September 11 2016: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
- Posted On 8th Sep 2016
Masses for the Week – September 10 – 17, 2016
Sat Sept 10
- 9:00am †Blessed Frank Duff
- 5:00pm †Sonya Van Veen
Sun Sept 11
- 9:00am †Remy De Mello
- 11:00am For the People of the Parish
- 7:00pm Intention of Caitlyn Santos
Mon Sept 12
- 9:00am †Ronald Tonner
- 9:00am †Ashley Hamilton
- 9:00am †Rita Jean Mlodozeniez
- 9:00am †Valerie Rodrigues
- 9:00am
- Intention of Nancy Jane Martineau
- †Teodoro De Salle
- †Valerie Crasto
- †Menin Rodrigues
- †Deceased Member of the Harper & Arsenault Families
Sat Sept 17
- 9:00am †Glenn Vermuelen
- 5:00pm †Sonya Van Veen
Do we share the joy of God at the return of sinners? Today’s parables defend Jesus’ ministry and table fellowship with sinners. God’s active search for the errant and great joy at their return is illustrated by the sheepherder who finds the missing sheep, the woman who discovers a lost coin, and the forgiving father who with open arms welcomes home his wandering son. The parent is so delighted at his son’s return that he does not wait for confession of sin and promise of amendment, but calls for a celebration. The older brother, however, acts like the critics who prompted these parables; he objects that his good life has been taken for granted. His father replies that he has not loved his dutiful son less, but the elder son has regained a brother. In the first reading Moses acts like Christ our mediator; he intercedes for the Israelites who have lapsed into idolatry. In the first letter to Timothy, Paul acknowledges his great sinfulness. The apostle is proof that Jesus really wants to save us, who do not fully realize what we do when we sin.
Sunday Mass Book
Movie Screening: Mother Teresa: The Legacy
Dates & Times:
- Saturday, September 24th 2016 after 4:30 p.m. Mass
- Sunday, September 25th 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
- St. Edward the Confessor Parish, 75 Churchill Ave., North York
Presented by the two-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, Ann Petrie, the film includes intimate and never-before-seen foot-age of Mother Teresa. But it is Mother Teresa’s words, finally, that reveal why she has captivated the hearts and admiration of the world. Ann Petrie will speak about her experience as she and her sister Jeanette filmed (this new saint) in 10 different countries over a period of five years. She had the honour of being invited to Mother Teresa’s canonization.
Thank You!
On behalf of the Altar Servers Ministry, I sincerely thank the members of the Knights of Columbus and CWL , parents and our Altar Servers for attending and making the Altar Servers Reunion a memorable and meaningful event. It was, indeed , an occasion that brought us all together, as a parish community, to celebrate the commendable service of our Altar Servers.
Thank you and God bless.
Eric Pinto, Altar Servers’ Ministry
St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry Invites You!!!
St Joseph’s Youth Ministry is inviting you to attend the EDGE information meeting on Sunday, September 11th at 2 PM, in the church hall. It is for all parishioners who want to know what the Youth Ministry is offering this coming year and how to get involved. If you are in grade 6, 7 or 8, this session is definitely for you and your parents. If you are in high school, college or university, and want to become a volunteer role model and leader, this information session is also definitely for you. The coordinator from the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Youth will present an overview of the EDGE program and answer questions. Members of our Parish Youth Ministry Core team will be present to meet you.
Registration will begin after the presentation. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, September 11th at 2 PM, in the church hall.
St. Michael’s Cathedral Re-dedication Celebrations – September 29 & 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016 – Feast of St. Michael the Archangel
7:00 p.m. – Mass of Re-Dedication
Please note that due to limited seating, the re-dedication Mass is by invitation only. Only those with invitations who have RSVP’d will be able to attend.
Friday, September 30, 2016
12 noon – Mass of Thanksgiving – Open to the public
In honour of workers/trades who worked tirelessly on the restoration of the cathedral. Cardinal Thomas Collins to preside. A street party on Bond St. will follow Mass. All are welcome. Seating will be available on a first-come, first -seated basis. Please arrive early to guarantee a seat.
7:00 p.m. – Sacred Music Concert
Featuring St. Michael’s Choir School and the new Opus 3907 Casavant Organ. Free tickets available online on a first-come, first-served basis as of 10:00 a.m. September 6 at Maximum four tickets per person. Please note you must have a ticket to enter the cathedral for the concert.
Any questions regarding these celebrations can be directed to We look forward to celebrating this exciting milestone with our archdiocesan community!
St. Joseph’s Parish – Games Night
Games Night, sponsored by the 50+ Club will be held on Friday September 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m at St. Joseph’s Parish, 200 Morrish Road. & Old Kingston Road
- Tickets are $10.00
- Registration begins at 6:30 p.m.
Refreshments! Cash Prizes! 50/50 Draw!
For tickets call:
- Gloria Moniz – 416-286-4878
- Iris Farley – 416-282-4910
Old Tyme Square Dancing Night
St. Joseph’s Highland Creek Council of the Catholic Women’s League invites you to the Old Tyme Square Dancing Night to be held on Saturday September 24th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Parish, 200 Morrish Rd. & Old Kingston Rd
Come one! Come All, Yippee! Let’s have some fun. Adults, Teens, Children – all are welcome.
Instructions from the best caller in Ontario, award winning Bill Hands
Admittance is Free of Charge
Donations welcomed to support our Catholic Women’s League Charities
Lay Pastoral Visitors Training
September 17, 2016 -10:30 am
St. Mary’s Church 65 Amelia St., Barrie
These sessions will prepare participants to provide pastoral visits and/or bring Holy Communion to parish-ioners who are confined in their homes, nursing homes and hospitals due to illness or infirmity. This training is also ideal as enrichment for those who already serve in the ministry to the sick. Please bring your own lunch. Registration deadline: September 12.
CONTACT: Office of Formation for Discipleship
PHONE: 416-934-3400