May 15 2016: Pentecost Sunday – Year C

Masses for the Week – May 14 – 21, 2016

Sat May 14

  • 9:00am Maria Merces Furtado
  • 5:00pm Miguel Reyes


  • 9:00am Angela & Antonio Colango
  • 11:00am For the People of the Parish
  • 7:00pm Thanksgiving – Cassandra

Mon May 16

  • 9:00am Intention of Diep

Tues May 17

  • 9:00am Sonya Van Veen

Wed May 18

  • 9:00am Gina Martin

Thurs May 19

  • 9:00am Thanksgiving – Raju Family

Fri May 20

  • 9:00am
    • Rose Marolt
    • Anton Marolt
    • Rita McGovern

Sat May 21

  • 9:00am Maria Merces Furtado
  • 5:00pm Claudina & Albino Rodrigues


Amazement and joy greet the risen Lord in today’s gospel as we conclude our fifty days’ meditation on the meaning of the resurrection. The gift of the Spirit brings peace to Jesus’ disciples, and the mission to ex-tend his reconciliation, the fruit of his wounds. The piercing of Christ’s side released the Spirit; now he breathes on them as sign of its conferral. The Church is to take on his task as reconciler. The account of the spirit’s coming in acts recalls God’s appearance on Mount Sinai in wind and fire; as all can understand God’s message, the conflict symbolized by the Tower of Babel is ended. Paul reminds the Corinthians who were noted speakers in tongues, that all who confess Christ do so only under the Spirit’s inspiration. Each has a gift to put at the community’s service. Neglect-ing these gifts endangers the Church’s unity. As the disciples’ fear gave way before Jesus’ appearing, so must our fear be replaced by joy at the Spirit’s surprising work. We are renewed; it is wonderful to see!

Sunday Mass Book


A Reunion of all Altar Servers at St. Joseph’s Parish, Highland Creek will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2016.

All Altar Servers, both currently serving and those who have served in our Parish over the past many years, are invited to attend this first ever Reunion together with your families. Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Reception in the Church Hall.

Please save this important date, as we would be thrilled to have you attend to celebrate this occasion with us. Let us make this an eventual event. Details will follow closer the date.

Thank you,

Eric Pinto

Altar Servers Ministry

St. Joseph’s Church, Highland Creek


An Altar Servers training session will be held for all new recruits who wish to join the Altar Servers Ministry, and for those who are currently assisting at mass, but who have not had a formal training.

The training will take place in the church on Saturday, May 28th immediately following the 9:00 a.m. mass. At least one parent should accompany their child.


Alfred Alevras, Giuseppe Florio, Julie Lee, James Santos, and Sean Viegas

(Names will remain on this list for the month)



Joseph Parish Hall (200 Morrish Rd)


  • Wednesday May 18, 25
  • Wednesday June 1 Room 2
  • Wednesday June 8, 15, 22, 29

Come one, come all and have some fun!

Start time: 7:00 p.m. $2.00 per class

We invite all members, parishioners and friends

Contact: Ingrid Hart 416-282-8775

Refreshments and Snacks


May 27, 2016

7:00 pm

Friday, May 27 – 7p.m. to Sunday, May 29 – 1p.m.

St. Augustine’s Seminary

2661 Kingston Road, Scarborough

Office of Vocations hosts a weekend retreat designed for single Catholic men, in school, working, or in transition in life and find themselves asking “Lord, what do you want me to do with my life?” This retreat is designed for men 18 years and older, who desire a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and wish to cultivate a deeper prayer life, helping them to discern God’s call for their lives. Our retreat includes daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and confession with lots of time to pray, reflect, rest and to meet others considering the same things in life.

PHONE: 416-968-0997



May 16 – 6:30 p.m.

Catholic Pastoral Centre

1155 Yonge St., Toronto – 4th Floor

Catholic Family Services and New Beginnings invite you to attend a New Beginnings talk with Fr. Alexander Laschuk, JCL on what the Catholic Church teaches about the Sacrament of Marriage and how and why in some cases a declaration of nullity (annulment) is granted. Fr. Alexander is the Associate Judicial Vicar with the Catholic Marriage Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Talks are open to those who have experienced loss through death, separation or divorce or to anyone interested in the topic presented.

For inquiries, please contact Alex Lopechuk, MSW, RSW.,Psyn.D. at 416-921-1163 Ext. 2227 or email:


As wildfires continue to ravage the area around Fort McMurray, Alta., the Archdiocese of Toronto is accepting contributions to help victims of this natural disaster. The fires that were first report-ed on May 1 have grown to encompass more than 10,000 hectares, destroying more than 1,600 buildings and necessitating the evacuation of at least 90,000 people from the Fort McMurray area. Neigh-boring towns are also being threatened and evacuations continue. The situation is grave and still developing.

Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto commented on the tragedy:

“The hearts and prayers of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto are with the people of Alberta, especially those in Fort McMurray and the surrounding area. As a former bishop of St. Paul and of Edmonton, I have witnessed the resolve, generosity and faithful-ness of Albertans. In the midst of this tragedy, I am confident that all people of goodwill across the country will reach out in a spirit of prayer, compassion and care to support those who are suffer-ing. May God protect and comfort them both now and in the difficult days ahead.”

In an effort to support those people in Alberta who have been impacted by this disaster, the Archdiocese of Toronto is accepting funds that will be channeled through the Canadian Red Cross. The Government of Canada has made an initial commitment to match contributions to the Red Cross to assist people who have been dis-placed. More information about that commitment will be forth-coming.

Those wishing to help may do so in the following ways:

  • Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto website: 
  • By phone through the Development Office: 416-934-3411
  • Through their parish, making cheques payable to : Name of Parish – Fort McMurray Fires – Disaster Relief


My Unique Personal Vocation

May 16, 2016

7:00 pm

Boston Pizza 400 Progress Ave., Scarborough

Faith Connections, the Office of Catholic Youth and the lo-cal parishes invite young adults (19-39) to join us for an evening of thought-provoking theological discussion in a comfortable and relaxed setting, with special guest: Patricia Murphy, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, St. Augustine’s Seminary.

CONTACT: Office of Catholic Youth

PHONE: 416-599-7676