October 23 2016: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
- Posted On 22nd Oct 2016
Masses for the Week – October 22 – 29, 2016
Sat Oct 22
- 9:00am †Frances Feruglio
- 5:00pm †Ann Sequeira
Sun Oct 23
- 9:00am †Intention of the Fernandes Family
- 11:00am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00pm †Erlinda Escobilla
Mon Oct 24
- 9:00am †Emmanuel Aquino
Tues Oct 25
- 9:00am †Glenn Vermuelen
Wed Oct 26
- 9:00am †Gianna Louise Johansen
Thurs Oct 27
- 9:00am †Josef Lang
Fri Oct 28
- 9:00am
- †Daniel Couture
- †Valeria Crasto †Ercole Raponi
- †Luz & Francisco Baguiro
- †Vince Maoni
Sat Oct 29
- 9:00am †Valerio Crasto
- 5:00pm †Cristino Balin
Can we count ourselves as just in God’s sight, or are we made just by God? From Christ’s judgement on the prayers of the Pharisee and tax collector, we learn the attitude we must have before God. The Pharisee was a model of piety; the tax collector’s occupation made sinlessness almost impossible. The Pharisee thanked God for his virtue, but was more preoccupied with himself than with pray-er. The tax collector, on the other hand, acknowledged his sinfulness both by posture and prayer. Jesus’ comment on these two figures praying in the Temple astonished his hearers, for the sinner is saved by God’s declaration while the virtuous per-son is condemned. We are all “graced sinners” who cannot be saved by our own merits. In the first reading, we hear how God welcomes the prayers of little people and does not delay to save them. The second reading shows us Paul in his prison cell as martyrdom nears. Without false modesty he looks back over the works God has done in his life trusting that Christ will give him a crown of glory. May we too have reason for confidence at the end our lives!
Sunday Mass Book
Fall Ball 2016
FRI. NOV. 4TH. from 6:30 P.M-.1 A.M.
430 NUGGET AVE. (West of Markham Rd.)
- Rupert Johnson@416-283-3976
- Mike McManus@416-438-8453
EDGE – St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry
Calling all grade 6, 7 and 8 students!!!
Come and be part of EDGE, St Joseph’s Youth Ministry every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. LAUNCH DATE is Friday Oct 28th.
EDGE themes span from our EPIC UNIVERSE to ONE DIRECTION. Have fun while being challenged, inspired and drawn closer to Christ. Information and registration forms are in the Narthex or go to the parish’s website: www.stjosephstoronto.org to register online.
Come & See Weekend – St. Augustine’s Seminary
November 4 -6, 2016
Inviting single Catholic men, 17 years and older, to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus Christ; leading to a better discernment of God’s call for their lives. Time for prayer, reflection and in-formation the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples as a Catholic priest. Please contact the Office of Vocations at 416-968-0997; or email: vocations@archtoronto.org.
Tenth Anniversary Solemn High Mass on the Feast of Christ the King
October 30,2016
2:00 pm
St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica 65 Bond Street, Toronto
Homilist: Cardinal Thomas Collins
In thanksgiving and celebration: The Tenth Anniversary of the founding of St. Patrick’s Gregorian Choir, Toronto (on the Feast of Christ the King, 2006) by Surinder S. Mundra, choir director. All are welcome. We invite those who wish to sing this music to come, hear, see and join us.
Poles Saving Jews – World War II Rescue Stories
November 1, 2016
7:00 pm
Scarboro Missions 2685 Kingston Rd., Scarborough
The film, “Without a Doubt” is an interview with a Polish man Franciszek Paslawski who risked his life to save Jews during the Nazi persecution in Poland. Viewing of the film will be followed by a personal testimony by Sally Wasserman, a Jewish Holocaust survivor. This event is free and open to all.
Catholic Moms Group
Love, laughter, moments of Grace
Our Parish will be starting a Mothers Group soon. An opportunity for moms to connect with other moms!!! Are you a mom? Do you want to meet other Catholic moms and share experiences? Do you want to be refreshed? Nourish your faith? Then come to the first meeting of moms on Thursday, October 20th ,2016, from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
For more information, please contact Cecilia Côte at cote.cecilia@gmail.com or 647-648-4026 or see the poster on the Bulletin Board.
Knights of Columbus – Bingo & Chili Night
St. Joseph’s – St. Martin De Porres
“Knights of Columbus – Bingo & Chili Night”
- St. Joseph’s Church Hall
- Saturday, October 29, 2016 – 7 p.m.
- Admission $5 – includes chili
- Bingo Cards $5 – good for all games
- Raffle- Door Prizes – Chili – Bingo
Come Join the Fun
Tickets on sale after each Mass
Contact: Mike McManus 416-438-8453
Tickets are on sale at the back of the church for the Knights of Columbus Bingo-Chili Night to be held in the church hall on Satur-day, Oct. 29th at 7:00 p.m. Admission tickets are only $5 which includes a bowl of chili and bingo cards are $5 which are good for all games. Come join the fun of our first Bingo Night as all proceeds will go to charities.
Line Dancing Classes
Come one, come all and have some fun!
St. Joseph’s Parish Hall (200 Morrish Road)
Start Time 7:00p.m. $2.00 per class
Refreshments & Snacks
- Wednesdays: October 12, 19, 26
- Wednesdays: November 9, 16, 23, 30
- Wednesdays: December, 7, 14, 21 (Room 2)
We invite all members, parishioners and friends.
For more information contact: Ingrid Hart at 416-282-8775
Refugee Outreach Committee Food Drive – October 2016
In the morning of the last Saturday of every month, many families come from all directions to visit us. Gathering here at the church allows these families – mostly newcomers to Canada – to meet new friends, exchange vital information and enjoy carefully pre-pared refreshments. Parents may obtain donated clothing for themselves and their children as well as food and other household necessities.
While we currently have sufficient clothing on hand, over the summer our food stocks were depleted and we must now replen-ish our shelves in order to continue to assist the needy in our community. (On the last Saturday of September sixty families arrived looking for help).
On the weekend of October 15/16, bags will be available to fill and return on the following weekend of October 22/23.
A list of suggested food items and toiletries will be in each bag. It is important that food donations be non-perishable, not expired and in unbreakable containers.
If you wish, instead of bringing in food, a monetary donation would be appreciated and would allow us to purchase in bulk, where there may be shortages of high-demand items. Cheques can be made out to St. Joseph’s Church – Refugee-Outreach . Tax receipts can be requested for amounts over $20.00.
We thank you, in advance, for your continued generosity and support in helping our neighbours.
The Refugee-Outreach Committee