Newsletter 2016 Nov-Dec

Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp
President: Ingrid Hart
Organization & Membership: Monica Meharchand
Treasurer: Marla Tanuan
Secretary:  Vacant
Spiritual Development: Linda Estrada
Christian Family Life: Irene Dillabough
Community Life: Marguerite Civello
Education & Health: Joan Impraim
Resolutions & Legislation: Raffaela Civello
Communications: Mary Tuccitto
Past President Historian: Mary Campanelli

A Message from the Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu CSSp

We are only a few weeks away from Christmas when we celebrate the birth of a baby born in manger. Soon, very soon, we will be singing of that silent and holy night when “All is calm, all is bright.” Then, and if we have the time, we will be reflecting on the mystery at the heart of Christmas, i.e. that the baby born in the manger, outside the city, is the Son of God, sent to bring the good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to restore hope to those on the brink of despair, etc. To the poor, he was sent. To the poor, he went. And to the poor, he sends his disciples.

In different ways, and to different degrees, different people have been lending him a helping hand in this mission to the poor. In recent years, our parish CWL has redoubled its efforts to reach out to the needy and to the marginalized in our Canadian homeland. We think, for example, of those in by-air-only communities. The sacrifices we make of our time, talents and resources to put a smile on the face of a child so far away from here is our way of being involved in Jesus’s mission to the poor. We do this not because it is easy, but because we know it is the right thing to do, and that it is good to be good.

As we give of time, talents and resources to lighten the burden of life on God’s needy children, we pray that the Baby Jesus, whose birth we are preparing to celebrate, may bless us with his peace.

A Message from the President – Ingrid Hart

Dear Sisters

Two years have gone by so quickly; I guess when you are having fun, time really does fly. The past two years have been a learning and enriching time in my life, but also humbling and gratifying as I look back at what our council has achieved. WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE in peoples’ lives! We have clothed the naked, fed the hungry and gave hope to people who thought no one cared, with greeting cards which we mailed to the Indigenous people living on a reservation in northern Alberta filled with words of hope and encouragement. All of these activities are Corporal Acts of Mercy. The greatest commandment of all is to love and serve one another and our council has surely demonstrated that.

I would like to thank our past and present Executive for their unwavering support; we certainly could not have achieved our goals without your help and dedication.

To our dear members; our projects would not have been so successful without you helping in the many ways you did. It seems that your generosity is bottomless; always answering generously & selflessly whenever we called on you. May God Bless you and your families abundantly.

For me Christmas is the best time of the year and I always look forward to it eagerly. It is a time of giving and sharing, especially to those who are less fortunate than we are. The smile on their faces is priceless, heartwarming and rewarding. Let us thank God for our many blessings. Let us focus on the birth of our Lord and put Christ back in Christmas, for He is the reason for the season.

I would like to congratulate our incoming Executive and assure you that you will have our total support in everything you do, especially from the Past Executive, where and whenever needed.

May you and your Families have a Blessed and wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Ingrid Hart — President 2015 – 2016

A Message from Organization & Membership – Monica Meharchand

Membership Renewal

Your CWL Membership Renewal is NOW due. Please complete the Membership form attached to this Newsletter and return it as soon as possible to any of your executive members or the Parish Office. You may also drop it in the collection baskets at any Mass. Please be sure to clearly mark your envelope: “CWL MEMBERSHIP”. If you are writing a cheque, please make it payable to: St. Joseph’s CWL. Memberships are due to National by January 1st, 2017. This year we will once again have an early bird special for all renewals received on or before the night of December 12th. One lucky member will be the winner of a draw taken from the renewals received. The prize will be a $25.00 gift voucher, so don’t delay in completing your renewal and entering the draw. The lucky draw will take place at the Pot Luck Social – December 12th.

Fall Bazaar

Annual Bazaar is on Saturday November 19th from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm and your help for set up on Friday, November 18th (11:00 am to 9:00 pm) would be greatly appreciated. You can also drop off your donations for the Bake Table, Treasure Table, Raffle, Tea Room etc…at that time. Also, don’t forget to help out on the day of the Bazaar with whatever time or contribution you can give it will be very much appreciated as it is a very busy and important day for our council. Proceeds from this fundraiser help support our many charities and projects. Don’t forget to start baking and spread the word.

