- Posted On 26th Apr 2024
Masses for the Week
Sat Apr 27 09:00 AM | † Cosy Rodrigues |
Sat Apr 27 05:00 PM | Intention of Glynis Remedios |
Sun Apr 28 09:00 AM | † Alexis Ricafranca |
Sun Apr 28 11:00 AM | People of the Parish |
Sun Apr 28 07:00 PM | † Mateo Tanuan |
Mon Apr 29 09:00 AM | † Joe Fitzpatrick |
Tue Apr 30 09:00 AM | † Cassandra Philips |
Wed May 1 09:00 AM | † Deceased members of the Riggi family |
Thu May 2 09:00 AM | † Mathilda Gracias |
Fri May 3 09:00 AM | † Giuseppe Pamzera † Egidio Vacca † Dwight Alphonso † Mary Pereira † Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh † Mathilda Gracias † Elena Cinelli Intention of Leocadia Shiekh Intention of David Gracias Intention of Bunny & James Santos |
Fri May 3 07:30 PM | † Eldon Morrison Augustin † Joseph Philips † Erlinda Castro Intention of Rabi & Fredrick Martyn Intention Joaquim Almeida & Maria Santimano |
Sat May 4 09:00 AM | Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh |
Sat May 4 05:00 PM | † Amanda Reyes |
Are we Christians like withered branches? Or do our lives pulsate with Christ’s life as we are trained, pruned and purified for a more abundant existence, to God’s glory? Today’s gospel insists that, cut off from Christ the vine, our lives are without meaning and our accomplishments have no value. Because the vinedresser prizes the vine, branches are trimmed if they remain sterile. Everything hinges on our union with Christ, for it is through him that we share in God’s own life. If we live for God’s glory, the requests we make to God will be answered, Jesus promises. The abundant fruit of union with Christ can be seen in Paul’s fearless preaching after his conversion, and in the growth if the churches referred to in Acts; these flourished and knew God’s comfort despite difficulties. John’s letter tells us that God expects faith in Jesus and active love, not just talk. If we are trying to love, we should not lose heart because of failures. God will make sure that we bear fruit to his glory.
Sunday Mass Book
September, 8-15, 2024 Join the Archdiocese of Toronto Delegation!
Traditionally every four years, the Holy Father invites pilgrims from around the world to join in an International Eucharistic Congress. This year’s event will take place in Quito, Ecuador from September 8-15, 2024. Limited spaces are available for pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Toronto to join with other Canadian delegates to travel to Ecuador.
To learn more about the pilgrimage & for paper registrations: https://www.archtoronto.org/siteassets/media/offices–ministries/sub-sites/iec/toronto-quito-program-form-2024.pdf
Registration deadline: June 6, 2024
Early Bird pricing: available until May 6, 2024.

For parishioners who could not book an appointment for their family’s photoshoot, more dates are available now: Apr 20, May 23, May 24 & May 25.
Sacremental Preparation
We are seeking a casual Custodian to provide coverage for employee absences on as-needed basis from Apr 30 to Oct 31, 2024. This position is responsible for handling the custodial and maintenance duties of the parish building and parish grounds.
To apply or to recommend someone you know, please contact Marla Tanuan at (416) 282-0370 EXT. 204
National Association of Catholic Nurses Canada
Wednesday, May 1 2024 7:00—8:30 PM
Email us for the link to hear Dr. Moira McQueen speak about the implications of Humanae Vitae and Donum Vitae for Catholic nurses. This event is open to Catholic nurses worldwide through the Family Committee of our parent association, CICIAMS.
Our goal is to align professional practice with faith through prayer, education, service, and participation in public discourse. Please join us as a member through our website.
CONTACT: NACN-Canada PO Box 19525, Manulife PO, 55 Bloor St. W.
Day of Reflection and Prayer for the Bereaved
Saturday, May 4, 2024 – 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Manresa Jesuit Renewal Centre (2325 Liverpool Rd.)
You will have the opportunity to share your grief story in a community of faith and to reflect in a prayerful way on your experience, to draw renewed strength and hope to continue the journey.
Suggested Offering: $65 per person (includes lunch)
Please contact: Mary Hyland – 905-441-0957

The Church long ago dedicated the month of May to honour of Mary, our Blessed Mother.
Therefore again this year on Wednesday, May 1 @ 7:00 PM sharp, there will be a simple ceremony in her Honour which includes Marian hymns, an indoor procession and “Crowning of Mary”. All are welcome—bring the children and a flower or two and assemble in the Narthex a few minutes before 7:00 PM.
See the poster at church exits or contact Bonnie at (416) 282-0370 EXT. 252.
Spiritus East Young Adult Ministry (ages 19-35)
WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 – 7:00—9:00 PM
The next Spiritus East ministry night for Young Adults will be at St. Joseph’s Parish (200 Morrish Rd).
We have something exciting planned so please stay tuned for more details to come. Invite a friend and see you there!
For more information or to get involved, please contact Samantha Goh, Eastern Region Young Adult Minister at spirituseast@gmail.com or 416.599.7676
The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is offering a scholarship of $3,000 to attend St. Michael's College

This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school education, and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first choice.
The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Sciences, Computer Science, or Humanities and Social Sciences. The applications must be submitted by May 31, 2024.
For further information, please contact Tania Mascarenhas (647) 542-1274.
Youth Ministry Fundraiser
Consider supporting the Youth Ministry Fundraiser BLITZ. Your donations will help more youth participate in EDGE Camp and Leadership Camp.
The youth will also accept prayer requests. Thank you in advance for your kind support.
Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: JTanuan@archtoronto.org or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.