Return To Parish Mass

June 2020

Dear Parishioners,

We are very happy that at long last we have reopened our Parish Church even if, at this time, it is for private prayer and adoration only.

We are looking forward to our weekday Masses which begins on Wednesday, June 17, at 9.00 a.m. and to our regular Sunday Masses this weekend, June 20/21.

Mass Schedules

Our Sunday Masses will be according to the schedule we had before the lockdown:

  • Saturday:
    • 5.00 p.m.
  • Sunday:
    • 9.00 a.m.
    • 11.00 a.m.
    • 7.00 p.m.

Limited Capacity

Unfortunately this time we are limited to a maximum of 30% of our seating capacity for each of these Masses.

Because of physical distancing, we have seats for approximately 110 people only. Admission is going to be on a first-come-first-served basis. This is also applicable to our weekday Masses.

Please don’t forget your masks as you come. We must do all that we can to ensure the safety of our brothers and sisters.


Please note that the Cardinal has granted dispensation from the Sunday Mass for those who may not be able to attend Mass for health reasons or due to capacity restrictions. If you are among these, I encourage you to continue the good practice of watching TV Masses.

For Confessions, please phone the Parish Office to schedule an appointment: 416-282-0370

Temporary Changes to Mass

Finally, the Office of Public Relations & Communications of the Archdiocese of Toronto has produced a video that explains the temporary changes to the Mass that are being implemented in response to COVID-19. This video is designed to inform us of WorshipSafe protocols of the Archdiocese that we need to be familiar with before we leave for church. I hope you will find time to watch this important video.

May God keep you safe and healthy and very far from the virus.

Fr. Oliver