Annual Apple Pie Making

It was once again a great turnout with many members participating. We had lots of fun as members shared many stories and bonded in a spirit of hard work and sisterhood. A big thanks to the washers, peelers, cutters, rollers, dough makers, mixers, assemblers and those who helped store our apple pies in their freezers. None of this could be possible without you and your amazing work. Over 350 pies were made.

CWL Apple Pie Making CWL Apple Pie Making

Advent Pot Luck Social and Service Awards Night

Monday, December 12th, at 7:00 pm is our Advent Pot Luck Social. Please join your CWL sisters as we celebrate the season. Your spouse or guest is also welcome to join us and remember to bring your favourite dish of food to share for the Pot Luck. Thank you in advance for your generosity. On this special night, we will also present the 2016 recipient of the St. Joseph’s Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award of Honour. As well, 29 Ladies will be receiving their respective years of service pins. We will also be accepting your donations of men’s new socks and underwear for the Good Shepherd Center on this night so please give what you can, as the need for these men`s items is great.

A Message from Spiritual Development – Linda Estrada

22nd Annual Interfaith Celebration

Our 2016 Interfaith Celebration was held on the evening of Friday October 14th with neighbouring Churches of various denominations in our community participating. They shared their prayers, poems, stories, songs, readings and dances which represented their respective faiths under the theme “One Heart – One Voice – One Mission” The evening was well attended with over 300 parishioners, members and friends from the community. A total of $444.20 was collected and will go towards the shipping of children’s Christmas gifts for the Indigenous People in Peace River Alberta. Thank you everyone for your generous donations. The celebration was followed by a reception with an opportunity to meet our neighbours. This was a wonderful way to get to know our community and celebrate together.

Travelling Kit of Our Lady of Good Counsel

We will be continuing the “Travelling Prayer Kit” for Our Lady of Good Counsel well into 2017 to our CWL members. The intent is that this “Kit” will go from house to house of members who are interested in praying to Our Lady. Our Lady of Good Counsel is our advocate, mentor, our guidance, the patroness of the CWL. Let us continue to bring this special devotion to our homes. A sign out sheet is available at our General Meeting for those members wishing to participate in this initiative.

Deceased Members Mass – November 15th 7:00 p.m.

This annual mass is scheduled to be held at St. Bartholomew on Tuesday November 15th. CWL sisters will be gathering to remember those who have gone before us. Each President of the Scarborough Councils will place their Book of Life which contains the names of our deceased member on the altar as well as a white rose. It is a wonderful way of honouring our deceased members who contributed so much to the success and strength of our council. This special mass is well attended, hope to see you there.

Jubilee Year of Mercy

Last year Pope Francis declared the Jubilee year of Mercy. It started on the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception Dec.8th 2015 and will end on Nov.20th 2016, the Feast Day of Christ the King. But the mercy and love of God has no end, so we must also reciprocate this mercy and love by extending to all whom we come in contact with as we love God. At the start of this Jubilee year, what was emphasized are the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and so we have to continue to do these. The saying “Faith without action is dead” so to have faith we have to put into action the corporal and spiritual works.

Jesus words “I Thirst” is so appropriate in these times. So many are suffering different kinds of “thirst”, like hunger, poverty, abandonment, hopelessness, loneliness, and fear of being alone. Let us help one another without borders, being inclusive and not exclusive.


The snow covered landscape will soon be here and of course the most awaited day of the year ‘Christmas’. This day to so many symbolizes food, parties, gifts, songs, decorations, new clothes, lots of drinks and great preparations. But to those who know, this great celebration is the re-enactment of Jesus being born in a manger, surrounded by shepherds, angels singing, Our Lady and St. Joseph. What a beautiful scene! If only we were there. Jesus who is so powerful became flesh and chose the poorest way to be born, showing us the virtue of humility. The gifts of the three Kings, is also a lesson for us that giving is the best way to celebrate Christmas because in giving, is also receiving. What is important is the feeling of Joy, Peace and Love of our neighbour. When we see Jesus in the manger on Christmas Day, let us see Him as a Holy, loving, pure and innocent baby “Jesus ” who is the Almighty King and Saviour who loves us so much that He came and lived on earth, suffered, died and was resurrected to save us from our sins and that is the best gift. Life without Jesus is lifeless. With Him, everything is possible!

To you and your family, have a Blessed Christmas!

