September 3rd 2017: 22th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Posted On 1st Sep 2017

New to the Parish? Welcome!
You can register only by filling in this online Registration Form.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper Registration Form, these can be found at the Church’s entrances. You can drop off your completed form in an offertory basket.
Don’t forget we have a website that provides information about our parish.
Masses for the Week
Sat. Sept. 2
- 9:00 am † Gilbert Quenneville
- 5:00 pm † CWL members living & deceased
Sun. Sept. 3
- 9:00 am † Ercole Raponi
- 11:00 am For the People of our Parish
- 7:00 pm † Ruperto Roque Jr.
Mon. Sept. 4
- 9:00 am † Margaret Mattachini
Tues. Sept. 5
- 9:00 am † Souls in Purgatory
Wed. Sept 6
- 9:00 am † Christos Tzemis
Thurs. Sept 7
- 9:00 am † Silvestra Canlas
Fri. Sept. 8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 9:00 am
- † John Asensault
- † Rocco Doti
- † Naushad Ali
- † Andy Schmidt
- † Rosario & Marcelino Gatchalian
Sat. Sept. 9
- 9:00 am † Bina Lobo
- 5:00 pm † Joaquim & Mary Sequeira
Today’s gospel follows immediately upon last week’s, when Peter was constituted foundation stone of the Church. But now Jesus begins to speak of his freely accepted destiny to suffer and die. Peter is scandalized, and tries to dissuade his master. He would have Jesus be a glorious messiah, not a suffering servant. Before, Jesus had called Peter his rock; now he severely terms him Satan. Not only must Jesus suffer; his disciple must do likewise, sharing the Lord’s destiny. This is a hard saying; when Jesus finally reaches Jerusalem, he will walk alone to the cross. The loneliness of the person called by God is demonstrated by the vehemence with which Jeremiah struggles against his prophetic calling. But the fire of the Spirit is irresistible; the prophet cannot keep silence. He must do God’s work and speak God’s word. In our day we can offer our lives freely to God, not counting the cost. Then the Spirit will fashion us according to God’s will, making us perfect disciples of the Lord Jesus.
(Sunday Mass Book For Canada)
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Martyrs’ Shrine Saturday, September 9
All are welcome to join Cardinal Thomas Collins for an Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Martyrs’ Shrine in celebration of the 175th anniversary of our archdiocese. The gathering will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will include the Rosary, Mass with Cardinal Collins and personal time to visit the shrine grounds in Midland, Ontario
Visit for more information
(See here Information on buses that are being organized by other Parishes)
Good Shepherd Provide-A-Meal Program
Legion of Mary
We will be celebrating the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, September 9th after the 9:00 a.m. mass to 3:00 p.m.
We will be reciting the Hail Mary continuously with our goal set to have said at least 1000 Hail Marys.
You are invited to join us as we pray for peace, strong vocations, our Pope, other church leaders, our families and any other intentions you may have.
We hope to be 100 voices strong. Refreshments will be served all day.
Please feel free to contact us is you have any questions.
- Dawne @ 416-284-8699
Speak Up! Calling all Young People (ages 16-29)
September 19 @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Isaac Jogues Parish 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering
As the Synod on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment approaches, we want to hear from you! Faith Connections and the Office of Catholic Youth will be hosting Live Listening Session with the Toronto Bishops. You will have the opportunity to respond to Pope Francis’ questions in preparation for the Synod! Your voice is important!
Visit for more information.
Looking for Leaders!
Do you want to make a difference at St. Joseph’s Parish? Have you considered becoming a Mother’s Group Leader? We have exciting volunteer opportunities for moms with big hearts who will host a monthly meeting for moms here at the parish.
At we provide the training, resources and support you’ll need.
EDGE – Youth
If you will be in Grade 6, 7, or 8 in September 2017 St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry is accepting registrations.
So far what’s scheduled……
- Oct. 13 Kick-off
- Oct. 27 Holy-Ween
- Oct. 29* Greet a Saint
- Nov. 10 Calling all Superheros
- Nov. 24 SuperGirl
- Dec. 8 A Star is Born
*Sunday Dates for 2018 still to come
Application forms are in the Narthex and on line at Youth EDGE

Old Tyme Square Dancing Night
The Catholic Women’s League of St. Joesph’s Parish…
invite the ladies and members to their General Meeting on Monday September 11th at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2
Our prayer group will resume on Thursday, September 14th with Holy Mass beginning at 7:30 p.m. Our celebrant will be Father Oliver.
50 + Club Sponsoring a Games Night
On Friday September 15th at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10.00
Along with the games there will be refreshments, cash prizes and a 50/50 draw!
For tickets please call Gloria Moniz, 416-286-4878 or Maureen van Pinxteren, 416-284-4213
Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. night of the event
Prayers for Peace—Ecumenical Prayer Service
St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
65 Bond Street, Toronto on September 10th @ 3:00 p.m.
All are welcome to join us for an ecumenical prayer service hosted by Cardinal Thomas Collins
We remember victims of violence, terror and persecution around the world, especially our Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt and throughout the Middle East.
In the words of Pope Francis…
“Violence will not win over violence. Violence is won over by peace!”