September 17th 2017: 24rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Posted On 16th Sep 2017

New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.
Masses for the Week
Sat. Sept. 16
- 9:00 am † Alberto Franchi
- 5:00 pm † Michael, Eliza, Lucy Travasso
Sun. Sept. 17
- 9:00 am Intention of Melville Rebeiro
- 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
- 7:00 pm † Chekai Lam
Mon. Sept. 18
- 9:00 am † Michael Fernandes
Tues. Sept. 19
- 9:00 am † Margaret Mattachini
Wed. Sept 20
- 9:00 am † Michael Boyle
Thurs. Sept 21
- 9:00 am Intention of Majella Raju
Fri. Sept. 22
- 9:00 am
- Intention of Aloisia & David Stiles
- Intention of Beth Ponce
- Intention of Danny Ho
- † Rose DeSousa
- † Robert Hamilton
Sat. Sept. 23
- 9:00 am Intention of Mario & Maria Simao
- 5:00 pm † Louis Figueira
Last Sunday we were reminded of our duty to help one another repent: today, that we must forgive without measure— because we are all sinners, even as we are all united in Christ. Since we are one in him, our lives influence one another. The teaching of Sirach, about the necessity of forgiving without nursing resentment, anticipates the unlimited mercy demanded by Jesus in the parable of the unforgiving servant. In this parable, which resembles an oriental tale, a compassionate master cancels a huge debt owed by a wealthy servant. But the later does not reciprocate when a fellow servant owes him a paltry sum and begs for further time in which to make payment. The punishment decreed for the merciless servant by an angry master brings home the truth that we cannot hope to receive God’s mercy unless we forgive others as God has already forgiven us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others, we pray to our Father. We must pass on the forgiveness we have received, or be condemned by our own lips.
(Sunday Mass Book For Canada)
Archdiocese of Toronto 175 Anniversary
Eastern Pastoral Region Celebration
Wednesday October 4, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Isaac Jogues Parish, 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering
As we celebrate the 175th anniversary, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, extends an invitation for all to join him for Mass and a reception to commemorate this historic milestone.
For more information please visit
Faith Enrichment
Weekly sessions resume on Thursday September 21st, downstairs in Room 2 after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
These involve a 1 hour gathering for anyone interested in expanding their understanding and appreciation of our Catholic faith and consist of a video presentation on various topics, for example, lives of saints, Catholic conference talks, Scripture studies, seasonal mediations/teaching, etc.
Refreshments and good company are included.
No fees, no attendance commitment required.
Come see and hear!
St. Joseph's Council – Don’t forget your dancing shoes!
Saturday September 23rd @ 7:00 we’re hosting an Old Tyme Square Dancing Night. ALL are welcome!
This event is free of charge and will be called by Award Winner Bill Hands
Contact Maureen @ 416-284-4213 with any questions.
Donations are accepted to support our charities.
Refugee Outreach
Parish Food Drive on September 23rd and 24th
The St. Joseph’s Refugee Outreach Committee is in need of replenishing food supplies for the parish food bank and asks for your help.
On the last Saturday of each month from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. we distribute 40 plus bags of food to needy families in our community.
White food bags will be distributed after all the masses on the weekend of September 16 – 17th. Please take one and return the filled bag with the suggested items for the following weekend mass. Committee members will be at all the masses to accept your generous donations.
You’re welcome to stop in on our monthly welcoming meetings on the last Saturday of every month.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Speak Up! Calling all Young People (ages 16-29)
September 19 @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Isaac Jogues Parish 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering
As the Synod on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment approaches, we want to hear from you! Faith Connections and the Office of Catholic Youth will be hosting Live Listening Session with the Toronto Bishops. You will have the opportunity to respond to Pope Francis’ questions in preparation for the Synod! Your voice is important!
Visit for more information.
Sunday School
Sunday School is beginning on Sunday October 1st!
Registration packages are found in the Narthex this weekend.
We encourage children attending public school to join in.
For more information please contact Angela Bernard @ 416-283-8442 or
St. Joseph Youth Ministry
We are inviting all Grade 6, 7 and 8 youth to join EDGE. This is a program that provides a safe, fun place for youth to find a solid Catholic community and answers to questions about faith. We also explore the reasons why we exist and come to understand who we are through song, games, fellowship and challenges. Most importantly, our focus is to experience God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a profound and personal way. We are also accepting high school and post secondary volunteers. Youth can also join our new Ultimate Frisbee team! For more information and to register, Youth Ministry members will be in the Narthex after most masses this month. Forms are also downloadable at Youth EDGE
Knights of Columbus
Meeting scheduled for Thursday September 21st @ 7:30 p.m. in Room 2
Legion of Mary
The members of St. Joseph’s Legion of Mary praesidium would like to thank Father Oliver, Father Tony, our Spiritual Director, parish Ministries as well as parishioners who responded to the invitation to commemorate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by praying 1000 continuous Hail Marys for peace and other intentions. We surpassed our goal and presented Our Blessed Mother with a beautiful spiritual bouquets of 1,100 Hail Marys.
Happy Birthday, Blessed Mother!
St Brendan Catholic School – Position Available
Lunchtime Supervisor Positions Available
We are looking for enthusiastic, hardworking and committed individuals to join our Lunchtime Supervisor staff. This role includes supervising and monitoring students during their scheduled lunch period for one hour per day. If you are interested, please come by the school (186 Centennial Road) to pick up an application package.
We look forward to seeing you!
Church Bulletin Advertising
Liturgical Publications is setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin September 2017 and supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service.
Please call Liturgical Publications at 905-624-4422 for further information.
Church Bulletin Inserts
The deadline for bulletin insert requests is the Monday prior to the weekend’s publication at 5:00 p.m.
For example the deadline for this bulletin was Monday, September 11th, 5:00 p.m.
Please submit the text of the insert by email to
(If it’s quite long, the sooner the better.)
Type in the subject line: “Bulletin Insert Request”