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Masses for the Week

Sat Sep 21 09:00 AM† Fernando Padilla
Sat Sep 21 05:00 PM† Steve Martino
Sun Sep 22 09:00 AMIntention of Minora Coutinho & family
Sun Sep 22 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Sep 22 07:00 PM† Rita Aguiar
Mon Sep 23 09:00 AMIntention of Mario & Maria Simao
Tue Sep 24 09:00 AMIntention of James & Reina Santos
Wed Sep 25 09:00 AMIntention of Patricia Furtado
Thu Sep 26 09:00 AM† Betty Dambrosio
Fri Sep 27 09:00 AM† Florentino Reyes
† Gloria & Aurora Osoteo
† Sara Riggio & Antoinette McCabe
† Thomas McCabe
† Walter Pazin
† Deceased members of Riggi family
† Joseph Michael St. Louis
† Luzvimindo & Julieta Baguio
† Brian McIlhagga
† Catherine Korchinski
Sat Sep 28 09:00 AM† Micaela Lived Ilar
Sat Sep 28 05:00 PM† Jack Pais

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For the second time, immediately after his transfiguration, Jesus predicts his passion. The disciples listen in disbelief; they do not want to hear. Their argument over rank shows how remote their thoughts are from willingness to suffer with the Master. Jesus counters their struggle for power by insisting that the greatest among them must become the servant of all. Jesus presents as example for discipleship a child, one who had no importance in the ancient world. Christ has aligned himself with those who have no prestige or importance; if we welcome them, Jesus promises, we shall find ourselves welcoming him and the Father also. Do we try to reconcile discipleship with a struggle for prestige? The letter of James speaks plainly of the bitter fruits of jealousy and ambition. In the first reading, the echoes of Jesus’ own suffering remind us that he was persecuted by those who seemed to be just. Do we persecute other believers? Or are we ready to be a servant Church, accepting a share in Jesus’ suffering and humiliation in order to share in his glory?

Dr Josephine Lombardi

Thanksgiving Retreat with Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Thanksgiving Retreat Living with the Lord’s prayer in preparation for the Jubilee year of hope with Dr. Josephine Lombardi author | educator | documentary film maker Join us Saturday october 19, 2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm st josephs church 200 morrish road 9:00 am holy mass 9:30 am break

banner quiz 2024

Bible Quiz 2024 – Registration

Parishioners, we invite you to a Family and Friends Game Night, an evening full of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition at our
Parish Bible Quiz Evening! on October 26 after the 5 pm mass in the Parish Hall.
This event is designed to bring our church community together, deepen our understanding of the Scriptures, and enjoy a lively and engaging experience. Whether you are a seasoned Bible scholar, or someone just eager to learn, or a quiz-pro eager to show your skills, this quiz evening promises to be both enlightening and enjoyable for everyone.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

September 20-22, 2024 

12 Jocelyn CrescentToronto, Ontario M3B 1A2 

Fall in Love Again! 

Are you ready for more growth and happiness in your marriage or priesthood? 

Join us on September 20-22 at Queen of Apostles for a weekend that could change your life. 

Discover the Secrets to a Lasting, Supportive, and Transformational Marriage! 

This weekend is for couples, whether you are newlyweds or have been married for decades.  It’s also perfect for priests looking to deepen their relationship with their communities. 

Call us NOW: Christian and Elizabeth Arroba 

416-554-4439 | 416-554-7062 | 

Campaign Life Coalition Presents - LIFE CHAIN

Life Chain is a prayerful and peaceful witness to the sanctity of human life and the evil of abortion. Partici-pants pray and hold signs with messages such as “ Abortion kills children” & “ Abortions hurts women” at hundreds of lo-cations across North America for one hour. Please join us at 

Lawrence / Kingston road on October 6, 2024 at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. This is a family-friendly event appropriate for peo-ple of all ages. It’s a unique opportunity to provide our neigh-bors with a much-needed message of love, hope, and truth. Remember how our Lord asked His apostles: 

Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mk 14:37) 

Kindly reach out to St. Joseph’s Parish  contact person Carlo Vacca at 416-283-3536 

Planning a wedding in a year’s time?

Search no further! 

First, set up a meeting with the Pastor or Associate Pastor then Join us for our marriage prepara-tion program. Learn more about the Catholic teachings on mar-riage with our seasoned team of marriage course facilitators. Ex-plore with other marriage preparation participants important topics such as faith, family, communication skills, finance-management, and goal-building using the rich resources from the Joy-Filled Marriage course. The 6 weekly sessions fulfill the marriage prep-aration course required to be married in the Catholic Church. Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:30 pm from October 2, 2024 to November 6, 2024.

For more details or to register, call the Parish Office at 416-282-0370 or email 

fall colours tour

Fifty Plus Senior Club Presents 

Wednesday , Oct. 2, 2024 

Parishoners are invited to join Fr. Francis on a bus tour to enjoy beautiful fall colours in Southern Georgian Bay. The trip in-cludes a guided museum tour, a delicious lunch and a visit to Blue Mountain Village. Cost: $124.00 per person. Depart: 8:00 am—Return: 6:00 pm (Bus will be at church parking lot). 

A limited number of seats are still available. 

First come—First serve. 

For tickets, please call Maureen Van Pinxteren at 416-284-4213 


and those who missed receiving their sacraments at the usual time! 


Register for CONFIRMATION  

breathing space - online caregiver program


Breathing Space is an open 7-week support group to learn skills, develop coping strategies, and provide you  support and resource in a safe,  welcoming, and non-judgmental environment. 

Psychoeducation Topics

  1. Maintaining Emotional Balance (Oct. 16, 2024) 
  2. Living a Wholehearted Life While Dealing with Chronic  Illness (Oct. 23, 2024) 
  3. I Matter Too: Caregiver Stress and Family Relationships  (Nov. 6, 2024) 
  4. Healthcare Resources and Technology Scams Prevention (Nov. 13, 2024) 
  5. Coping with illness, Maintaining Independence, and Self  Care (Nov. 20, 2024) 
  6. Handling Pain and Suffering; Bereavement and Grief (Nov. 27, 2024) 

For further information & to register,  please contact Corina Sumaway 416-921-1163 ext. 2230 

legion of Mary

Are you questioning your connection to God? 

The Legion of Mary has the answer. 

As a Legionary you will find a path to self-sanctification by emulating the virtues of our Blessed Mother, through a regimen of a prayer and apostolic work on regular basis.  Join us at our meeting on Tuesday evenings and accompany us on our weekly work to witness first-hand the joys of serving the Lord. 

To attend meeting as a guest, please contact Debra or Nestor Silveira @ 416-286-3932 


Youth Ministry Fundraiser 

Registration for youth in grade 6, 7, and 8 begins on  September 16th. EDGE will meet on the 2nd and 4th  Fridays of the month, starting October 11th. 

Come discover Ethereal Realm Heroes! 

Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.