Newsletter 2016 Mar-Apr

Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp
President: Ingrid Hart
Organization & Membership: Monica Meharchand
Treasurer: Marla Tanuan
Secretary: Ave Fernandes
Spiritual Development: Linda Estrada//Jean Fernandes
Christian Family Life: Irene Dillabough
Community Life: Marguerite Civello
Education & Health: Joan Impraim
Resolutions & Legislation: Raffaela Civello
Communications: Mary Tuccitto
Past President Historian: Mary Campanelli

A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp

Spring at last with its unique sunshine and the fragrance of blossoming flowers.
It is that time of the year when the world of nature casts off its frozen face in one miraculous act of rebirth. In whatever direction we care to look, we see life in its newness—radiant, beautiful and youthful. Watered and warmed by spring showers and sunshine. A certain Robin Williams captures the dominant mood of this season in a few words. “Spring is nature’s way of saying: ‘Let’s party!’” Indeed, so great an act of rebirth and renewal demands nothing less than a big party.

Our Christian world has a more important reason to party, to be joyful and happy. What makes this season particularly significant for us is that it is the time when our crucified Lord came back to life; a time when death was overcame by life. This is why we are in the forefront of all who rejoice and are glad especially during this great season of rebirth and renewal. In the words of St. John Paul II: We are the Easter people and alleluia is our song.” Alleluia is a song of praise joyfully sung by a happy people. May our lives be one endless song of praise to the risen Lord. May we always remain who we are as Christians: an alleluia people.

A Message from the President – Ingrid Hart

Greetings, Sisters in the League
I cannot believe that it’s almost spring, one of the most beautiful seasons God has created. Everything that is sleeping will be springing to new life with lots of colour and beauty, which certainly puts a spring into my step and helps me see the wonder of God’s creations and how blessed we are to live in this beautiful country. It is also an exciting time in our Christian calendar as we look forward to Easter and to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have some exciting events coming up and I hope that you will support and plan to attend so we can continue in the sharing of our sisterhood. Please mark these dates on your calendar. If you have any ideas or suggestions which you would like us to implement, do not hesitate to email, phone or send me a note. This is your council and you have a say in what we do. No idea or suggestion is a bad one. Again, I would also like to thank our Executive for their continued support. Remember….. we can make a difference!

I would like to wish you and your families a Blessed and Happy Easter.

Ingrid Hart

A Message from Organization & Membership – Monica Meharchand

We Welcome Our New Members: Leahnette Acuna and Samantha Meharchand and returning member Maria Theresa De Manuel

cwl_2016_0304_001The Toronto Diocesan Development Day was attended by over 340 members from across Toronto. The speakers focused on “Mentoring” with discussion and workshop and the “Year of Mercy” touching on the Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Corporal Works of Mercy and how we as CWL are doing just that.
Our Parish was represented by 4 of our members: Marla, Bernadette, Lucia and Mary.


Scarborough Region Spring General Meeting

This annual CWL meeting of the Scarborough Region will take place on Wednesday, April 6th at the Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin Parish, 3 Combermere Dr. commencing with Mass at 7:00pm followed by the meeting. Come out and proudly represent St. Joseph’s and hear the good news of our sister councils in Scarborough. All members are invited to attend, refreshments will be served.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass and New Members Ceremony and Luncheon SATURDAY April 23rd

We will be celebrating the feast of our Patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, with mass celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu, at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday April 23rd at St. Joseph’s Parish. At this event we will also welcome 15 new CWL members to our Parish Council. Show your support and solidarity to all, especially the new members by attending our special mass to our Patroness.

A catered hot luncheon will be served following the mass there will be entertainment and a Fashion Show presented by”mattiwear”. Tickets to attend the luncheon are $20 each and members and their significant others or guest are welcome. This gathering is in place of the “May Social” and the luncheon is a ticketed event.

To avoid disappointment purchase your ticket early as space is limited. For tickets call:
Ingrid Hart 416 282-8775, Mary Campanelli 416-283-0870,
Lucia Vacca 416 283-3536 or Monica Meharchand 647-955-8124


“One Heart, One Voice, One Mission – Acting with Kindness and Mercy”

This is our theme for the 2016 annual Toronto Diocesan Convention which will be held at the International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Road on Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th. There will be speakers (Dr. Josephine Lombardi Ph.D. and Pauline Krupa), Business Reports, Presentation of Youth Awards and lots of spirituality, learning more about the League and sisterhood, with masses (opening Mass Thursday May 5th), readings, Regional Hospitality Rooms and Closing Mass & Banquet etc…. As the Resolutions Dialogue is a very popular portion of this convention, please register early if you are interested to learn more and participate in this process.

