please contact the Donation Dept. at campaign@archtoronto.org or call 416-934-3400 ext. 555 to complete the transaction.
Many thanks for your attention to this matter and your continued support.
Ash Wednesday Masses
We begin our journey through the Holy season of Lent with masses at 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday March 1st.
World Day of Prayer
On Friday March 3rd @ 7:00 p.m.
Taking place at Melville Church located at 70 Old Kingston Road
This year’s service is written by the Women in the Philippines. Everyone is welcome to attend this prayer service.
Women’s Spring Retreat
Women’s Spring Retreat at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga for the weekend of March 31. The theme is “The Call to Peace” Call 905-278-5229 for more info.
St. Joseph’s Prayer Group
The Prayer Group of our Parish has organized Lenten Talks taking place every Thursday during the Lenten season, commencing from March 2 to April 6 in the Church Hall. The evening commences with Stations of the Cross (Mary’s Way) at 7:25 p.m. followed by Praise & Worship and the Lenten Reflections/Talks. For further information on the Speakers/Topics please refer to the flyer on the notice board in the narthex shortly. All Parishioners are invited with their family and friends.
Lenten Retreat with Fr. Jacques Philippe
Saturday March 4th—9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Newman Centre @ 89 George Street, Toronto
Fr. Jacques Philippe, world-renowned spiritual director and author will be in Toronto to lead a retreat at Newman
Centre. Fr. Philippe’s writings on themes such as prayer, interior freedom and peace of heart have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality,. The retreat will include mass, spiritual talks, prayer and opportunities for reconciliation.
Cost: $15.00
You can register at
Online payment: squareup.com/store/newmancentre
Development and Peace – Celebrating their 50th Anniversary!
Did you know that this organization was founded in 1967 by the Canadian Catholic Bishops after their participation in Vatican II where they listened to the concerns of the Bishops from the Global South about poverty, hunger, etc? To find out more about the work of this organization
Visit their website at http://www.devp.org/en/get-involved