Masses for the Week

Sat Mar 23 09:00 AMIntention of Joshua Harry
Sat Mar 23 05:00 PM† Giovanna Di Rosa
Sun Mar 24 09:00 AM† Peter Banks
Sun Mar 24 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Mar 24 07:00 PM† Maria Amelia Rodrigues
Mon Mar 25 09:00 AM† Orlandino & Olivia Penafiel
Tue Mar 26 09:00 AMIntention of Daniea Furtado & Fernandes family
Wed Mar 27 09:00 AM† Chao Wen Liu

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As Jesus entered Jerusalem at the beginning of the first Holy Week, He was welcomed with much enthusiasm, and He accepted the love and devotion of those who welcomed Him. He was their King. He was the Messiah, and the welcome they gave to Him was but a pale gift of the true adoration He deserved. And though Jesus entered Jerusalem with this glorious welcome, less than a week later He would leave Jerusalem with a heavy cross on His shoulders, carrying it outside the city walls to die. When we contrast the entry of Jesus on Palm Sunday with His arrest, abuse, mock trial, carrying of the cross and death, these two extremes do appear to be at the opposite ends of the spectrum. There is rejoicing and praise as He enters, and sorrow and shock as He leaves. But are these two events all that different from a divine perspective? From the perspective of the Father in Heaven, the end of the week is nothing other than the ultimate culmination of the full glory of His Son. Today we read the long and beautiful account of the Passion of Jesus as told in Mark’s Gospel. But on Friday we will read the account of John’s Gospel. Mark’s Gospel tells the story in clear detail, but John’s Gospel will most notably add the spiritual insight that Jesus’ crucifixion and death is nothing other than His hour of glory. We will see His Cross as His new throne of grace, and the earthly glory Jesus receives today as He enters Jerusalem will be fully realized from a divine perspective as He mounts His Throne of the Cross to take up His eternal Kingship. As we enter into the holiest week of the year, it is essential that each of us see the journey of Christ this week as our own calling in life. We must journey toward the glory of the Cross with our Lord. From a worldly perspective, the Cross does not make sense. But from the perspective of the Father in Heaven, the Cross is not only the source of the greatest glory of His Son, but it is also the path by which we share in that glory. We must die with Him, sacrifice all for Him, choose to follow Him, and hold nothing back in our resolve to lay down our lives out of love. Reflect, today, upon the events you will commemorate this week. Commit yourself to share in them, not just as an intellectual remembrance but as a living participation. How is God calling You to step forward in a sacrificial way out of love? How is God calling you to courageously embrace your calling to give your life away? Strive to see this week from the perspective of the Father in Heaven and pray that you will also see the ways in which the Father is calling you to imitate His Son. Let us go and die with Him, for it is in the Cross of Christ that we will discover His eternal glory.

My glorious King, You are worthy of all praise and adoration. Hosanna to You, hosanna in the highest! Draw me into Your glorious passion, dear Lord, and help me to see the glory of Your Cross. As I see its glory, give me the grace I need to share more fully in Your life of transforming sacrificial love. Jesus, I trust in You.

parish lenten activities

Weekly activities:

  1. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross every Friday from 7:30 – 8:30 PM
  2. Lenten Talks on Thursdays (Mar 7 & Mar 21) at 7:25 PM beginning with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. See section below for more info.


  1. Archdiocesan Day for Confessions on Fri, Mar 15 starting at 10:00 AM (*).
  2. Parish Lenten Confessions on Wed, Mar 20 starting at 7:00 PM (*).

(*) Note: Confession session will end when there are no more people waiting in line.



Information & Novena Pamphlets are available at the church exits. 

Preparation—1) Novena begins on Good Friday. If you wish to pray it with others, meet at the Divine Mercy image after any service on that day and after any 9:00 AM Mass during Easter week. 2) Acts of mercy—word, deed and prayer. 3) Make a good confession. 

For more info, please call Bonnie Washer at (416) 284-5772. 

Healthy Communication, Intimacy, Relationship Building

Give yourself the gift of a joyful marriage by learning the tools of healthy communication. Retrouvaille, a Catholic-origin program, welcomes couples of all faiths to help get their relationships back on track. Join us from April 5-7, 2024 in Mississauga. 

For more information, call 437-234-5610 or visit or 

Do you feel called?

Blessed are those who come in the Name of the Lord! Blessed are they who live their lives in the Name of the Lord! If you feel God is giving you the blessing of a call to be a priest, religious, or permanent deacon, call Fr. Matt McCarthy, Director of Vocations, Archdiocese of Toronto at 416-968-0997 or email to 

2024 Spring Gala

WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2024 – 5:30 – 9:00 PM 

Martyrs’ Shrine (Vaughan, ON) 

Featured keynote 

  • His Grace Archbishop Francis Leo 
  • Special performance by the St. Michael’s Choir School 

Early bird tickets until Mar 31 


Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre

Monday, March 25 – 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

We are blessed to live and work in a multicultural and multiethnic society with a great diversity of religious traditions.

This great diversity also challenges each one of us as we become increasingly aware of our personal biases which we acquired along our life journey. This retreat is about coming to

a greater awareness of our personal biases and to pray with it in a loving way, just like Jesus was confronted with many biases in his culture.

Facilitator: Fr. Henk van Meijel, S.J.

$65 per person, including lunch.


Contact: or 905-839-2864

Edge Youth Ministry

Consider supporting the Youth Ministry Fundraiser BLITZ this weekend.

Your donations will help more youth participate in EDGE Camp and Leadership Camp. The youth will also accept prayer requests. Thank you in advance for your support.

Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.