SSVP Year End Report – 2023
- Posted On 18th Jan 2024

In 2023 completed 252 home visits helping 92 families, with 161 children and 191 adults.
In 2023, your ‘Neighbours-In-Need’ donations were $32930 and our expenditures were $41619. We started the year with $9344 in cash & $4185 in gift cards. We ended the year with a surplus of $655 in cash & $10925 in gift cards. The value of the ‘Gifts-in-kinds’ donated this year was $2090. Your generosity is gratefully acknowledged.
In 2023 your donations enabled us to provide to those in need, within our parish boundaries, and the immediate surroundings, the following:
PC gift cards for food assistance, totaling $24625
Salvation Army, National Thrift, Walmart giftcards for clothing and other items of personal or family need, totaling $1750
Beds & small furniture items from our SSVP store & donated items, totaling $1900
TTC tokens & Presto tickets to families in need of transportation, totaling $1300
Delivered 44 “winter coats for kids” in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus cost $345.
This year we provided “Back to School” assistance for approximately 48 children cost $1200 using Walmart gift cards.
21 children attended the boys and girl camps, slowly getting back to normal numbers.
Our Bundleup Weekends in April and September were both successfully. A big thanks to the volunteers who helped and to the parishioners who donated.
During the Christmas Appeal we helped 66 families and 131 children. We provided each family with a PC gift card for food, totaling $9375, a Wal-Mart gift card for each child under 16, totaling $4200, Presto Tickets $384 plus a box of Christmas cookies for each family totaling $865.
This Christmas something new we had items such as hats scarves gloves and other like items that were donated by you the parishioners which we offered to the families on our delivery list. They were quite pleased. We will probably do something similar next year.
Upcoming activities for 2024
- “Bundle Up” weekends are scheduled for the spring and the fall dates to be announced.
- Hopefully the Boys and girl’s camps will be open again this year. Children who attend find it an enjoyable experience that they do not soon forgot.