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Masses for the Week

Sat Nov 2 09:00 AM† Zonar Fan
Sat Nov 2 05:00 PM† Naseem (Jimmy) Shiekh
Sun Nov 3 09:00 AM† Maria Ching Chee & Chao Wen Liu
Sun Nov 3 11:00 AMPeople of the Parish
Sun Nov 3 07:00 PM† All souls in Purgatory
Mon Nov 4 09:00 AM† Deceased members of Fan & Liu Family
Tue Nov 5 09:00 AM† Deceased members of Maione Family
Wed Nov 6 09:00 AM† Joan Williams
Thu Nov 7 09:00 AM† Deceased family members of Nestor & Debra
Fri Nov 8 09:00 AM† Betty Ponnan
† Elsa Wagner
† Gloria Anok
† Maureen Noble
† Severina Lamsen Tuason
† Departed Souls of Martinez-Lieuw Family
† John Douglas Shipton
Intention of Glen Newton
Intention of Christopher & Ligaya Perez
Intention of Ricardo & Cornelia Chua & Family
Sat Nov 9 09:00 AM† Mariamma Type & Mary Raphael
Sat Nov 9 05:00 PM† Barry Davidson

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What does God want most? Jesus’ statement of the twin commandment to love God and neighbor seems so commonplace. Yet the linking of these two commands of the Old Testament, to love God wholeheartedly and our neighbor as ourselves, was new. They still demand so much that we will never fulfill them perfectly. This teaching is placed near the end of Jesus’ ministry; soon he will live out his wholehearted love on the cross. The scribe who questioned Jesus had recognized someone close to God, and he repeats Jesus’ answer to meditate on it. Jesus invites him to accept God’s rule over his life. The scribe realizes that ritual worship, essential as it is, is worthless without love. The letter to the Hebrews explains that Christ has been consecrated our perfect high priest and savior eternally because of his loving offering of himself made once and for all. Every Mass makes us present to Jesus’ unique sacrifice and draws us into his perfect priestly offering of praise and love to God.


to our four Altar Servers who received the Bishop’s Altar Server Award for their dedicated service throughout the year 

The altar servers are: 

  1. Ava & Braden Nathan
  2. Kaitlin Soares
  3. Kyron Soares 


and those who missed receiving their sacraments at the usual time!

Registration is now open for…

St. Joseph's 170th Anniversary Gala Dance

Whether you like to dance or not, here are some compelling reasons to attend our St. Joseph’s 170th Anniversary Gala Dance: 

  1. Celebrate Together: Enjoy being part of a significant milestone for our church community. Connect with old friends  and make new ones in a joyful and festive atmosphere. 
  2. Dance with Our Priests Fr. Francis and Fr. Arinze: Enjoy a special moment on the dance floor with our priests, who will join in the fun and also lead everyone in new dances. 
  3. Delicious Food 
  4. Live Entertainment: with one of the top bands in Scarborough – Port United 
  5. Fun Activities: Participate in raffles, Photo booth and other activities that don’t require dancing. 
  6. Support Our Church: Your presence contributes to the success of the event and future church initiatives. 

For tickets, please contact Monica Marchant after every mass or call the parish office. Tickets cost $90/per person. 

CWL – Christmas Bazaar 2024

CWL Logo

Catholic Women's League

Chartered November 5th, 1953

cwl Christmas bazaar

THE LEGION OF MARY, 'Patrician' meeting

A warm invitation to all parishioners, especially teachers, principals, trustees, education administrators, parents, and those involved in the Catholic and public school systems. 

Join us for our first Patrician meeting on November 9th, from 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM in the church basement. 


The Role of Parents in Education:  Is Catholic School Worth the Cost? 

Speaker: Deacon Robert Selvadurai 

Please spread the word and invite family and friends to share their thoughts on this current burning issue facing Canadians. 


(Sunday School)

Religious Ed begins on Nov. 3rd at 10:00 am! 

This ministry provides Catechesis of the Catholic Faith for Grade 2 to Grade 8. 

Who should register? 

Children in non-Catholic schools, OR 

Children in Catholic schools who want to supplement their religious instructions, OR 

Children who have missed a Holy Sacrament at the USUAL TIME and would now like to prepare for it. 

Parents are to accompany their children on this day. 

For more information, and to register, go to 

Journey of Hope

A Day of Reflection and Prayer for Parents of Young Adults with Mental Health Issues 

Manresa Jesuit Renewal Centre 

2325 Liverpool Rd., Pickering, ON L1X 1V4 

Saturday, Nov 16, 2024 | 9:30am – 5:00pm 

Where is God in the struggles and joys in the lives of our children and in our own lives? How can we encounter God’s love, find support and give love and care in return? 

The day includes prayer, presentations, sharing, group discussion, and time for personal reflection. 

Facilitated by: Sr. Mary Rowell, csj. 

Suggested Offering: $65 per person (includes lunch) 

To Register contact: Mary Hyland (905)441-0957 

Youth Ministry Fundraiser 

Registration for youth in grade 6, 7, and 8 begins on  September 16th. EDGE will meet on the 2nd and 4th  Fridays of the month, starting October 11th. 

Come discover Ethereal Realm Heroes! 

Please contact Jeremy Tanuan for more information: or 416-282-0370 ex. 213.