A Message from Christian Family Life – Irene Dillabough

How time flies! There are many annual events coming quickly. Let’s all take time to observe Remembrance Day. We live in a free and wonderful country and must never forget the sacrifices that have been made so we can live like we do. The first Sunday of Advent is November 27, a time when we begin preparations for Christmas. I love the advent wreaths children make, so meaningful. The theme for December is Giving. Giving does not necessarily mean material things, our time, kindness and thoughtfulness often means more to the recipient. We must remember the Golden Rule.


They are a large part of our church life. There is a shortage of people in all religious orders worldwide. Prayers are needed, as well as spiritual and financial support for vocations. It is an ongoing need for the church. Please do what you can to support anyone who is contemplating a vocation in a religious order.

The Charter of Rights of the Family

It was a document created in 1983 is aimed at defending the building block in society of marriage and family. This can be very difficult in these times as couples work long hours and society seems to be vey stressed. Families need a lot of support. Ministry to youth from birth till ?????, is something we all need to work at. Taking a moment to get to know any young person is fulfilling, rewarding and very interesting. Too many times we unintentionally pass over someone simply because they are young. We as a society can learn so much from each other. Give a kid a hug and some of your time. It feels good for everyone.

Milk Bags

The collection of milk bags has increased and the students are very enthused. There is a Great need for more people to crochet or weave these bags into sleeping mats. Sleeping mats shipped to countries around the world has reduced parasitic infections by 85% in children, who, without the mats must sleep on dirt floors. Please become involved. It can be a community effort or done in your own home as a craft. Call 416 284 6354 if you would like to start making mats.

I would like to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a great New Year. In closing I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and understanding. I have enjoyed the role of Christian Family Life Chair. See you all at the potluck in December.

A Message from Community Life – Marguerite Civello

Dignity and rights of persons

We have all been made aware that the Government of Canada has launched a national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. These meetings have been led by the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Minister of Justice, Attorney General of Canada and the Minister of Status of Women.

Please stay informed on this very important issue by visiting the link:

Refugees, immigration and citizenship

A new resolution under this standing committee was passed at the Ontario Provincial Convention this past July in Stratford. Resolution 2016.01 Equal Access to Permanent Residence, an Amendment to the Immigration Act. Please review this resolution and the action plan on our provincial website

Social and economic justice

Velma’s Dream, which was created by Honorary Life member, Velma Harasen became a permanent voluntary fund at the National Convention in Halifax. Velma’s Dream assists Catholic Near East Welfare Association (VNEWA) with projects such as funding a Shepherd’s Field hospital and a youth project. Let us keep up our support.

As this is my last writing to all my CWL sisters, I want to thank you for the opportunity of representing St. Joseph’s Highland Creek CWL council for the last two years as your Community Life Chair. It has been an incredible journey and one that I have enjoyed. Thank you for your support, encouragement and friendship.

A Message from Education & Health – Joan Impraim

Rocking for Long-Term Care

The OHC (Ontario Health Coalition) & ONA (Ontario Nurses Association) members are raising awareness of the need for improved standards at the province’s long–term (LTC) facilities. They are doing this by a 19-stop tour across Ontario with the symbol of a 10ft wooden rocking chair, in an effort to raise public awareness of the need for improved standards at the province’s LTC facilities.

The OHC along with ONA, is calling for improved access to care, reduced wait times, along with a minimum standard of four hours of hands-on care and reduced wait times. At present, patients are being off-loaded out of hospitals and discover that access to care is poor, with long waits for LTC spaces.

With the rocking chair’ symbolic journey across the province The OHC is hoping to collect 20,000 signed postcards of support to send to the government, representing the number of Ontarians on the waiting list for LTC facilities.

2017 Catholic Women’s League Contests and Competitions

Packages for the Mary Mathews Public Speaking contest & Mary Dobell Essay and Poetry contests were given to the school principals of the following schools: Cardinal Leger, St. Brendan, St. Dominic Savio and St. Jean de Brebeuf. The principal of St. John Paul II Secondary School was given packages for the Jean McCann Service award for youth, and for the St. Michael’s Scholarship.

We wish our Parish and students good luck as they participate in the 2017 youth contests

A Message from Resolutions & Legislation – Raffaela Civello

Re: ON.15.01 | Ban the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products

Victory! Our resolutions do count – we have a voice, and our voice has been heard!