Attending convention with your League sisters from across Toronto Diocese is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with like minded women in an atmosphere of unity, love for the League and sharing in the great work we do “For God and Canada”

The cost to attend this convention is covered for you by our council. If you are interested in attending either both days, one day or the banquet only, please call Marla at 416 209-8659 ASAP so we can get you registered to attend. Registration deadline is April 15th 2016.

A Message from Spiritual Development – Linda Estrada – Jean Fernandes

Travelling Kit of Our Lady of Good Counsel

We will be continuing the “Travelling Prayer Kit” for Our Lady of Good Counsel well into 2016 to our CWL members. The intent is that this “Kit” will go from house to house of members who are interested in praying to Our Lady. Our Lady of Good Counsel is our advocate, mentor, our guidance, the patroness of the CWL, let us continue to bring this special devotion to our homes. A sign out sheet is available at our General Meeting for those members wishing to participate in this initiative.

Lenten Retreat: Saturday, February 20th

Fr. Oliver prepared and conducted a very spiritual and meaningful day – his preparation and delivery were so unique, clear for all of us to understand and very touching –“Downsizing – A Path to Freedom” — Those whom the Lord chose, were there and although small in number (just under 40 in attendance) Fr. Oliver spoke freely, frankly and truly touched all of us who were present. His message was “so real” because we all, at some point in our lives – store and store and there is no more place to hoard. So, as you read this, get rid of your unwanted “possessions” that are just taking up space in your basements and in your hearts etc… We had the opportunity to end our day around 2:00pm in the church in front of the “exposed” Blessed Sacrament – we prayed, got our blessing and went home truly enriched by God’s grace.

Looking for daily inspiration in your Inbox?

Try these websites

(Taken from the Trillium News and Views Newsletter of the Ontario Provincial Council of The Catholic Women’s League)

Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy:
Father in heaven, send forth your spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

We, as Catholics, are truly blessed in our Catholic faith. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared this year, 2016, “Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy”. He has called us to reflect on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

Suggestions for Practicing the Spiritual Works of Mercy: (Prepared by Joe Paprocki, DMin.)
Instructing, Advising, Consoling, Comforting, Forgiving, Bearing wrongs patiently, Praying for the living and the dead.

Suggestions for Practicing the Corporal Works of Mercy:
Feed the Hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Shelter the homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Sick, Visit the Imprisoned, Bury the Dead.
Let these suggested instructions be a part of our daily walk with Jesus, thus giving us the fire to be more merciful in our thoughts and actions. Spirituality is not simply the things we are doing at Church, or belonging to organizations; but the way we let God seep into our lives so that we become channels of Divine mercy flowing out to the World.

To close this section, let me quote the opening paragraph of:
Prayer of Pope Francis for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Lord Jesus Christ,
you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father,
and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him.
Show us your face and we will be saved.
Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money;
the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things;
made Peter weep after his betrayal,
and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.
Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan women:
“If you knew the gift of God!”

CWL Masses for the Living and Deceased Members

Masses have been booked for the members of our St. Joseph’s Council. Please make every effort to attend these masses as they are for YOU (the living) and our members who have gone before us (the deceased). We will not be sitting together so wear your CWL scarves, pins, nametags etc… proudly and visibly for all in our parish community to see.
Mass dates: Saturday, April 16th – 5:00pm, Saturday, May 28th – 5:00pm and Saturday, June 25th – 5:00pm.

Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass

The taping of the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel Televised Mass will take place at Loretto Abbey, 101 Mason Boulevard North York, on Thursday April 21, 2016 at 5:00 pm. The mass will be televised on Vision TV April 26, 2016.
All CWL council members are encouraged to attend and to wear their CWL scarves, League colours and other memorabilia.

