It is very positive to think about our CWL Resolutions, things we Catholic women feel strongly about, becoming legislation, to be debated, discussed and becoming the law of the land. These are things that we have put our energy and heart into, resolutions to be presented to our Parish CWL sisters, to move forward to Region, Diocese, Province and National.

<p>We have less than two months to go before the Christmas bells begin to “jingle all the way.” Between now and then, comes the season of Advent when our prayers and songs are about longing and waiting, and of hope and great expectations. It is the season for getting ready for Christmas—a deeply religious season that has unfortunately been high-jacked and commercialized by the secular world. Occasionally, we will hear lone voices telling anybody who cares to listen to keep Christ in Christmas. Addressed to us too! “Keep Christ in Christmas,” we are told. What does this ask of us as we inch our way to another Christmas? Yes, another Christmas. We have seen it before. We have celebrated many of them. But perhaps we can make this one more meaningful, more spiritually enriching, more joyful and more full peace—peace of soul, peace with God, and peace between us and our neighbors. This peace and joy does not come from buying more and having more of what the commercial world has to offer. It comes from keeping Christ in Christmas. And we do this by availing of opportunities that Advent offers us to dust our lives clean by making sure we are in right relationship with our God and with one another. As a result, we can experience that religious joy, that inner joy of light and peace which, according to Pope Francis, is characteristic of Christmas. I wish you this religious joy, this inner joy of light and peace that is God’s gift to those who keep Christ in Christmas.</p>