December 17th 2017: Third Sunday of Advent Year A


New to the Parish? Welcome!

You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.

If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.

Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.

Christmas & New Year Schedule

The 2017 Christmas & New Year’s Schedule is now available!

Masses for the Week

Sat. Dec. 16

  • 9:00 am † Winnie Chinniah
  • 5:00 pm † Natalie & Vitorino Rodrigues

Sun. Dec. 17

  • 9:00 am † Giuseppe Cornacchia
  • 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
  • 7:00 pm † Vineznzo & Maria Giordano

Mon. Dec. 18

  • 9:00 am Intention of Marylou & Brian Halferty

Tues. Dec. 19

  • 9:00 am † Bernadette D’Nova

Wed. Dec. 20

  • 9:00 am † Ercole Raponi

Thurs. Dec. 21

  • 9:00 am † Martin Coyle

Fri. Dec. 22

  • 9:00 am
    • Intention of Maria Guya
    • Intention of Cuong Vu Family
    • † Ena, Neville & John DaSilva
    • † Rosa Dizon
    • † Vinzi Moione

Sat. Dec. 23

  • 9:00 am † Hannoriah Fitzgerald
  • 5:00 pm Intention of Royce D’Souza & family


For Isaiah the image of wasteland represents the state of humanity unredeemed. But God is coming to save us, and the prophet calls on the wilderness to break into bloom. Just as nature’s beauty reflects the Lord’s approaching splendor, our lives should radiate joy. For God’s people are about to be made whole; he is ransoming (redeeming) us. Everlasting happiness will replace the suffering we experience while exiled from God. In the gospel Jesus applies to himself Isaiah’s words about the Messiah who saves the poor, the ill, the disabled. Jesus himself will bring in the age of joy. But in his prison cell John the Baptist questioned whether Jesus fit the Messiah’s description; John’s message had emphasized vengeance. Jesus’ ministry will perfect our understanding of how God saves: the role of God brings healing, it is not imposed by might or in wrath. Those who witness Christ’s work are even more blessed than John, the one who prepared his way.

(Sunday Mass Book For Canada)

Holiday Office Hours

On Friday, December 22nd the office will close at 12:30 p.m. We will reopen on Wednesday, December 27th.

We are closed on Monday January 1st and will reopen on Tuesday January 2nd @ 9:00 a.m.

Christmas Confessions

The Archdiocesan Day of Confessions  is scheduled for:

  • Thursday, December 14 at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Parish Advent Reconciliation Service  is scheduled for:

  • Monday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Good Shepherd – Provide A Meal Program 2018

Sacramental Ministry – Welcome to our 2017-18 season!

See the Reconciliation & First Holy Communion sacrament page for more details

See the Confirmation sacrament page for more details

Enrollment Mass: Tuesday November 14th @ 7:00 p.m.

Parent Volunteer Screening & Facilitator

Workshop: Sunday November 19th @ 12:30 p.m. in Church Hall

ArchDiocese of Toronto – Win Great Prizes!!!

By participating in the Friars’ Student Writing Award Students aged 14-18 are invited to write a 500 word essay on the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, celebrated January 18—25, 2018.

The theme for this coming year is “Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power” (cf. Exodus 15:6).

Students should read the Scripture passage Exodus 15:1-21 and respond to the following question in the essay:

Just as the Israelites sought deliverance from enslavement, in contemporary society the dignity of all people is threatened by new enslavements to poverty, violence, injustice and addictions. In what ways can Christians of all denominations work together to stave off these assaults to human dignity? Explain.

First prize is an IPad Pro (128 GB), second prize is a Kobo Aura H2O Edition2 and third to sixth prizes are a one year subscription to The Catholic Register and other prizes.Essays will be edited and published in The Catholic Register.

Deadline for entries is January 8, 2018. E-mail your essay to or FAX it to 416-934-3409 (please include your full name, email address, phone number and the name of your school on the front page of the essay).

For further information please call 416-934-3400 ext. 344 or 416-934-3410 ext. 403 or 1-855-441-4077.

An opportunity you should not miss!

A Note of Gratitude

Our parish Christmas Party this year was very successful. More people attended than we had ever imagined or hoped for. It was, indeed, an enriching time-together for young and old alike.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the members of the Parish Social Committee, the many enthusiastic volunteers, the members of the different choirs and the individuals who gave very generously of their time, talents and resources. These make it possible for us to have a good time together. To them, we remain ever grateful.

Father Oliver Iwuchukwu, CSSp.

Christmas Postal Stamp

The tradition of religious Christmas Postage Stamps is no accident. This was the result of a resolution presented and accepted by The Catholic Women’s League of Canada in its 85th Annual National Convention, who urged Canada Post to include a Nativity-related theme in future Christmas stamps. As Catholics we are very privileged to have these annual religious stamps produced by Canada Post, however, this tradition must be supported by us in order for it to continue.

The Christmas Postage Stamp for 2017 is an early 15th Century Renaissance painting by Tommaso di Stefano Lunetti entitled: The Adoration of the Shepherds.

This masterpiece is housed at the Art Gallery of Toronto and it depicts the gospel of Luke when angles announced the birth of Jesus to humble shepherds.

It is important that you ask for this specific stamp from your local Post  Office as they are available during the Christmas season only. You are welcome to use them throughout the year. Please grace your Christmas mailings with these special stamps to ensure this tradition endures.