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Masses for the Week

Sat May 4 09:00 AMNaseem (Jimmy) Shiekh
Sat May 4 05:00 PM† Amanda Reyes
Sun May 5 09:00 AM† Fr. Pete Fleming
Sun May 5 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun May 5 07:00 PMIntention of Rosario Bueno
Mon May 6 09:00 AM† Anthony Di Nova
Tue May 7 09:00 AMIntention of Alejo & Juanita Parucha
Wed May 8 09:00 AM† Sebastian Mbaiya
Thu May 9 09:00 AM† Mathilda Gracias
Fri May 10 09:00 AM† Eufemia Teresa Machulec
† Rebeca B. Quiogue
† Rita Aguiar
† Derek D’Souza
† Rossella Barone
† Mathilda Gracias
Intention of Ricardo & Cornelia Chua
Intention of Rosily Joseph Palakattu
Sat May 11 09:00 AMIntention of Lucia Sandra Fernandes
Sat May 11 05:00 PMIntention of Glynis Remedios

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Today’s gospel, which continues last Sunday’s about the vine and the branches, lets us glimpse the Church as Christ wants it to be. Although comprised of sinful human beings, the Church is to be the concrete sign in the world of God’s love. Our model is the loving communion of Father and Son, our pattern the ready obedience of Jesus. Obeying with him brings tremendous joy. God’s command to his Son, to love us even to laying down his life, is Jesus’ command to his followers. The crucial test of discipleship is selfless love, which is not a feeling but an attitude of living for one another. By teaching us the secret of his life and actions, Jesus has made us his friends, choosing and commissioning us as a community to manifest God’s love to the world. Even as this chosen community, we have no right to put limits on God’s activity and make rules for the Holy Spirit: this is the message of Acts. As John’s letter says so memorably, God is love. Do we as Church convey this astonishing message, which Jesus acted out on his own life?


September, 8-15, 2024
Join the Archdiocese of Toronto Delegation!

Traditionally every four years, the Holy Father invites pilgrims from around the world to join in an International Eucharistic Congress. This year’s event will take place in Quito, Ecuador from September 8-15, 2024. Limited spaces are available for pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Toronto to join with other Canadian delegates to travel to Ecuador.


Robert Nevins Selvadurai is to be ordained to the Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Toronto SATURDAY, May 25, 2024 at St. Michael’s Cathedral.
Please remember him in your prayers. Canon Law obliges Catholics to reveal any impediment to sacred orders to the bishop or pastor.


May 23, May 24 & May 25

For parishioners who could not book an appointment for their family’s photoshoot, more dates are available now.

Sacremental Preparation




SATURDAY, May 11, 2024

Join us in the largest city in the country and stand united with the pro-life movement against the injustice of abortion. Over 100,000 abortions take place each year and about 40% of those abortions take place in Ontario. We need to take a stand and be a voice for the voiceless pre-born children who lose their lives each year in Canada.

Sign up for updates or workshops at

Handicraft Holy Land Christians

Christians in the Holy Land graciously ask your support through conscience prayers and will have many unique hand carved olive wood religious art pieces made by these families in Bethlehem available for purchase after every mass on the weekend of May 11-12. Proceeds of the sales generate much needed employment for our Christian brothers and sisters in Bethlehem. May God Bless you for your generosity, for you help and for your prayers. You can visit & support at


Women’s Day Retreat

SATURDAY, May 9, 2024 – 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre (1617 Blythe Road)

Cost: $45.00 includes lunch

For more information, contact: Jean 905-278-5229 or

Catholic Education Week — “We Are Called To Love”

During Catholic Education Week (May 5 – 10, 2024), we give thanks for the gift of publicly funded Catholic Education in our province. Catholic schools foster supportive communities where children can experience the joy of God’s love and understand the Christian mission in the world.

Together, our parishes,educators and families sow and nurture the seeds of faith with the next generation of Catholics, encouraging them to live lives of holiness and Christian witness as one body in Christ.

To indicate your support of Catholic education and sign-up for email updates, visit:


Spiritus East Young Adult Ministry (ages 19 – 35)

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 – 7:00—9:00 PM

St. Joseph’s Parish (200 Morrish Rd.)

The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that human dignity/rights should be protected. Every person has a fundamental right to life. Join us to learn about the dignity of human life with a focus on bioethics.

Seminarian Karl Hartman will be moderating the Q & A panel to answer questions you may have on the following topics: euthanasia, disabilities, abortion, IVF, contraception, and NFP.

For more information or to get involved, please contact Samantha Goh, Eastern Region Young Adult Minister at or 416.599.7676

The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is offering a scholarship of $3,000 to attend St. Michael's College

CWL Logo

This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school education, and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first choice.

The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Sciences, Computer Science, or Humanities and Social Sciences. The applications must be submitted by May 31, 2024.

For further information, please contact Tania Mascarenhas (647) 542-1274.

Youth Ministry Fundraiser 

Consider supporting the Youth Ministry Fundraiser BLITZ. Your donations will help more youth participate in EDGE Camp and Leadership Camp. 

The youth will also accept prayer requests. Thank you in advance for your kind support.

Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.