May 7th 2017: Fourth Easter Sunday – Year A

Masses for the Week

Sat. May 6 St. Dominic Savio Feast Day

  • 9:00 am CWL Members living and deceased
  • 5:00 pm †Rosario Calandra

Sun. May 7

  • 9:00 am †Ercole Raponi
  • 11:00 am For the People of the Parish
  • 7:00 pm †Joseph Philips

Mon. May 8

  • 9:00 am †Sebastian Mbaiya

Tues. May 9

  • 9:00 am †Nicole Ishmael Carolyn & Family

Wed. May 10

  • 9:00 am †Norman Hutton & Family

Thurs. May 11

  • 9:00 am Intention of Joseph Harper

Fri. May 12

  • 9:00 am
    • Intention of Mary Jane Springer & Family
    • Intention of Joe & Dianne Lall & Family
    • †Winnifred & Henderson Hunte
    • †Eusebio San Juan
    • †Genoveva & Simplicio Sr. Paraan

Sat. May 13

  • 9:00 am †Dorothy Johns


The good shepherd is very possessive of his sheep. They are his personal property and a gift from the Father. He knows them well and promises them the greatest of gifts, life for ever. No one will ever be able to steal them; like a nomadic shepherd, he will fight off thieves. This close relationship of Jesus with the believer is modelled on the loving union of Father and Son. An anxious love.

What must be the attitude of believers face to face with their shepherd? They listen to their master’s voice and follow him so as not to become lost. But we are not the only ones he longs to guide and protect. The reading from Acts insists on the universality of salvation. We who experience God’s love should lead others to him . The vision described in Revelation shows innumerable people worshipping God in paradise. They have been washed clean in the blood of the sacrificed Lamb, who is at the same time their shepherd. With him their joy will last eternally.

Sunday Mass Book For Canada

Celebrating 100th Anniversary of Fatima

Saturday May 13th @ 1:30 p.m.

Newman Centre, 89 St. George Street

All are invited to celebrate the 100th  anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima  with a Solemn mass.

Rosary begins at 1:30 p.m.

All are welcome for refreshments in the house after Mass.

Novena to our lady of Fatima will be said after every mass from May 4 to 12. There will be a special holy hour on Friday, May 12th from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as for those being ordained on May 13th.

For more information visit

New to St. Joseph’s Parish?

Firstly, welcome to the Family!

At all entrances you can find our Registration forms.

Please feel free to complete a form and drop it into one of our Offertory Baskets.

When completing this form, please include your full contact information and if you require Donation Envelopes.

In addition, you can tick off any interest you have.

Our secretary will notify our Ministries of your interest.

St. Joseph’s CWL Social & Craft

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Conscience Rights in a Faith Context

Monday, May 15th @ 7:00 p.m.

St. Michael’s Cathedral, 65 Bond Street

The Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute presents:

A Catholic response to euthanasia and physician assisted death. Keynote address from Cardinal

Gerhard Muller, Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Vatican)

7:00 p.m. Evening prayer service

7:30 p.m. Keynote address

Visit for more information

Archdiocesan Day of Prayer for Vocations

The Day of Prayer for Vocations will take place on Friday, May 12th. On this day, parishes across the Archdiocese of Toronto may have prayer events dedicatee specifically for vocations to the priesthood, religious and consecrated life. We ask you to keep our five candidates in your prayers along with all those who are discerning or are currently in formation. For more information, please contact your parish for local events.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

For more information check:

Did you know?

Mary, the Immaculate Virgin of Nazareth, through her free and feminine “Yes” consented to the conception of (the) Divine Word in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, and thus mediated the “one Mediator” to the world, bringing salvation to the human race. So begins “The Role of Mary in Redemption”, a document of the Theological Commission requesting that Pope Francis publicly acknowledge and honour Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as the “Co-Redemptrix with Jesus the Redeemer.” (National Catholic Register)

Planning to replace your lawn mower this season?

We are looking for a functioning self -propelled lawn mower here at St. Joseph’s.

If you have such an item please get in touch with Ben our Caretaker @ 416-578-7301.

Thank you for your consideration.

Congratulations to our Confirmation Candidates.

May the power of the Holy Spirit provide you guidance and peace through your life.

Good Shepherd Provide–A-Meal Program

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2017 Annual Charities Lottery—July 13, 2017

Over 500 prizes to be won! Tickets: $5.00 each

All proceeds are raised for Special Olympics and Arthritis Society

Living the Gospel by providing for those in need…

“One of the core components of our Pastoral Plan is Catholic Outreach in Justice and Love. As a Catholic community we are called to be the hands and face of Jesus in our communities. One of the ways that we do this is through our annual ShareLife appeal, which provides resources to agencies serving the poor and marginalized not only in our archdiocese, but also around the world. ShareLife is a tangible way that we can put the Gospel value to love one another as I have loved you into action, and I invite all parishioners to support the mission work of the Catholic church by making a sacrificial gift to ShareLife.”

Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto

Today is ShareLife Sunday—Thank you for your generosity.