The federal government says it will ban the sale of toiletries such as shower gels, toothpastes and facial scrubs containing plastic microbeads, effective July 1, 2018. A year later, the plan will apply to natural health products and non-prescription drugs. The Nov. 5 announcement serves as final notice on this long-standing environmental complaint and now sets Canada on a timetable to remove these tiny pollutants from Canadian waters. The tiny pieces of plastic are used as exfoliants and cleansers in toiletries but do not dissolve. They find their way into lakes, rivers and oceans where the beads are ingested by a variety of organisms.

The ban will have a direct impact on the Arctic as these plastic microbeads now end up in Arctic sea ice, where they act like magnets and attract other contaminants. It is estimated that one trillion microbeads are released into the environment with the sea ice melt.

Avoid using products with microbeads by staying away from those which include polyethylene or polystyrene in the ingredients list.

Re: 2016.02 | Eating Well With Canada’s Food Guide

In October, 2016 the Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, announced that Health Canada is launching consultations on revamping the food guide. Part of the revision process will include looking at all dietary guidance on beverages. The revision is part of a multi-year healthy eating strategy that will also include regulations to eliminate trans fats and cut the amount of salt in processed foods.

Action – The first phase of this consultation is an online questionnaire that is open from Oct. 24th to Dec. 8th.

Your input is needed because the current format is not meeting the needs of all audiences. Some users of the guide have difficulty understanding and applying some of the recommendations.

The consultation process can be accessed by going to the following site:

By the time this Newsletter is published, a new executive team will be elected for 2017-2018. I would like to thank all my sisters in the League who have guided me through this remarkable term as Resolutions Chair. Wishing you and your families a Blessed Christmas

A Message from Communications – Mary Tuccitto

Christmas Postage Stamps CWL Resolution 2005.1

The tradition of religious Christmas Postage Stamps is no accident. This was the result of a resolution presented and accepted by The Catholic Women’s League of Canada in its 85th annual National Convention, who urged Canada Post to include a Nativity-related theme in future Christmas stamps. As Catholics we are very privileged to have these annual religious stamps produced by Canada Post, however, this tradition must be supported by us, in order for it to continue. The Christmas Postage Stamp for 2016 is a 15th century Renaissance image of Mary and the infant Jesus, entitled: Virgin and Child. It is important that you ask for these beautiful and very special stamps from your local Post Office as they are available during the Christmas season only however, you may use them throughout the year. Grace your Christmas mailings with these special stamps as an extra gift to your family and friends.

Pornography Hurts Campaign

As we all know, the fight against pornography is an ongoing battle. In past years Pornography Hurts Everyoneyou may recall the WRAP campaign (White Ribbon Against Pornography) this campaign is ongoing and is now in the form of these postcards. CWL Councils and Parish Communities from across the Country are encouraged to fill them out and mail them to the House of Commons (No Postage Required). I will be making them available to you at our upcoming Potluck Dinner on Monday December 12th – 7:00 p.m. and will mail them in bulk on your behalf.

Be sure to stay informed and check out the various CWL websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and stay connected. Log on to the CWL National website at and there you will see the Facebook symbol, click on it and “Like” as well as “Friend” it.

If you are into twitter, the account is

You can also go to the CWL Provincial website: and look at the online newsletter. You can subscribe to receive this monthly publication online, free of charge!

Our Toronto Diocesan Website is take a look at the activities and events under ‘spotlight’.

This is the last newsletter for the 2015-2016 term and my last edition as your Communications Chair. I truly hope you’ve enjoyed the many interesting and timely articles which the executive members have brought to you through the newsletters. It’s been hard work but very rewarding and YOU are worth it! The Catholic Women’s League is worth it! Make the most of your membership, don’t just sit there and be a “member” become a more active member. Our newly elected executive team will lead us into the future so now is the time to make a commitment to become more involved. Participate in the many activities organized by your council, attend Conventions, meetings, sign-up for the leadership, executive training and the various workshops, pray and yes, you can even bake for the bake sales etc….Most of all take advantage of this “National Organization rooted in gospel values bringing it’s members to holiness through service to the people of God” of which you and 85,000 women across the country, are a part of. Make your “number” count so that when CWL resolutions are presented to Parliament and become law, you can stand tall and say………… ”I am making a difference!”

Thank you and God Bless, Mary Tuccitto (Past President) Communications Chair 2015-2016

A Message from Past President/Historian – Mary Campanelli

My road to Past President has been a seven year journey. I started as the Spiritual Development Chair (2010) and then was elected to the position of President Elect/Organization and Membership where I served for two years (2011-2012). During my term as President (2013-2014) I was extremely pleased that the 60th Anniversary Celebration of our Council coincided. We inaugurated the Betty Anne Brown Davidson Award in honour of Betty Anne, who was a past St. Joseph CWL President and had become National President at that time. We were honoured to have her and other representation from all levels of the League join us.

