October 29th 2017: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Posted On 26th Oct 2017

New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.
Masses for the Week
Sat. October 28
- 9:00 am † Daniel Courture
- 5:00 pm † Silvio Visconti
Sun. October 29
- 9:00 am † Enrico Aguilar & Christino Balin
- 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
- 7:00 pm † Rosario Calandra
Mon. October 30
- 9:00 am † Cynthia Ferreira
Tues. October 31
- 9:00 am † Joan Martindale
Wed. November 1 All Saints Day
- 9:00 am † Armano De’Novelis
Thurs. November 2 All Souls Day
- 9:00 am † Magennis Adrienne
Fri. November 3
- 9:00 am
- Intention of Thomas & Lei Chu
- Intention of
- † Martin & Arnolta Raposo
- † Alfred & Matilda Hannah
- † Carmine & Vinzi Moione
- 7:30 pm
- Intention of Venancio Pe
- † Felix Wallinson & Mark Akhimien
- † Christina & Anita Balin
- † Francis D’Cruz
- † Ramiela Rivano-Miniano
Sat. November 4
- 9:00 am Intention of The Martin Family
- 5:00 pm † C.W.L. members both living & deceased
Does God want love or legalism? In today’s gospel Jesus’ critics set out once more to trap him. They pose a question much disputed at the time. Of the 613 commandments distinguished by the rabbis, which was the most important? Jesus answers with not one but two commandments cited from the scriptures. The first, to love God wholeheartedly, was recited twice daily by the devout Jew; the second was part of the Law. Love doesn’t allow for measurement or legalism; it requires the total gift of ourselves. Nor can it be selective; neither commandment can be observed apart from the other. The first reading singles out those among our neighbours for whom God has a special love, as should we: the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the poor. Since these are defenceless, God himself will be their defender. God’s concern shows how we must be sensitive to the needs of others. If love for God and neighbour is the mark of Jesus’ followers, St. Paul observes that Christian joy makes our faith contagious.
(Sunday Mass Book For Canada)
Altar Servers
Congratulations to the following Altar Servers who received the Bishop’s Award medallion on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at an Altar Servers Awards ceremony held at St. Thomas More Parish in Scarborough.
This was in recognition for their dedication and commitment in their service to the Church.
- Tyler Alvares
- Danielle Kuwahara
- Ebuka Ezemenari
- Chika Ezemenari
- Samantha Arellano
- Paul Kabambi
We thank the Altar Servers and their parents for the ongoing support of this important ministry.
2018 Envelopes
The 2018 Donation Envelopes are ready for pick up.
They are located in the Narthex in alphabetical order.
Please be patient when finding your box to ensure they stay in order. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Line Dancing Classes
Sacramental Ministry – Welcome to our 2017-18 season!
See the Reconciliation & First Holy Communion sacrament page for more details
See the Confirmation sacrament page for more details
Enrollment Mass: Tuesday November 14th @ 7:00 p.m.
Parent Volunteer Screening & Facilitator
Workshop: Sunday November 19th @ 12:30 p.m. in Church Hall
Office of Vocations
Come and See Weekend – Friday, November 3 to Sunday, November 5 at St. Augustine’s Seminary Inviting single Catholic men 17 years and older to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus Christ; leading to a better discernment of God’s call for their lives. Time for prayer, reflection and information on the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples as a Catholic priest.
Register online at www.vocationstoronto.ca Registrants 17 years old require parental consent.
Please contact your Parish Priest or the Office of Vocations at 416-968-0997 or email at vocations@archtoronto.org
Pope Francis on TWITTER
Since the day he was elected Pope on March 13, 2013, Pope Francis has been doing his best to bridge the gap between the church and the people, between spirituality and social issues and between different culture and religions.
He has more than 22 million followers and is considered one of the most influential world leader on the social media network according to a 2015 study from Twiplomacy.
He has managed to squeeze many an inspiring message into 140 characters or less tweets.
For example, recently on October 24th he tweeted
“Let us all work together to promote peace among peoples and guarantee respect for human rights.”
Another example from April 26, 2013
“Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream great things.”
This was retweeted 21,719 times.
St. Martin De Porres – Open House
Father Anthony Gonsalves expresses his thanks to St. Joseph’s Parish for our support during the past year.
Along with the Contractors he is hosting an Open House on Friday November 3rd from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
This is an opportunity to meet with the professionals who have been working on their building project.
Knights of Columbus – 5th Sunday Rosary Program
Inviting all parishioners to participate in the organization’s 5th Sunday Rosary Program. Will occur after 9:00 a.m. mass on Sunday October 29th
Right to Life
Christmas cards are now available for purchase.
Cost is $8.00 per package of 10 cards.
Contact: Lucia Vacca 416-283-3536
Catholic Women's League – St. Joseph's Annual Bazaar
Mark in your calendars
The Knights of Columbus Fall Ball
The Knights of Columbus
Inviting all of you to join us for The Knights of Columbus Fall Ball, taking place on Friday, November 3rd 2017 At The Estate Banquet Hall, 430 Nugget Avenue
Cocktails: 6:30 p.m. Dinner: 7:30 p.m.
Dancing until Midnight
Tickets: $50.00/person available from
Bryan Nobel @ 416-286-6631
(Includes 3 course meal & wine. Cash bar)
Meet a Saint
St. Joseph’s Parishioners are invited to meet some glorious Saints on October 29th in the Narthex between 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
The Youth Ministry and Sunday School will be eagerly waiting for YOU. Who will you meet?