November 17, 2019 Thirtieth-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

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Masses for the Week

Sat. Nov 16

  • 9:00 am Intention of Bryan & Ingrid Nobel
  • 5:00 pm † Armando Angeloni

Sun. Nov 17

  • 9:00 am † Deceased members of the Colangelo Family
  • 11:00 am The People of the Parish
  • 7:00 pm † Daphne Footman

Mon. Nov 18

  • 9:00 am Intention of Thach Anh

Tues. Nov 19

  • 9:00 am † Joan Williams

Wed. Nov 20

  • 9:00 am Intention of Mario & Maria Simoa

Thurs. Nov 21

  • 9:00 am † Hilda Camilleri

Fri. Nov 22

  • 9:00 am
    • † Michael&Margaret Mullane
    • † Souls in Purgatory
    • † Mary Sequeira
    • † Cresenciana Avila
    • † Maria DiTacchio

Sat. Nov 23

  • 9:00 pm Intention of Celina & Tony Zagrai
  • 5:00 pm † Zacharias Pinto

New to the Parish? Welcome!

You can register by filling in this online Registration Form.

If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.

Catholic Faith on Demand

study . watch . listen . read . search

St. Joseph’s Church is Wheelchair Accessible; ramps are available at the North and South exits of the church

Wheelchair Accessible


As we near the end of the Church year, we are reminded once again that we can expect to be tested. Should we take today’s gospel as a precise description of how the world will end? No; what must come will come—suffering is inevitable—but we should not be distracted from Christ’s presence in our lives. The Temple will be destroyed, imposters will speak in Jesus’ name—do not believe them. Through cosmic catastrophe and personal persecution the believer must trust. Our trials will be blessings allowing us to witness to Jesus, who will tell us what to say. Even if we are betrayed, we must remain faithful; God will not abandon us and, in the end, we will be graced with his life. Malachi prophesies that the day of judgement will be for the wicked a day of doom; but God-fearers can look forward to it with eagerness. Should we stop working because of rumors of Christ’s coming? Paul reproves those Thessalonians who use this as an excuse for laziness; their worker-apostle paid his own way. Until Christ does come, les us act like responsible members of his community and of the world.

(Sunday Mass Book)

SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Our 2019 Christmas Appeal

We are beginning our annual Christmas Appeal.Through your generous support, our neighbours in need will have a blessed and joyful Christmas.If you or your workplace would like to sponsor a family, please give us a call for details on a family.Please try to contact us before December 1st, which is the date that we aim to have our Christmas list completed.

Your donation and other donations are combined to buy gift cards from No-Frills and Wal-Mart to match the needs of the eligible families.Early donations are greatly appreciated.Income Tax receipts are provided for all donations received and they will be mailed out in late January.Store receipts are required for donated gift baskets but not required for gift cards.

If you know of any family in the Parish who could use some help this Christmas or for further information, please contact us at 416-282-0370 ext. 217.


To the families who will have a child scheduled to receive Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2020.

Details for the sacraments can be found here


Cardinal Newman’s motto is cor ad cor loquitor, which means heart speaks to heart.

This phrase succinctly describes how to live a Christian life. It’s not about “lips speaking to the ears” – what we tell others about our faith. Rather, it’s the love we demonstrate through a heartfelt personal encounter, through which our one particular way heart speaks to heart is through our annual ShareLife appeal.

For the second year in a row, our parishioners raised $13 million for all you have done for the success of our campaign. From the hard work of our priests, parish staff and volunteers, to the selfless generosity of our parishioners, each contribution represents an act of love.Your support of ShareLife is bringing God’s love to those in greatest need, here in our archdiocese and around the world. On behalf of ShareLife agencies and thousands of people they help, thank you.

Yours sincerely in Our Lord,

Thomas Cardinal Collins


Elizabeth understood well the lesson Jesus taught when he washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper: The Christian must be one who serves the humblest needs of others, even if one serves from an exalted position. Of royal blood, Elizabeth could have lorded it over her subjects. Yet she served them with such a loving heart that her brief life won for her a special place in the hearts of many. Elizabeth is also an example to us in her following the guidance of a spiritual director.


Is coming up on Sunday, November 24th at 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Tickets are $5.00 cash which includes 3 pancakes with syrup, 2 breakfast sausages, fruit juice and coffee or tea.

Tickets will be available after Masses on the weekend of November 17th.

Come join our families for a delicious breakfast!


St. Barnabas, 10 Washburn Way
Nov. 22 at 6:15 to 9:30 p.m.

In an age and culture of growing confusion, how do we, as Catholics guide our children safely to true love and authentic relationships?

The Catholic Understanding Of the Human Person, Love and Sexuality symposium by Fr. Peter Turrone of the Newman Centre will help parents and their youth understand the truth and beauty of human sexuality through the Catholic faith


Wednesday, November 27 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

CWL is screening “Fatal Flaws

Contact: Marla-416-209-8659 or Kim-416-206-6341


There will be a Mass on Friday, November 29th at 7:30 p.m. dedicated to the souls listed in the Book of Remembrance.


Day of Prayer and Healing for Women The Sisters of Life

Please contact the sisters for information regarding time and location. The Sisters of Life are hosting a Day of Prayer and Healing for women seeking healing after abortion. The day is an opportunity to experience the loving mercy of God and the joy of healing in Christ, in a confidential and sacred space. It will include a witness of mercy, a Scripture reflection, personal prayer, opportunity for sacramental Confession, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

There is no fee for the day and lunch will be provided.



Next EDGE Night Nov. 22: BE CHOSEN!
Youth in Gr. 6,7 and 8 it’s not too late to register


Next meeting is on Dec. 1st at 4:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Come Holy Spirit. Come high school students.
Got some questions about your Catholic Faith?

More information about the Youth Ministry is available on the Youth Pages or contact Angie Bernard at 647-242-8429