- Posted On 6th Sep 2023
Masses for the Week
Sat Sep 9 09:00 AM | † Leonor Leon |
Sat Sep 9 05:00 PM | † Patricio Diago |
Sun Sep 10 09:00 AM | Intention of Teresa Laberinto |
Sun Sep 10 11:00 AM | People of the Parish |
Sun Sep 10 07:00 PM | † Engr, Lope & Angela Imbong |
Mon Sep 11 09:00 AM | † Jacinto Vaz |
Tue Sep 12 09:00 AM | † Dr. Aloysius & Bridget DeSouza |
Wed Sep 13 09:00 AM | † Dr. Aloysius DeSouza |
Thu Sep 14 09:00 AM | † Cecilia Damian |
Fri Sep 15 09:00 AM | † Jose Desa † Rita D’Lima † Consolacion Carandang † Peter N. X. & Isaura Gomes † Raul Chito Reyes † Escolastica Martins † Deceased members of the Deidrick family Intention of Caitlyn Santos Intention of Alanna DiNova Intention of Rick and Connie Chua |
Sat Sep 16 09:00 AM | † Cyril Mascarenhas |
Sat Sep 16 05:00 PM | † Dr. Aloysius & Bridget DeSouza |
Prophets live a hard life. If they struggle with their vocation, it is because of its demands. Speaking God’s word can make us unpopular; not to speak it gives us responsibility for our neighbor’s fate. The first reading assumes that we are linked by unbreakable bonds as members of the human family. In the gospel, Jesus calls on the individual Christian, and then the community, to win back the person who has erred. The entire community shares the responsibility of witnessing to the gospel, and it is the disciples together who must decide when a member is to be excluded from their communion. Yet this is not to be done without heartfelt prayer for the sinner’s repentance—a prayer for which Jesus promises an answer. He is in our midst when we gather in his name. The second reading presents the attitude which must govern the Church’s decisions regarding its members. Each of us has a responsibility toward the other members of the Church, and toward all God’s children, to keep the commandments. Love of our neighbor is the key and the answer to all God’s commands. It is much easier to win over a wrongdoer to repentance if we seek out that person in love.
Sunday Mass Book for Canada
CWL Pilgrimage to Martyrs’ Shrine Sunday September 10, 2023
Reserve Your Seat! by august 31, 2023 $45 per person pickup at 8:00 am st joseph parish 200 morrish road scarborough – contact – melrose:
Weekly sessions resume on Thurs the 21st, downstairs in the Hall in Room 2 after the 9AM Mass. These involve a 1-hour gathering for anyone interested in expanding their understanding and appreciation of our Catholic faith and a video presentation on various topics, such as the life of Saints, Scripture studies, etc. Refreshments and good company are included.
No fees and attendance commitment required. Come and see!
St. Joseph’s Parish – Euchre Night
Friday, September 15th, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m SHARP (Registration at 6:30 p.m)
Tickets: $15.00
Limited seating, for tickets call:
Gloria Moniz – (416) 286-4878
Maureen van Pinxteren – (416) 284-4213
Sponsored by the 50+ Club
(Portion of the proceeds donated to local charities)
Good Shepherd - Provide-A-Meal-Program
The casseroles you prepare will feed the needy that drop into the Good Shepherd Refuge on Queen Street East, downtown Toronto.
- We provide you the casserole container and recipe.
- You prepare the same meal once per month.
- Keep some for your family – it’s delicious!
- Drop off the casserole on the dates indicated between 9:30-10:00 AM after the Saturday morning Mass at the West parking lot.
- Pick up an empty container when you do the drop off – You’re done!
Pick up dates: (for 2023 & the first half of 2024).
- 2023 Sep9 Oct7 Nov4 Dec2
- 2024 Jan6 Feb3 Mar2 Apr6 May4 Jun1 Jul6
Sunday School Announcement
Sunday School will begin on Sept 24th.
This ministry provides Catechesis of the Catholic Faith for children 7 to 16 years old.
Who should register?
- Children in public schools, OR
- Children in Catholic schools who want to supplement what they are learning, OR
- Children who have missed a Holy Sacrament at the USUAL TIME and would now like to prepare for it.
For more information, and to register, go to
There will also be a teacher in the Narthex after Sunday Mass, to answer your questions.
Are you interested in learning from the life experiences of our senior community members?
Do you have a passion for storytelling and writing?
Come and connect with seniors in our community to write and share memoirs.
June 20 – Sept. 19, 2023 (every Tuesday) 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall
Note: Snack and refreshments included.
For more information, please contact Alicia Siervo, SIA President at
Edge Youth Ministry
Registration for youth in groups 6, 7, and 8 begins Sept 18th, 2023 for EDGE Youth Ministry 2023-2024.
EDGE will meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, starting Oct 13th, 2023.
Come discover how The Word Creates!
Holy Eucharist – Transportation

Those wishing to take the Holy Eucharist to their sick loved ones must do so with a pyx.
They must also have the pyx burse/ purse hanging down their necks for reverently placing and taking the Eucharist.
Without the pyx and the pyx burse/purse we will be unable to give the Eucharist for people in this circumstance.
Please visit FORMED at ( where you can gain access to thousands of the best Catholic movies, programs, audio and books instantly. This incredible resource is available to our parishioners for free! Please call the Parish Office for the Parish Access code and/or more information.