I am truly grateful to have served the League over these years and it has been an honour to have had the support of two Spiritual Advisors – Fr. Francis Folleh and at the end of my term, Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu. I have learned so much about the League and have met so many wonderful, spiritual and committed ladies. Serving on an Executive and becoming an active member is a wonderful way to put your faith into action. I encourage you to participate more in all our League events and remember, without YOU, we would have no Council here at St. Joseph`s.

I would like to give my heartfelt Congratulations to the newly Elected Executive Committee who will serve us for the 2017-2018 term. Remember, you are not alone, help is only a phone call away and you will always have my support. You, the newly elected are so fortunate to have a wealth of knowledge at your finger tips, just look to your CWL Sisters and tap into our 63 years of history here at St. Joseph`s for inspiration and guidance.

To all my Sisters in the League and your families, I wish you Christmas Blessings and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Mary Campanelli, Past President 2015-2016

Prayers for our Sisters in the League

Our condolences to our Sisters in the League who have had a death in their family.

For the Deceased: Eternal Rest, grant unto them and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Members are encouraged to bring their own mugs to meetings, so please remember to “Lug A Mug”.

We are also collecting the following items:

  • Campbell Soup Labels
  • Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
  • Donations of extra blank cards and blank birthday cards are welcomed and appreciated.
  • Donations of your extra Rosaries are welcomed.
  • Milk bags are being collected to be used in the project of making sleeping mats for people in Ethiopia, Africa.
  • Your used postage stamps are being collected for forwarding to Development and Peace to help fund projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America

CWL Websites

Go into these CWL Websites often to keep informed

CWL Book Club

The C.W.L. Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. give us a call and join us!

Books we will discuss…
Dec. The Return of the Prodigal Son Henri Nouen 1994 p.151
Jan. The Nest Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney 2016 p.368
Feb. The Headmaster’s Wager Vincent Lam 2012 p.448

A final note:

Remember to refer to the Catholic Women`s League as The Catholic Women`s League, at every opportunity, rather than just calling it the CWL – we ARE a National Organization! Wear your CWL service pins and scarves.

Household and Environmental – Life Tips

10 signs that you’re doing well in life (even if you don’t feel like it)

You have a roof over your head You have clean clothes
You ate today You have a heart
You are breathing You wish good for others
You have clean water You forgive others
You have your faith You live in Canada

Be thankful for the little things for they are the most important.


Nov 15 (Tuesday) Scarborough Region Deceased Members Mass all are invited to attend this special mass for our deceased – St. Bartholomew at 7:00 p.m.
Nov 16 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph Hall 7:00 p.m.
Nov 18 (Friday) Setup for Bazaar 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. – need your help – come even for just one hour to help us out.
Nov 19 (Saturday) Annual Bazaar 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nov 21 (Monday) Bazaar wrap-up meeting 7:00 p.m. Room 3
Nov 23 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph Hall 7:00 p.m.
Nov 30 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph Hall 7:00 p.m.
Dec 3 (Saturday) Scarborough Region Advent Retreat – Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – all members welcome to attend.
Dec 4 (Sunday) CWL Living and Deceased mass 7:00 p.m.
Dec 7 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph 7:00 p.m. Room 2
Dec 12 (Monday) Advent Pot Luck Dinner and Service Awards Night
Dec 14 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph 7:00 p.m. Room 2
Dec 21 (Wednesday) Line Dancing – St. Joseph 7:00 p.m. Room 2
Jan. 7 (Saturday) Festival Day for WDOP – 9:00-2:30 Timothy Eaton Memorial Church this year country featured is Philippines
Jan. 15 (Sunday) CWL Living and Deceased mass 9:00 a.m.
Jan. 16 (Monday) General Meeting – 7:10 Rosary Room 2 – Come and meet the NEW Executives for 2017-2018
Jan. 28 (Saturday) Scarborough Region – Winter Event TBA
Feb. 4 (Saturday) CWL Living and Deceased mass 5:00 p.m.
Feb. 11 (Saturday) Development Day – all members are invited to attend location TBA. Registration is a must more information will be forwarded.

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