A Message from Christian Family Life – Irene Dillabough

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

“Euthanasia is here and it’s not going away”(quote from the Catholic Register. Sister Nuala Kenny has challenged each of us to go beyond our outrage over euthanasia and assisted suicide no longer being a criminal offence and come forward with practical solutions for an unjust law being proposed. She is guided by a passage of St. John Paul11 pro-life encyclical Evangelium Vitae as she worked to protect the conscience rights of doctors and Catholic health care institutions and to limit harm to the vulnerable. The encyclical notes it is our duty as Christians to respond to an unjust law. We must vote for or promote a law that limits the damage when an outright ban is not politically or legally possible. “This action does not represent an illicit co-operation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit it’s evil aspects.” Faith requires and urges each of us to action. We cannot and must not be silent on this critical issue. Each member can contact all different levels of government individually, please be courteous and end with a question. Taken from a Communique’ from National CWL Executive Judy Lewis Christian Family Life.

I would like to wish everyone a very Blessed Easter. Thank You for all of your support.

Spiritual Bouquet for the Ordinandi ( Banquet March 1st 2016)



We have completed our annual collection of Prayers, Masses, Adorations, Rosaries etc….for the intentions of the Ordinandi Class of 2016. Thank you to all of our CWL Sisters who assisted on the collection of the Spiritual Bouquet. I could not have done it without your support, our Parishioners, CWL Members,Parish Ministries and our Parish Schools, all who played an essential role in collecting this outstanding Spiritual Bouquet! A special Thank You to St. Brendan’s and St. Jean de Brebeuf schools who collected an amazing number of prayers, showing a true dedication to our Faith, thanks to the staff who guided the students and the the students who so enthusiastically participated! St. Brendan also made a beautiful book dedicated to the Ordinandi. This book will be presented to the Ordinandi as a keepsake at a later date. St. Joseph’s collective offerings are as follows: Masses-2913, Communions-2959, Rosaries-556, Eucharistic Adorations-242, Visits to The Blessed Sacrament-487, Stations of the Cross-225, Sacrifice-248, Prayers-77,169, Other-360 for a grand total of 85,159 offerings. Our Spiritual Bouquet in combination with all others collected, were presented by Shirley Christo, our CWL Diocesan President at the banquet attended by 2400 faithful from the Archdiocese of Toronto. The grand total of all collections was one million, five hundred and thirty six thousand, four hundred and thirty nine prayers. WOW!

A Message from Community Life – Marguerite Civello

The Plight in Iqaluit, Nunavut

In our last newsletter of January/February I reported about a jeans drive that was held at St. Brendan’s school. These jeans were sent to Iqaluit and were gratefully accepted by the many people that were in great need. We are now in contact with an individual that is employed there to ascertain where the greatest need is and how we can help. We will keep our members posted of the outcome of these discussions.

Covenant House

As pointed out by Doreen Gowans, National Community Chair, it is our role of Community Life Standing Committee to inform, educate and challenge members to take action on the corporal works of mercy, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and visit the sick. In the spirit of feeding the hungry, I would like to propose to all our members to bring one to two cans of food for Covenant House. Hundreds of kids a year rely on this food bank to meet their basic needs. These kids are still on the street or living independently but struggling to cover all their living expenses. Homeless youth are just like every other teenager except for one difference; they don’t always get to eat. Most homeless and impoverished youth miss at least one meal a day. Because Covenant house deals exclusively with youth between the ages of 16 and 24, food is vital. Their needs consist of canned tuna,
salmon, canned meat, rice and pasta, crackers and cookies, pasta sauce, canned vegetables and fruit, canned soup. A box has been made available at our meetings for these donations. If you cannot attend a meeting but wish to give, please contact myself at 416-286-6162. If not available, please leave me your number, name and address and I will pick up.

A Message from Education & Health – Joan Impraim

Clint H. was very special, because he displayed great courage and was very sensitive to the world around him. He just could not understand what we are doing to our planet.

Clint died at age 11 from cancer, and after he died his parents Tessa and William carried on his dream of a healthy planet by establishing (K S E), Kids for Saving the Earth. As a result, since 1989, KSE has provided an Education in Action curriculum for thousands of instructors and parents, and there are now hundreds of thousands of children all over the world working to protect our planet.

The mission of KSE is to EDUCATE, INSPIRE & EMPOWER children.
There is another instance of children being influenced to save our planet BY A SONG

Here are the lyrics to a beautiful environmentally inspired children’s song written by Charvi Saxena, India, International School Jaipur.

The Earth is my home
I promise to keep it, healthy and beautiful
I will love the land, the air and the water
And all the living creatures
I will be a defender of my planet
United with friends, I will save the earth
United with friends, I promise to keep it
United with friends I will love the land
United with friends I’ll be a defender
I will save the earth

This song is now sung by children all over the world. If we all pay heed to the embedded messages, our planet could be saved, and we can look forward to a sustainable environment in the future.

