- Posted On 4th Apr 2024
Masses for the Week
Sat Apr 6 09:00 AM | † Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh |
Sat Apr 6 05:00 PM | † Feliciana Cruz Medina |
Sun Apr 7 09:00 AM | † Mark & Monica Rebello |
Sun Apr 7 11:00 AM | People of the Parish |
Sun Apr 7 07:00 PM | † Giuseppe Florio |
Mon Apr 8 09:00 AM | † Sr. Celine Cajanding |
Tue Apr 9 09:00 AM | Intention of Cornelia Chua |
Wed Apr 10 09:00 AM | † Virgilio B. Sanchez |
Thu Apr 11 09:00 AM | † Alex Salvatin |
Fri Apr 12 09:00 AM | † Doreen Morse † Cassandra Philips † Michael Dasilva Intention of Cherileen Q. Carido Intention of Ricardo & Cornelia Chua |
Sat Apr 13 09:00 AM | † Bridget Corera |
Sat Apr 13 05:00 PM | Intention of Glynis Remedios |
Saint Faustina writes in her Diary:
On one occasion, I heard these words: “My daughter, tell the whole world about My Inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened (Diary #699).
It was Jesus Himself, through the mediation of this humble and holy religious sister, Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament, who instituted the Feast of Mercy that we celebrate today. In addition to the above quote from her Diary of Divine Mercy, Jesus spoke on numerous other occasions about His desire that this feast be instituted as a universal Feast of Mercy to be celebrated throughout the world on the eighth day of Easter every year. From the time of her death in 1938, the private revelations from Jesus to Sister Faustina began to be read and shared.
At first, the Feast of Mercy was celebrated by only a few who knew of these messages. As these private revelations began to circulate further, there were some within the Church who questioned their authenticity. Thus, on March 6, 1959, the writings of Sister Faustina were put on the “forbidden” list by the Holy Office, Rome. However, in 1965, with the permission of the same Holy Office, the Archbishop of Kraków, Poland, Archbishop Karol Wojtyła, began an informative process in which new light was shed upon Sister Faustina and her writings. This process concluded on April 15, 1978, with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Rome, issuing a new decree permitting the spread of Sister Faustina’s writings and the new devotion to The Divine Mercy. Then, by the providence of God, just six months later, the Archbishop of Kraków, Karol Wojtyła, was elected pope, taking the name Pope John Paul II. A little over two decades later, on April 30, 2000, Sister Faustina was canonized a saint in a ceremony presided over by Pope John Paul II. During her canonization, the Holy Father also instituted the Feast of Mercy for the universal Church to be celebrated on the eighth day of the Octave of Easter every year.
The providence of God is truly amazing. God started with this humble cloistered nun. He allowed His private revelations to be scrutinized by the Church and ultimately hand picked one of the greatest popes our Church has ever known to introduce these private revelations to the world. It’s amazing to ponder the process by which these revelations went from the silent cloister of Sister Faustina to the universal Church. One thing this process truly tells us is that God must deeply desire that we immerse ourselves in the messages of Divine Mercy given through Saint Faustina.
It was by God’s providence that these messages slowly moved from the silence of the cloister in Kraków, Poland, to the universal Church beginning in the year 2000. Though it may be tempting to think that these messages are old and outdated, we should realize that God knew how long it would take for them to become instituted as a universal feast for all. Therefore, though these messages were first revealed before 1938, it was God’s plan that they would especially be needed and read starting in the year 2000 and beyond. The message of Divine Mercy is especially for us today.
Reflect, today, upon this beautiful providence of God in bringing forth His message of mercy. Allow His providential methodology to not only inspire you but also to greatly encourage you to immerse yourself in the messages given to us from Jesus through Saint Faustina. Try to commit yourself to reading these messages so that, through them, God’s providence will be able to come to fruition.
Sacremental Preparation
Information & Novena Pamphlets are available at the church exits.
Preparation—1) Novena begins on Good Friday. If you wish to pray it with others, meet at the Divine Mercy image after any service on that day and after any 9:00 AM Mass during Easter week. 2) Acts of mercy—word, deed and prayer. 3) Make a good confession.
For more info, please call Bonnie Washer at (416) 284-5772.

Celebrate 170: St Joseph’s Church 170th Anniversary – Calendar of Events – 2024
Celebrate! 2024 marks 170 years of St Joseph’s Church serving the communities of West Hill and surrounding areas. history One of the oldest churches in the area, St Joseph’s was established in 1854. For a walk down memory lane, see the The history of St Joseph’s at Highland Creek. They

Vincent de Paul Bundle Up Weekend April 2024
Are collecting your donations of clothes, shoes and linen at st. Joseph Parish, Highland Creek, 200 Morrish Road Saturday April 20th to Sunday April 21st 2024 From 8:30 am to 6:30 pm No Appliances, Books, Video Tapes, Dishes, Furniture (except small dresser) More information at www.svdptoronto.org The container will be
Silent Retreat for Men and Women
April 12 @ 6:30 PM—April 14 @ 1:00 PM
Manresa Jesuit Renewal Centre (2325 Liverpool Rd)
“Failure is not an option!” was the supposed mantra of the engineers who built the Apollo Moon rockets. But in fact, science progresses precisely by failing. What insights to ourselves and our faith can we derive from how science learns from its mistakes?
Suggested offering: $270 pp.
For more information: 905-839-2864. To register: https://manresa-canada.ca/events/
Youth Ministry Fundraiser
Consider supporting the Youth Ministry Fundraiser BLITZ. Your donations will help more youth participate in EDGE Camp and Leadership Camp.
The youth will also accept prayer requests. Thank you in advance for your kind support.
Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: JTanuan@archtoronto.org or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.