January 29, 2023 Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time Year A

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Masses for the Week

Sat Jan 28 09:00 AM† Sheldon Hannah
Sat Jan 28 05:00 PM† Gregory Menezes
Sun Jan 29 09:00 AMIntention of Robbins Family
† Froilan Sr. & Narcisa Imbong Ferrer & Family
Sun Jan 29 07:00 PMFroilan Sr. & Narcisa Imbong Ferrer & Family
Mon Jan 30 09:00 AM† Ramon Buenape
Intention of Vince Dumael
Tue Jan 31 09:00 AM† Angela Patricia Puzzolanti
Wed Feb 1 09:00 AM† Deceased members of the Riggi family
Thu Feb 2 09:00 AM Intention of Mathilda Gracias
Fri Feb 3 09:00 AM† Martin & Arnolta Raposo
† Alfred & Mitalda Hannah
† Neal & Bob Farquharson
† Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh
Intention of Alicia Santos
Intention of Fr. Oliver Iwuchukwu
Fri Feb 3 07:30 PM† Alejandro Santos
† Roberto Flanas
† Julietta & Luzvis Baguio Mindo
† Clara Alcamo
† Fernando Padilla
Sat Feb 4 09:00 AM† Aloy & Sellama Corera
Sat Feb 4 05:00 PMTileira & Hasitha De Silva


We are happy to serve

You can register online or registration forms are provided at the back of the Church.


Repeatedly the prophets insisted that God protects the poor and despised; three times the prophet invites his hearers to seek God and take refuge in him. In the beatitudes Jesus expands on this Old Testament insight. These demanding ideals, which reserve the world’s values are addressed to all who would be his disciples. The first, about poverty of spirit, sets the tone and sums up all the rest. Those who do not rely on the world are free to entrust themselves to God. Then Jesus speaks directly to his followers preparing them for persecution—and the joy which can flow from it. For if we suffer with Christ we will share his joy! The psalm reminds us of the happiness of those poor ones who trust in God as to be filled by him. This looks like foolishness, but St. Paul insists that the gospel opposes human wisdom. We cannot be proud of our own accomplishments; our only boast is God’s grace. Living according to the beatitudes conforms us to Christ and graces us with an anticipation of eternal joy.


Does Jesus have the place of honour in your family’s heart and home? The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus program can show you how to get started. What about a relationship with the Mother of Jesus?

For a visit of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue and for more information about the Enthronement, contact the Legion of Mary at 416-286-3932


Members of the Catholic Women’s League would like to invite you to stop by the exits after all masses to give you an opportunity to pledge prayer offering for the Annual Spiritual Bouquet offered to the Ordinandi Priests. There is no cost involved, just your time spent in prayer intentions for the soon to be ordained priests. The presentation of this Bouquet will be on March 9th at the Ordinandi Dinner. Thank you for your participation. 



The Prayer Group is happy to invite All Parishioners/Guests to come listen to some amazing, power-filled Priests during our Lenten Talks on the following Thursdays: February 23rd, March 9th and March 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. 

We will commence with the Way of the Cross, followed by a short Praise and Worship and Lenten talks. Come to be spiritually filled in preparation of our Lord’s Resurrection. 

The list of speakers be posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex shortly. Bring along your family and friends. 

Light refreshments will be served. 



Thanks to all our parishioners for bringing in your blessed palms. We now have more than enough for creating the ashes. For those who still have palms at home, please keep them for future use. 

EDGE Youth Ministry on Jan 29th

Do YOU know YOUR Baptism date? 

Do YOU Know YOU became a Prince/Princess in the Kingdom of God on that very day? 

If you are in Grade 6, 7 or 8 and want to know more, go to 



Please visit FORMED at (https://formed.org) where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.