- Posted On 11th May 2024
Masses for the Week
Sat May 11 09:00 AM | Intention of Lucia Sandra Fernandes |
Sat May 11 05:00 PM | Intention of Glynis Remedios |
Sun May 12 09:00 AM | † Hector & Merlyn Rebello |
Sun May 12 11:00 AM | People of the Parish |
Sun May 12 07:00 PM | † Mateo Tanuan |
Mon May 13 09:00 AM | Intention of Mario & Maria Simao |
Tue May 14 09:00 AM | † Mathilda Gracias |
Wed May 15 09:00 AM | † Odilia Yiu |
Thu May 16 09:00 AM | † Ronald Zong |
Fri May 17 09:00 AM | † Mathilda Gracias † Elvira James † Kenneth & Lillian Murrell † Antoinette Silva † Armando Lorayes † Ronald Zong † Marietta Civello † Giuseppe Paesano † Bernard Sheehan Intention of Suzette Nahar & family |
Sat May 18 09:00 AM | † Kaylie L. Rodrigues |
Sat May 18 05:00 PM | Intention of Glynis Remedios |
Within the fifty days of Easter, the feast of the Ascension emphasizes Jesus’ return to the Father and its consequence: his charge to make disciples of the world. The letter to the Ephesians tells us that Jesus is head of the Church, his body on earth. We see him asserting this authority both in Acts and the Gospel as he takes leave of his followers. Through preaching, sacramental ministry and instruction, the Church will continue Christ’s work of making disciples. The misunderstanding and doubt which characterize his followers as he says farewell makes it clear that this work is God’s, not human doing. It is the Spirit of Christ who gives faith and strength to these human witnesses and makes it possible for them to continue Jesus’s work in the world. One day the entire human family will recognize God to be God, and Christ will be worshipped as king and head of humankind. To hasten that day we join the psalmist in singing God’s praise.
Sunday Mass Book
Save The dates - 170 years celebration
May 23, May 24 & May 25
Sacremental Preparation

September, 8-15, 2024
Join the Archdiocese of Toronto Delegation!
Handicraft Holy Land Christians
Christians in the Holy Land graciously ask your support through conscience prayers and will have many unique hand carved olive wood religious art pieces made by these families in Bethlehem available for purchase after every mass on the weekend of May 11-12.
Proceeds of the sales generate much needed employment for our Christian brothers and sisters in Bethlehem.
May God Bless you for your generosity, for you help and for your prayers. You can visit & support at

Please remember him in your prayers. Canon Law obliges Catholics to reveal any impediment to sacred orders to the bishop or pastor.
2024 Spring Gala
WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2024, 5:30 – 9:00 PM
Martyrs’ Shrine (Vaughan, ON)
Featured keynote by His Grace Archbishop Francis Leo
Special performance by the St. Michael’s Choir School
For more information and to register:
The Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is offering a scholarship of $3,000 to attend St. Michael's College

This scholarship is open to any young woman who is of Catholic faith, who is completing her secondary school education, and who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first choice.
The applicant must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science in one of the following areas of study: Commerce, Sciences, Computer Science, or Humanities and Social Sciences. The applications must be submitted by May 31, 2024.
For further information, please contact Tania Mascarenhas (647) 542-1274.
Do you feel called?
Before the Ascension, Jesus tells His Apostles not to leave Jerusalem – to wait – to pray for the Holy Spirit to show them God’s will for their future.
Where is the Holy Spirit leading you?
If you feel that you are being led to be a priest, religious, or permanent deacon, call Fr. Matt McCarthy, Director of Vocations, Archdiocese of Toronto at 416-968-0997 or email
Youth Ministry Fundraiser
Consider supporting the Youth Ministry Fundraiser BLITZ. Your donations will help more youth participate in EDGE Camp and Leadership Camp.
The youth will also accept prayer requests. Thank you in advance for your kind support.
Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.