CWL Youth Contests:
Mary Mathews Public Speaking Contest Congratulations go to Kiara Callender from Cardinal Leger school, the winner of the Parish level Mary Matthews Public Speaking Contest. Kiara represented us at the Scarborough Region Contest on March 13th at St Boniface Catholic Church. All CWL members were invited to attend and lend their support to this brave and very capable student. We are very proud of Kiara & Mary Dobell Essay & Poetry Contest Its good news to report that there are four submissions from the grade seven & eight students of St. Brendan’s Catholic Elementary School for this contest.

Jean McCann Service Award for youth. Information was taken to St. John Paul 11 secondary school in Nov. 2015. This award recognizes and affirms the role of youth, who take the gospel message seriously through their service and dedication to others. The diocesan level deadline is March 31 2016.

There is one applicant from our parish for this award and I am awaiting her submission.
St. Michael’s College scholarship This $3000 Scholarship is open to any young woman of Catholic Faith who is applying to St. Michael’s College as her first college of choice for post secondary education. Deadline for application is May 31st 2016.

CWL National Bursary- This bursary is open to members who are pursuing studies in adult faith formation or youth ministries. Applications must be submitted to the CWL National office by May 31st 2016. Application forms are available at under resources/forms.
For further details on criteria and guidelines and application forms, please call me at 416 283-1452.

A Message from Resolutions & Legislation – Raffaela Civello


Two resolutions will be presented for consideration at the 2016 Toronto Diocesan Convention in May and at that time, our President or Voting Delegate will be representing our St. Joseph’s Council with our informed vote.

The two resolutions are:

  • TDC 2016.01 Enhance The Canadian Health Act To Include Home Care
  • TDC2016.02 Expand The Nutrition North Program To Include ALL Air Only Accessible Communities.

If you missed our General Meeting where this important step of reading and reviewing these resolutions in order to establish our council’s informed vote, and would like more details about these two resolutions, please contact me at 416 287-0006.

Attending the Toronto Diocesan Convention and participating in the Resolutions Dialogue: Thursday May 5th and / or the Resolutions Business Session: Friday May 6th is a really great way to be informed and learn how the process of Faith in Action works and why your membership is so important in shaping our world.

A Message from Communications – Mary Tuccitto

Line Dancing

In January our parish community enjoyed a free night of Line Dancing and the requests for a repeat have been overwhelming! Guess what??? We listened and the following dates have been booked for you and your friends to enjoy and REALLY learn to Line Dance for only $2.00 per class!!!

Come join us for the next few weeks on Wednesday nights 7:00 to 9:00pm (April 13th through June 29th)

Just as before, there will be a professional instructor to guide us through the moves. This is a great way to stay fit and have fun with your fellow parishioners and CWL sisters. All are welcome to attend so bring your friends and prepare to enjoy your Wednesday nights!!

New Movie Releases

“Miracles from Heaven” is a newly released movie based on a true story of a little girl, her journey to heaven and her amazing story of healing. A trailer can be viewed at

and in April a second movie is being released “God is not Dead 2” So if you enjoyed the first movie “God is not Dead” you are sure to love this one as well. The trailer for this can be viewed on YouTube –

Enjoy a night out and support these movies, please look for listings in Toronto

2016 World Communications Day

Did you know the Catholic Church celebrates World Communications Day on Sunday, May 8th and Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Communication and Mercy: A fruitful encounter” in this Holy Year of Mercy. We are invited to reflect on the link between communication and mercy. The Pontifical Council for Social Communications states: : “The theme highlights the capacity of good communication to open up a space for dialogue, mutual understanding and reconciliation, thereby allowing fruitful human encounters to flourish.” (Patron Saint of journalists is St. Francis de Sales)

Remember:…….. This is YOUR CWL COUNCIL. We have implemented several of your suggestions and therefore encourage you to communicate with us and give us your feedback and suggestions so we can continue to grow a strong council well into the future! Please contact me at or call me 416 283-8828

A Message from Past President/Historian – Mary Campanelli

Good Shepherd Provide-a-Meal Program

The Good Shepherd Provide-a-Meal program has been active in our parish for over 20 years and is supported by many other parishes in Toronto, each providing their own casserole meals to the Good Shepherd Refuge on Queen Street in downtown Toronto.

