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Masses for the Week

Sat Oct 5 09:00 AM† Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh
Sat Oct 5 05:00 PMIntention of members of the Ryan family
Sun Oct 6 09:00 AM† Deceased members of the Rebello & Andrade families
Sun Oct 6 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Oct 6 07:00 PM† Marcia Barbosa
Mon Oct 7 09:00 AM† Raymundo C. Isla
Tue Oct 8 09:00 AM† Bridget Ida De Souza
Wed Oct 9 09:00 AM† Deceased members of Riggi Family
Thu Oct 10 09:00 AM† Fillipina D'Souza
Fri Oct 11 09:00 AM† Tewa Folleh
† Victor Cajetan Martins
† Mary Hughes
Intention of Alicia Santos
Sat Oct 12 09:00 AM† Deceased Legionaries
Sat Oct 12 05:00 PM† Mathilda Gracias

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Catholic movies, shows, audio & books


Transportation etiquette & reverence


For a patriarchal era, the famous story of Genesis is an unexpected statement of the equality of the sexes and their mutual development through marriage. The story does not describe the creation of woman but explains why women are so important to men. In God’s plan, women are not subordinate but fully human. Today’s gospel shows Jesus rejecting the Jewish custom of divorce—which could be initiated only by the husband—and establishing equal responsibilities in marriage for both partners (the Jewish husband was not considered guilty of adultery against his wife). Jesus forbids divorce by either partner in the interpersonal relationship of marriage. Then the gospel turns to Jesus’ love for children; they are not self-sufficient but are open to others. We should welcome God’s rule like children, who cannot claim anything on their own merits. The letter to the Hebrews holds up Jesus as the one who leads us into God’s glory. In Jesus, God entered into partnership with the human race. In Jesus’ spirit of self-giving, women and men can enter into and sustain the most demanding of partnerships, marriage.

Dr Josephine Lombardi

Thanksgiving Retreat with Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Thanksgiving Retreat Living with the Lord’s prayer in preparation for the Jubilee year of hope with Dr. Josephine Lombardi author | educator | documentary film maker Join us Saturday october 19, 2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm st josephs church 200 morrish road 9:00 am holy mass 9:30 am break

banner quiz 2024

Bible Quiz 2024 – Registration

Parishioners, we invite you to a Family and Friends Game Night, an evening full of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition at our
Parish Bible Quiz Evening! on October 26 after the 5 pm mass in the Parish Hall.
This event is designed to bring our church community together, deepen our understanding of the Scriptures, and enjoy a lively and engaging experience. Whether you are a seasoned Bible scholar, or someone just eager to learn, or a quiz-pro eager to show your skills, this quiz evening promises to be both enlightening and enjoyable for everyone.


Begins on Oct. 7, 2024 at 7 PM

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Catholic Church or completing the Sacraments of Initiation please visit our website and complete the application using the URL https://www.stjosephstoronto.org/ministries/rcia/

Our program runs from October to May every Monday. We look forward to welcoming you to the program and into the Catholic Faith.


and those who missed receiving their sacraments at the usual time! 


Register for CONFIRMATION  

ANGEL Foundation learning

Join us for AFL’s Family Bowling Event

October 19 2024 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Markham Bowl

5762 Highway 7, Unit 118, Markham Ontario

Campaign Life Coalition Presents - LIFE CHAIN

Life Chain is a prayerful and peaceful witness to the sanctity of human life and the evil of abortion. Partici-pants pray and hold signs with messages such as “ Abortion kills children” & “ Abortions hurts women” at hundreds of lo-cations across North America for one hour. Please join us at 

Lawrence / Kingston road on October 6, 2024 at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. This is a family-friendly event appropriate for peo-ple of all ages. It’s a unique opportunity to provide our neigh-bors with a much-needed message of love, hope, and truth. Remember how our Lord asked His apostles: 

Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mk 14:37) 

Kindly reach out to St. Joseph’s Parish  contact person Carlo Vacca at 416-283-3536 

Rosary Rally prayer

Canada Needs Our Lady is a yearly Rosary Rally Prayer in honour of our Lady of Fatima. This year will witness as in the past years 1,200 rosary rallies across Canada on Saturday, October 12,2024, at 12:00 noon local time. Please join us for our local Rosary Rally the same day at St. Martin de Porres Parish parking lot, located at 4179 Lawrence Ave. E, Scarborough, ON M1E 2S3. 

Be sure to gather with us at 11:00 am the same day at St. Joseph’s Parish, 200 Morrish Rd, for a group Rosary walk to St. Martin de Porres Parish. 

For more information, please contact: 


Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.


• How to avoid problems: in your Will, in the Powers of Attorney, and through proper Estate Trustee selection

• How to create your own legacy

• About our Catholic traditions around cremation, burials, and funerals


  1. Follow this QR link: qrco.de/WebOct19
  2. Send an email to: Development@ArchToronto.org and write “webinar October 19” in the title line + your name(s) in the body of the message.

Youth Ministry Fundraiser 

Registration for youth in grade 6, 7, and 8 begins on  September 16th. EDGE will meet on the 2nd and 4th  Fridays of the month, starting October 11th. 

Come discover Ethereal Realm Heroes! 

Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: JTanuan@archtoronto.org or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.