Our CWL Sister Annie Alkins and her husband Peter have been organizing St. Joseph’s efforts in this meal program for many years, out of a desire to be of service and to also offer fellow parishioners an easy way to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. You are being invited to “feed the hungry” by your support of this rewarding program. In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy you will not only reflect but also fulfill a Corporal Work of Mercy with your participation.

The Good Shepherd is a safe space for the marginalized in the downtown Toronto community. It is a drop in centre where a hot meal is always available to anyone in need. The centre serves over 1300 meals a day, making it the largest meal program in the city of Toronto. It also provides a range of other services, including access to pastoral care, counseling, gently used clothing and just over 90 fully booked beds for men’s overnight stay.

How the program works…….

  • They provide you the casserole container and recipe; (beef and macaroni casseroles)
  • You prepare the same beef and macaroni casserole once per month;
  • Keep some for your family – it’s delicious!
  • Freeze the casserole
  • Drop off the frozen casserole on the dates below between 9:30 and 10:00 after the Saturday morning mass at the west parking lot.
  • Pick up an empty container when you do the drop off.
  • You’re done!

The remaining 2016 pickup dates are: Apr 9 May 7 Jun 4 Jul 9
Aug (no pick up) Sep 10 Oct 1 Nov 5 Dec 3
Thanks to all who have ever supported this ministry! If you are interested, please call Annie Alkins 416 283-74-20

Did You Know?????

In this section we will be featuring items of knowledge, experience, interest and historical value as reported by the Past Presidents of our St. Joseph’s Council. Our March/April Newsletter submission is from Betty Anne Brown Davidson – St. Joseph President 1978 – 1979, Provincial President 1999 – 2001 & National President 2012 – 2014

In 1973, I was 27 years old, home with 4 little girls under the age of 4 1/2 years. I phoned Fr. Keenan and asked if there was a Bible study group in the parish. He said that he would come over to the house to talk to me. Well, I had never before in my life had a priest come to the house, so I cleaned it up, dressed the little girls in their best dresses and told them to be on their best behaviour. When Father came, we sat in the living room (a room we hardly ever used normally, it was “the good room”). I made him some tea. The girls were very good but then they began to perform for him; one sang, another did somersaults and another said “Look at me Father!” as she jumped off the sofa arm. I was mortified. Father left soon afterwards and on his way out,
he said to me, “My dear, what you need is to join the Catholic Women’s League and I will get Ann Marks to take you to the meeting. It is tomorrow night!” I protested saying that I thought it was only for “blue-haired women”. Father laughed and said, “You’ll see.”

Father was prophetic. Ann did come and pick me up, introduced me to other ladies and made sure someone was sitting beside me throughout the meeting, because she was chairing the bazaar the next month and she was busy. I offered to knit something for the knitting table. That CWL meeting changed my life! I am forever grateful to Father Keenan and to Ann Marks. In due time, I learned to drive a car (so I could go to CWL meetings), I chaired that bazaar a few years later, with Judith Tieber we became Scarborough regional co-chairs (a way of doing it that had never been done before), and ultimately Toronto archdiocesan president, provincial president, national president. Now I am adjusting to a quieter life as my country parish CWL council’s treasurer. I am blessed and happy indeed. Praise God, my daughters grew up and I now celebrate the 14 grandchildren they have given me. Ha, ha, these little ones perform all kinds of tricks, nearly as well as their mothers could!

Betty Anne Brown Davidson
St. Joseph’s Highland Creek
Past President and Past National President

Prayers of condolences for our Sisters in the League

Our condolences go to our Sisters in the League who have had a death in their family.
Please pray for the repose of our sister Gina Martin who passed away on January 29, 2016. A memorial mass for Gina has been scheduled for Sunday April 17th at 7:00pm. We also pray for Margaret Mary Mullane, sister to Pam Canham and sister-in-law to Eileen Farquison both of whom are our CWL sisters.

Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
We also keep in our prayers those who are unwell at this time.

Birth Announcement!

Our congratulations go to our CWL sister Auriel Cordeiro on the birth of their third son Sebastian Dominic Alvares, born Feb 15th 2016.

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.

We are also collecting the following items:

  • Campbell Soup Labels
  • Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
  • Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
  • Donations of your extra Rosaries are welcomed.
  • Milk bags are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in Ethiopia, Africa.
  • Your used postage stamps are being collected for forwarding to Development and Peace to help fund projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America
  • Please bring a donation of canned food when attending General Meetings, they are being collected for Covenant House.

The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. give us a call and join us! For more information please contact Jackie at 416 244-4604. These are the books we will discuss:

  • Mar. The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
    Jonah Jonasson 2012 p. 384
  • Apr. Away Jane Urquhart 1993 p. 356
  • May The Virgin Cure Ami McKay 2010 p. 400
  • June The Boy From Aleppo Who Painted the War Sumia Sukkar 2013 P. 255

A final note: Remember to refer to the Catholic Women`s League as The Catholic Women`s League, at every opportunity, rather than just calling it the CWL – we ARE a National Organization!

Household and Environmental Tips


WHITE, GREEN, and BLACK TEAS come from the same plants – but are processed differently WHITE TEA is the least processed of the three, and is obtained from buds of the plants Benefits
Antioxidant. Protects the body from damaging effects of free radicals, and thus prevents aging.
Has profound power against many types of cancer.

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Causes thinning of the blood & lessens hardening of the arteries
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Acts as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial.
  • Contains fluoride, protecting teeth and gums.

White tea said to also helps to promote weight loss.

GREEN TEA Research shows that green tea leaves are usually withered, rolled and heated, and are more processed than white tea. It has the added benefit of having less caffeine, thus causing one less jittery, and has anti anxiety effects. It improves brain function, and improves metabolic rate, thereby reducing weight loss.

BLACK TEA This is the most oxidized of the three teas, and is stronger. The tea leaves are withered, rolled, heated and fermented before the final heating process. Studies have shown that the consumption of 2-4 cups of green or black tea per day reduces the occurrence of stroke. ALSO >

  • Lowers Risk of diabetes
  • Reduces plaque formation
  • Tea drinkers have healthier bones
  • Improves the immune system
  • Improves the health of the digestive tract.

The lower amount of caffeine in tea can enhance blood flow to the brain without over stimulating the heart.
All three teas said the stimulate metabolism, respiratory system, heart and kidneys.


If you would like to contribute something to this section in our next newsletter, please send it to me at: or call me @ 416 283-8828


March 19 (Friday)
March 19 (Saturday)
St. Joseph Feast Day
Earth Hour 8:30 – 9:30
April 3 (Sunday) Divine Mercy Sunday
April 6 (Wednesday) CWL Scarborough Region Spring General Meeting – Annunciation Parishn3 Combermere Drive. Mass at 7:00pm meeting to follow – all are welcome.
April 9 (Saturday) Toronto Diocesan Mary Matthews Public Speaking – St. Martin of Tours Parish 1290 McBride Ave. Mississauga, ON – 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. all are welcome to attend and support the students
April 11 (Monday) General Meeting – 7:10 Rosary – followed by meeting-Financial Statement
April 16 (Saturday) Living and Deceased Members Mass – 5:00 p.m. wear your CWL scarves and pin proudly!
April 20 (Wednesday) Heritage Day Planning Meeting – 7:30pm Room 2 all are welcome
April 21 (Thursday) TV Taping for Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass at Loretto Abbey all League members are encouraged to attend.
April 23 (Saturday) Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass and New Members Ceremony (11:00 a.m.) Luncheon – tickets $20 – details in this newsletter or in the Narthex
April 28 (Saturday) Earth Day (8:30 – 9:30) Clean up 10 – 12am Details – TBA
May 5 & 6 (Thursday & Friday) 95th Annual Toronto Diocesan Council Convention – all members are invited to attend – Registration is a must – see details in this newsletter
May 9 (Monday) General Meeting – 7:10 Rosary – followed by meeting – Crowning of Mary
May 12 (Thursday) March for Life – Parliament Hill in Ottawa
June 11 (Saturday) Heritage Day Dance Fundraiser at St. Dunstan Parish 6:30 p.m. all community are welcome
June 13 (Monday) Potluck Social – Hall 7:00 p.m.
June 17 (Friday) Setup for Heritage Day (2:00-9:00)
June 18 (Saturday) Heritage Day Celebration – Parade, Plant Sale, International Foods, Bake Table, Vendors etc…Need your help
June 26 (Sunday) Aboriginal Mass – St. John The Evangelist, Details – TBA
July 9-13 Provincial Convention – Stratford
August 13-17 National Convention – Halifax

CWL Websites